King's Business - 1935-03

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


March, 1935

they did, and the bad. W e can learn from them how to live. It tells us about Jesus and explains that He came to this world to die for us. The Bible was written in a very special way. God chose the men who were to write it. He not only chose them, but His Holy Spirit also showed them what to write. There is no other book which has beeh written like this. Because this is such a special Book, how should we treat it? First, we should read it. I f it is God’s W ord to us, we must read it, so that we may know what He says. W e should learn it by heart, as much of it as we can. In this way we shall never forget what it says. And then we should do as it tells us to do. It would be very foolish, wouldn’t it, to know some­ thing that is good to do, and then not do it? If we would be happy in this life, and if we would live forever with our heav­ enly Father, we must read the Bible and do as it tells us.

Scripture may not be inspired. Which is right? 2. Here are a few o f the great schol­ ars who have condemned the Revised translation: Archbishop Trench and Bish­ ops Moberly and Wordsworth, who were members of the Revision Committee, pub­ licly disclaimed any responsibility for the translation of this particular text. Dr. Scrivener, one of the greatest textual crit­ ics o f all time, declared, “ It is a blunder such as makes itself hopelessly condemn­ ed.” And Dean Burgon called it “the most astonishing, as well as calamitous literary blunder o f the age.” 3. The Greek construction is compara­ tively simple. For those not acquainted with Greek, it may be said that the entire phrase, “given by inspiration o f God,” is but one word in the original. Thus, the passage runs literally: “All Scripture (is) theopneustos and ophelimos." We have here two predicate adjectives joined by the conjunction “and.” Now Bishop Mid­ dleton many ypars ago challenged any one to produce a single instance in all the lit­ erature o f the Greek language where two such connected adjectives are sundered as the Revision has done in 2 Timothy 3:16. And the challenge still stands. 4. Theopneustos is formed from two words: theos meaning “ God,” and pneo meaning “to breathe,” Therefore, a lit­ eral translation would be: “ All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable." The rea- son that Scripture is profitable is simply that it is God-breathed, that is, the very Word o f God. Golden Text Illustration A young lady, asked to explain devo­ tional reading of the Bible, answered: “ Yesterday morning I received a letter from one to whom I have given my heart and devoted my life. I freely confess to you that I have read that letter five times, not because . . . I expected to commend myself to the author by frequent reading o f his epistle. It was not with me a ques­ tion o f duty, but simply one o f pleasure. I read it because I am devoted to him who wrote it. To read the Bible with that mo­ tive is to read it devotionally, and to one who reads it in that spirit, it is indeed a love letter.” This young lady’s explanation is beauti­ fully clear. The heart has not a little to do in interpreting God’s Word. — lflOO Illustrations fo r Pulpit and Platform, by Webb. The Book God Gave Us 2 T imothy 3 :14-17; H ebrews 1 :l-4 Memory Verse: “ Teach me thy way, O Lord” (Psa. 27:11). Approach: W e have been talking about God as our Father, and about Jesus as our Saviour. Where do we learn about these things? Yes, in a Book, in a very special

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The Glee Club personnel includes finished instru­ mental and vocal soloists r, and a male quartet I The Middle o’ the Road — I S M e e p in the middle o ’ the road, * chilluns — the middle o’ the road

these gifted young men bear witness to a middle-o’-the-road walk with Christ. In fact, the entire educational policy at Wheaton contemplates "middle-o'-the- road” training. The majority of these exceptional singers are also athletes and students of more than average ability. Carefully developed in body, in soul, and in spirit, the Wheaton graduate goes forth with a complete and poised equipment for success in life. You may share Wheaton’s outstanding contribution to the work of Christian education. Gifts of various kinds will aid the work. A Life Annuity Contract with Wheaton College is also available, which pays the donor a stipulated income for life.

;— the middle — the middle o' the Road!” The homely common sense of the spiritual,,rolls in a rollicking har­ mony from thirty-five lusty young throats. Next moment "Gloria Patri” bursts forth majestically in triumphant strains, and the audience is stirred with spiritual fervor. In dozens of cities throughout many states, the Wheaton College Men’s Glee Club has brought laughter and tears to thousands of faces. By Christian living en route, as well as by fine singing,

book called the Bi­ ble. The Bible has many names; one of them is ‘ ‘ G o d ’ s Word,” and that is just what it is — God’s Word to us. L e s s o n S tory: What makes the Bi­ ble different from other books? It is different j u s t be­ cause it is God’s

W e invite your correspondence — clip the coupon. Please tell me without obligation how I may invest my funds in the work of Wheaton College so as to be assured of a generous income for life; and also, if necessary, how I may provide for a survivor. Name ____ ........._________ ......__ ______________ __.... „Street and No.---------------- -------------.---- ,— ..........— - , Date of Birth........................................ ........______ _____City and State------------------ ---- u-------------------—_ — ,----- Date of Birth (If Survivor)-.....— ......................................... — Address Box K B 335 3 W h e a t o n C o t t e n e Î S S innnffnnnnnnnnnnmnnrinrînririrriinnnmnnnnnnnnnnnTOAfi?imnnni)nnmnn7iml “ F O R C H R I S T A N D H I S K I N G D O M ”

Word. It was written to tell people about God and about His plan for our lives. It tells us about the people o f long ago. It tells how they lived, the good things that ■gBIagS

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