King's Business - 1935-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1935

We may ask our heavenly Father for things, too. He has promised to give us all the things that we need. More then this, He has promised to take us to be with Him forever when we die. Jesus told His disciples this. When He was about to leave them, He said: “ In my Father’s house are many mansions . . . I go to pre­ pare a place for you.” One of the disciples said to Jesus: “Lord, show us the Father.” Jesus said: “ He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” Jesus said this because He was God’s Son, and only through see­ ing Him could His disciples see the Father. Today, we can’t see Jesus, because He has gone back to heaven to prepare a place for us, but we can believe in Him. And if we believe in Him, then we, too, may have God as our Father. Objects: An old bird’s nest, or one made from dry grass, and six candy eggs. Lesson: This bird’s nest is a real one, but the mother bird has raised her babies and left it. I would not want to take a bird’s nest before the mother had finished using it. These eggs are not real ones, because I do not believe in stealing a bird’s eggs. Object Lesson A B ird ’ s N est If you have ever examined a bird’s nest, you will notice that the mother bird has taken a great deal o f care in making it. First o f all, it must be strong enough to hold the eggs and the young birds when they are hatched. The mother bird goes to a great deal o f work to make the nest strong. Then, the nest must be warm enough to keep the eggs from chilliijg. See how this nest is lined with warm feathers. The mother bird pulls soft feathers^ from her own breast, near her heart, with which to line the nest. Not only is the nest made strong and warm, but is is also put in a place where snakes, cats, and thoughtless boys will not be likely to find it. This one was near the top o f a tall tree. Some birds in South America put a certain leaf in their nest to keep the snakes o f that country, which do not like this particular kind o f a leaf, from robbing the nest. As I have been looking at this nest, and have seen how carefully the mother bird has prepared it for her young, I have been reminded of the heavenly Father’s care for His children. Did you ever wonder why it is that the mother bird cares for her babies? It is because God has given her something called instinct, which makes her want to care for them. God who gives the mother bird a love for her little ones, must have a greater love for His own children. The mother bird keeps her little ones warm and well fed. God does this and more for His children. He supplies every need which they may have, includ­ ing the needs o f their souls. He has given us Christ to save us, the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and Christian friends to help us.

ther o f all men." But then Dr. Stevens goes on to argue, from other considera­ tions, that, in spite o f our Lord’s silence, we can believe that God is the Father of all. Such argument is perilous, and will have no weight with those who accept the authority of Jesus Christ as absolute and final. 3. There are two texts which are leaned upon heavily by those who are anxious to find some Biblical support for the error of “ universal Fatherhood.” One is Hebrews 12:9, where God is called "the Father o f spirits.” But the marginal rendering in the American Revision makes it “the Fa­ ther o f our spirits,” thus limiting the Fa­ therhood to those o f Christian faith. This translation is supported by both the Greek and the context. The other text is Acts 17: 28: "For we are also his offspring.” The Greek word means “race” or “kind.” And the context shows very clearly that Paul is speaking o f man’s relation to God by creation. Men are made in the “image of God.” In that sense, they are of God’s “kind,” but in no other, except through re­ generation. Golden Text Illustration A blind girl, whose eyes had been opened by a surgical;operation, delighted in her sight o f her father, who had a noble appearance and presence. His every look and motion was watched by his daughter with the keenest delight. For the first time, his constant tenderness and care seemed real to her. If he caressed, or even looked upon her kindly, it brought tears o f gladness to her eyes. “To think,” she said, holding his hand closely in her own, “that I have had this father for these many, many years, and never knew him I” When we awake in the next life to the glories of the divine Presence, we may in a similar way voice our wonder that we had for many years o f earth-life a heaven­ ly Father, yet never quite knew how great, how loving, and how ready to bless He actually is !— The Christian Herald.


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The Heavenly Father J ohn 14; P salm 103 :1-5

Memory Verse: “Jesus saith . . . he that hath seen me hath seen the Father” (John 14:9). Approach: Let us think together of some o f the things that your father does for you. He takes care of you. Yes, he

gives you a house to live in and food to eat and clothes to wear. He helps you w h e n y o u h a v e s o m e t h i n g hard to do. He is glad when you are brave and thoughtful and helpful to others. H e punishes y ou when you do wrong. We need a wise and

Y ou r V a ca tion B ible S chool de­ serves the best lessons. Investi­ gate S t a n d a r d Courses — learn w hy hundreds of new schools are each year adopting Standard. Send for F R E E P R O S P E C T U S , telling us departm ent in w hich you are interested. OF JESUSIFE A n elective supplem ental course in B ible Study for younger ch il­ dren. Can be adapted fo r Inter­ m ediate and Senior age groups. For regular Sunday School or D V B S use. Illustrated folder w ill be included w ith D V B S pros­ pectus. A ddress D ept. K B -30


loving father to help us, don’t we? Lesson Story; W e have a heavenly Father who loves and takes care of us even more than our earthly father does. Who made the trees grow that; were sawed into wood to make our houses? Who made the plants grow that we use for food? Who made the cotton and the wool and the silk that we use for clothes? They all came to us from God, our heavenly Father. Our heavenly Father is caring for us, too. The Bible tells us that not even a little sparrow falls to the ground but the Father knows it, and that the number of the hairs of our head is known to Him.


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