King's Business - 1935-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1935

JearnJHusiCifme r w - ¿ A R P A Complete ConservatoryCoarse L a S J aS on yoar favorite instrument, un­ der MasterTeachers. Ton will be amazed anddelighted that music can be made so easy and interesting. Over 800.000enthusiasticstudents. Low cost, easy terms. Coursesin Piano»Violin,Mandolin,Cornet,Organ, Trumpet,SpanishGuitar, HawaiianGuitar, Banjo, Tenor Banjo, Accordion, Saxophone, Clarinet. Personal instruction underartists. Satisfaction guar­ anteed. Send for Free Catalog; gives full details. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC Dent. 031 1525 East 53rd Street, Chicago

that time, every one who has been born has had sin in his heart. Now God had said that he who sins shall die. God is a perfect God, and only those who are perfect can be near Him. God wished to help His people who had so fool­ ishly chosen to sin, so He said something like this: “I will send My Son, My own perfect Son, into the world. He shall die for the people. He will take their place. ’ It was to be just as if you had a piece of paper on the table, all covered with dirty marks, and some one should hand you a. fresh, clean piece and say, “ Take this in place o f the soiled one.” Jesus’ life has been taken instead of our sin-stained ones, and this perfect One is handed back to the Father in place of us. Through Jesus, we may enter into heaven and be forever with our Father.

7 means a true servanthood, then the “form o f God” in verse 6 refers to a true Godhood. 2. The “mind” o f this great preexistent Person is revealed in two sublime self- renunciatory acts. In the first, He "emp­ tied himself,” stooping from God to hu­ manity. In the second, He “ humbled him­ self” stooping from humanity to death. 3. The act o f self-emptying is further qualified by two explanatory phrases. The first exhibits the great ethical purpose of the act —"taking the form o f a servant.” But there are various servant-forms; an­ gels are servants of God. So the second phrase specifies the nature of His servant- form : He took not on Him the nature of angels, but was made lower than the an­ gels, “ becoming in the likeness o f men.” 4. An impressive thought in both acts is the perfect freedom and voluntariness o f the Son o f God. When He stooped to servanthood and death, He was no victim of an irresistible destiny. He “emptied himself” He “ humbled himself.” Golden Text Illustration At the close o f a preaching service, a stranger came to the late Dr. Stearns and said: “ I don’t like your preaching; I do not care for the cross. I think that instead o f preaching the death o f Christ on the cross, it would be far better to preach Jesus, the Teacher and Example.” Dr. Stearns said, “Would you then be willing, if I preach Christ, the Example, to follow Him?” “ I would,” said the stranger. “I will fol­ low in His steps.” “ Then let us take the first step,” said the preacher. “All right,” was the reply. “ This is the first step,” said Dr. Stearns. ‘“Who did no sin.’ Can you take this step ?” The stranger was somewhat confused. “No,” he replied. “I do sin; I acknowledge it.” “ Then,” said Dr. Steams, “you do not need Christ for an Example; you need Christ for a Saviour.’’ , —The Toronto Globe. Why Jesus Came Luke 2:11; John 3:14-17 Memory Verse: “Thou Shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1 :21). Approach: Last week we talked about how God is our heavenly Father and Jesus

Object Lesson A W o n d e r fu l W a l n u t

P O W E R f i l l . . . . . . C O N V I N C I N G

Objects: An English walnut,_a hammer, and three pieces o f Japanese silk. (Separ­ ate the two halves of the walnut with a knife, and remove the kernel. Dye the silk pieces blue, purple, and scarlet. Rit can be used for this. Stuff the shell with as large a quantity o f silk as possible, and glue the shell back together.) Lesson: As you look-at this nut, you do not think o f it as being unusual, but it is different from any you have ever seen. It tells the most wonderful story in all the world. It reminds me of what the Bible says about Christ: “He hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him” (Isa. 53:2). This sentence refers only to the outward appearance of Christ. I f Christ bad never died, we would not have been able to see His inward beauty as we now do. Not only was He crucified by men, but He was smitten also of God, even though God greatly loved His only Son. I will take this hammer and break the shell of this walnut, reminding us of how Christ was smitten o f God for our sins. Look 1 I told you that this was not an ordinary walnut. It is filled with beautiful colors I How did all these beautiful colors get in one walnut? You are much more interested in this walnut now_ then you were before it was broken. It is just this way with Christ. Since He has been smit­ ten o f God, we see His beauty as we never could, had He not been smitten. W e see the blue which tells us that He came from beaven and was the Son o f God. Then there is the purple which reminds us that He is a King and is to have a throne. The scarlet tells of His blood which cleanses from all sin. You would like to examine this walnut carefully since it has been broken. You are drawn to it because you realize that it is different from any others you have ever seen. In His talk with Nicodemus, Christ said that He would draw all men unto Him when He had been lifted up on the cross. People are drawn to Him, because He was lifted up upon the cross and smit­ ten o f God.

Messages strengthen one fo r combats of Life.

G O D 'S BEST SECRETS— Andrew Murray --- ------,-- $2.50 DAY S O F H EA V EN U PO N EARTH— A. B. Simpson.4.i|~i— ,i~'$ 1.50 THE L IV IN G BIBLE— Chapter by Chapter Amos R. Wells.................... 60c G O D ’S M IN U T E - M - ...- .....60c G O D 'S STO R EHO U SE— T. W . Wilson...»—— ................... $1.00 BENT KNEE T IME— S. D. Gordon_____— Use'THE TEACHER’S GUIDE” For International S. S. Lessons 1935 $1.50 Order Now! BIOLA BOOK ROOM G O D 'S M E S S A G E "


is His Son ; how Jesus said to His disciples that if they had seen Him, they had seen the Father. Today we are going to talk about why Jesus came to this earth. L e s s o n S to r y .' There is a verse in the Bible which tells us why Jesus came.

558 South Hope Street LO S AN G E LE S , CAL IF .

I think you can say it with m e: “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his on|y begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlast­ ing life” (John 3:16). Jesus came to “ save his people from their sins.” Why do people sin? It is a long and sad story. Away back at the beginning o f the world, the two first people, Adam and Eve, sinned. They did what God told them not to do. They could have obeyed God, but they chose to disobey Him. Because Adam and Eve sinned, their children were born with a desire to sin. And ever since

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_________saved $400 while learning. Equipment in­ cluded. Men and women 18 to 60. High school not required. Easy tuition payments. Write us now. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 463, 26 N. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, III. Please send free booklet and 82 sample lesson pages. Name..................................................................................... City......................................State............................... Age

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