T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
March, 1935
loved them, too; and from that very day she became a little missionary among her own people. Sometimes when she played with Navajo children who did not love Jesus, they would laugh at her for be lieving in Him. But she kept on telling them why she was a Christian. When Mary was old enough, she came to the Mission school. There she con tinued to learn about her Saviour, the Lord Jesus. As she grew older, her desire to serve Him deepened. She became a teacher in the primary department of the Sunday-school, and she led the singing. She loved to teach the little children songs and choruses about Jesus. She could teach in both English and Navajo. One day a very great sorrow came to Mary. Her mother, whom she loved as you love your mother, became ill and died. This was a real test for Navajo Mary. Would she continue to be a little mission ary? Yes, she went right on speaking of the Lord Jesus and living for Him, but this time she must serve alone, away from the happy Mission school. She was the eldest of a large family o f brothers and sisters, and her task was to become a little mother to her family. There, in the Navajo hogan, she continued to let her light “shine” for Jesus. She gathered her brothers and sisters about her and told them the story she had heard the first time from the missionary lady—the story o f Jesus. How she loved to tell the sweet message again and again 1 She taught Bible verses and choruses to her little group, and at night she taught the children to pray before they went to bed. Wasn’t she a good “mother” to these little ones? The brothers and sisters all thought she was. After a while, another sorrow came to this Navajo home. Mary became very ill and had to go to the hospital. How her family missed her ! At first they thought she would be coming back home soon, and I wish I could tell you that she did, but it was soon found that it would take a long, long rest at the hospital before Mary would be well again. For nearly two years she has had to lie in bed, and she is still there in the missionary hospital, bravely hoping for a time when she can be well again. She always wears such a cheery smile on her face that she brings joy to all who visit her. The secret o f all Mary’s hap piness—as a little missionary, as a little “mother,” and as a little sufferer—is : Jesus. She knows the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, and she has come to realize His presence with her. He has promised: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Do you know the Lord Jesus and do you trust in Him as Navajo Mary does? News from K, Y. B. Clubs Many boys and girls are becoming mem bers of the K. Y. B. Club in San Antonio, Tex., where Miss Clevie Bryan and her sister have been seeking to organize K. Y. B. Clubs throughout the city. These workers have given out many Gospels o f John, and they expect to distribute many more. To Help You Any o f the following helps will be sent upon request, when a stamped, self-ad dressed envelope is enclosed: 1. Suggestions for Bible reading and Bible study for Juniors. 2. Suggestions for studying the Gospel according to John. 3. The K. Y. B. C. song. 4. How to organize a K. Y. B. Club.
Our March Letter
Peggie K rieder; M arian Johnson; Phyliss M cF all; Thelma Nielson; Cleone R ushford; Carl Valine; and Elgerene Yeager (M rs. D ixie D , Tompkins, teacher). Mount Pleasant, la .: D a Loris Nihart. Placentia, Calif.: Emma O tereo; Barbara June Solesbee; and M ary L. Thurston (M rs. S. L. M arshbum , teacher). Roanoke, Va.: Louise Coffey and Eva M urray (M rs. F . L . Brumbaugh, teacher). How to Join tbe 1C. Y. B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel according to John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read, and a state ment to this effect, signed by parent or Sun day-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior King's Business, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directs: Gospels, postpaid, five cents each; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Search-the-Bible C ontest (C o n tin u e d ) In the February number o f the J unior K ing ’ s B usiness , there appeared the first section of a contest for Junior readers. You are to write out in full the Bible verses o f which portions are listed. Give the book, chapter, and verse. At the close of the contest, those sending in a correct list will receive a reward. Here is the next part o f the contest: 21. “ I am the light o f the world.” 22. “I am the good shepherd.” . 23. “The Master is come, and calleth for thee.” 24. “It is expedient for you that I go away.’*^* 25. “I am the true vine.” 26. “ This is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.” 27. “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile I” 28. “And he must needs go through Samaria.” 29. “Abide in me, and I in you.” 30. “ Behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.” 31. “ I am the resurrection, and the life.” 32. “Feed my lambs.” 33. “For with God nothing shall be im possible.” 34. “What manner o f man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him ?” 35. “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” 36. “And, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them.” 37. “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” 38. “ For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” 39. “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” For Your Notebooks The following questions are taken from the Bloomfield Sunday-school lessons, Book One, The Gospels and Acts. This lit tle book, which contains both questions and answers, will prove helpful to our Junior readers in their study o f the Gospels. Cop ies may be ordered from Arthur E. Bloom field, West Webster, N. Y. 1. What is the first book in the New Testament? 2. How many chapters has it? 3. What is the first verse? 4. What are the last two verses ? 5. Who wrote Matthew ? 6. What is the abbreviation ,for Mat thew? 7. Find, mark, and learn the memory verse, Matthew 18:20.
Dear Boys and Girls, This is the month o f March. The very name suggests movement and motion, doesn’t it? It seems to say, “March right on in the Christian life.” Yes, I’m sure this is what all o f our junior readers want to do each day o f every month. The first step must be taken toward the cross o f Calvary. God loved you so much that He gave His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus, to die in your place. Receive Him as your Saviour; then you will be ready to “march on” and grow in the Christian life. Food is very necessary to enable you to grow strong in your body, isn’t it? So, in the Christian life, prayer and the study of God’s wonderful Book, the Bible, will cause you to grow strong spiritually. How many o f you take time each day to talk to the Heavenly Father in prayer and to hear Him talk to you through His Word? As a little girl, I found a lovely place where I could meet the Lord alone. It was down in an old olive orchard, under an espe cially shady tree. Even now there’s a trail leading to this quiet spot, and I call it the “prayer trail.” Do you have a “prayer trail” which leads to some quiet place where you can get acquainted with your Saviour, the Lord Jesus? It is so won derful, boys and girls—this privilege that is ours of talking to God 1 Perhaps your mother and father would like to join you in this quiet time with the Lord. In the morning after breakfast, be fore you go to school, is a splendid time. “My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee” (Psa. 5 :3). It is a splen did thing, boys and girls, to form the prayer and Bible-reading habit in your youth. Then you will grow in grace and the knowledge o f Him and “march right on” in your Christian life. Lovingly, Y our J unior E ditor . Answers to Guessing Game 1. Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:21). 2. David (1 Sam. 17:40, 49, SO). 3. Samson (Judg. 15:15-17). 4. Joseph (Gen. 37:3). 5. “A lad”—the feeding o f the five thousand (John 6 :9 ). 6. Lot’s wife (Gen. 19:26). 7. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Dan. 3:6, 17, 18). 8. Moses (Ex. 2:3). 9. Jonah (Jonah 1 :17). 10. Daniel (Dan. 6:7, 16). New K. Y. B. C. Members The following have read through the Gospel according to John and are now members of the K now Y our Bible Club: Burley, Ida.: Bob Brandt and Evelyn Shockey (M rs. C. G. Arras, teacher). Como, M iss.: Georgia Kate Bailey. Crawfordsville, Ind.: M arilyn Andrews: Annie Lee and M ary Jane Chesterson; Peggy Durham; Evelyn H ughes; James H ybarger; Donald and Margaret K itts; M arjorie Pogue; Alberta Rhoads; Yvonne Shields; Robert Utterback; and Hobart W ilhelm (H elen M ay Coons and M ary V id a K itts, teachers). Fresno, Calif.: M ary Frances Foree; W ilda P log; and Cora W olf (M rs. A lfred Jeffery, leader). Holyoke, Colo.: Elaine Bjorklun. Kansas City, Kans.: V irginia Johnson. La Verne, Calif. : Janet Wheeler. . Los Angeles, Calif.: Hazel Collins; M ary Jane Gross; Lois and Sarah M arie M oore; and Jean W alker. Madras, O re.: M ary A nn and O live Crews; Dale and Erwin Grant; Robert and W illiam N ellor; yirgin ia Paxton; Joe and Patricia Tooth- man; M irton Topping; and Jackie and Lynden W atts (M iss Erma Sumner, teacher). Memphis, Tenn.: Gloria Mayer. Modesto, Calif.: Evelyn D ick; Anna Gardner;
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