O ' i r s i G / u m m e r . . . Bible Conference Held under the Auspices of the B I B L E I N S T I T U T E O F L O S A N G E L E S Pacific Palisades Assembly Grounds (near Santa Monica, California) August IO to September 2, 1 935 hike o f a mile and a half down the canyon brings one to the ocean beach, where sea bathing may be en joyed un der the watchful supervision o f Los Angeles City life guards. Yet all this isolation is located within twenty- one miles o f busy Los Angeles, within easy reach o f the half-hundred cities and c om m u n it ie s o f Southern California. REASONABLE HOUSING ACCOMMODATIONS For a family o f two, a ten-day vacation in one of the floored tents, including light, water, gas, blankets, linen, and housekeeping equipment, means an outlay o f only $ 11.50. For twenty-one days, the rate would be $20.50. If three persons b e included for the ten-day period, the cost is only $ 14 .50 ; and for the twenty-one day period, $26.00. The only additional expenses would be the purchas ing o f the provisions, for the tents are fully equipped for housekeeping. If preferred, reasonable meals may be obtained at the. near-by assembly cafe or local restaurant. There are, o f course, more elaborate accomm oda tions, including rustic casitas, artistically furnished cabins, at slightly higher prices. If you desire that full information regarding reserva tions, program, and other features of the conference shall be sent to you, mail the accompanying coupon.
A p p roa ch to A u ditorium B uilding, P a cific P alisades A ssem bly G rounds.
W H Y not spend your v a c a t i o n this year in the healthful environment o f an o u t d o o r Bible conference ? Why not en joy the intimate contacts, the hearty singing, and the soul-stirring messages that only such a gathering can provide ? Will you not plan NOW to put worldly cares aside and devote your summer rest days to worship and the study o f the W ord— in one o f the most beautiful, rest ful, and fascinating spots on the Pacific Coast? Believing that Bible conferences present one o f the best possible means for the renewing o f both physical and spiritual strength, the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles has made arrangements to hold its first Summer Pro phetic Bible Conference at Pacific Palisades, near Santa Monica, California, August 10 to September 2 (Labor D a y ), 1935. A ll the members o f the great Bible Institute “ family” and their friends are invited to be present at this initial gathering— the first o f its kind in the Los Angeles area. THE SPEAKERS A n attractive list o f speakers may be expected. Watch for announcement to be made later. LOCATION OF THE CONFERENCE GROUNDS No more beautiful or convenient spot could have been selected than the parked and shaded grounds o f the Pacific Palisades Assembly. O ld oaks and syca mores spread lofty leafy arms over a tumbling moun tain stream that winds from the mountains to the sea, crossed and recrossed by numerous rustic bridges. On the left bank o f the stream, a great auditorium, half hidden by foliage, is located on a convenient hillside; while casitas, tent houses, cabins, rustic classrooms, a large restaurant building, and a gymnasium are spaced at intervals along the winding canyon floor. A brisk
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BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. D ear Friends :
P lease send fullin form ation a bou t the F irst 1 Sum m er B ible C on feren ce h eld u nder the au spices o f the B ible Institute o f L os A n geles. 1 Name__
One o f m any p ictu r esque trails that lead t o t h e m o u n t a i n s an d to the sea, near P a c i f i c P alisades.
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