King's Business - 1935-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1935

A WHOLE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION AND CHOICE OF HELPFUL 1935 ANNUALS AT MONEY SAVING PRICES! $1 $150 $Q 00 SPLENDIDOFERS 1 ' 1 ~ 0 The Ilustrator SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR, ONE DOLLAR Toney’s Gist of theLesson By R. A. TORREY, DX>.—Price 35c Both for $ 1.00 POSTPAID The Ilustrator SUBSCRIPTION ONE YEAR, ONE DOLLAR Arnold'sPractical Commentary Edited by Specialists In each Dept.-—Postpaid $1.00 Both for $1.50 POSTPAID

The Thirty-sixth issue of Dr. Torrey’s vest-pocket commentary. So compact that it can always be carried with you to improve spare min­ utes on train, car, while lunching, everywhere. Flexible cloth, net 35c.

N early 240 large octavo pages packed full to overflowing with just the sort of practical help required by the teacher. H ints, illustrations, blackboard exercises, maps, etc. Cloth Binding, $1.00 postpaid.

TheM r

Both for $3.00 POSTPAID


$1 .00 Offer Enclosed please find $1.00 For THE ILLUSTRATOR (one year) TORREY’S GIST OF THE LESSON Name.

$1 .50 -$3 .00 Offer Enclosed please find.— —.---------- For .......:THE ILLUSTRATOR ........PRACTICAL COMMENTARY .......THE MINISTER'S ANNUAL

The Minister’s Anual

Compiled and Edited by JOSEPH McCRAY RAMSEY N o minister should willingly miss this opportunity to get this valuable aid. Never before has there been assembled in a single volume such a treasury of die latest church service materials from the nation’s great preachers. THE ILLUSTRATOR — 158 Fifth Ave., New York City


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Object Lesson T h e B o ttle S ist e r s

trained choir started using yoar Beginners' Choir No. 1!' one minister writes to the publishers, “there has been a marked improvement in the singing.” Praise to God is expressed easily and naturally through song, and the wise church leader will make much of the opportunities for expression which music affords. Dr. and Mrs. Goforth From Szepingkai, Manchuria, comes news of the ill health o f Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Goforth, intrepid missionary pi­ oneers who have been laboring under the auspices of the Canadian Presbyterian Mission in Manchuria. Writing for her husband and herself, Rosalind Goforth faces a difficult and discouraging situation with the same beautiful faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that has marked the mission­ ary service and the literary work o f this devoted couple. “ For several months past,” Mrs. Go­ forth explains, “we and many others have been praying for definite guidance in the matter o f our returning to Canada, which at our age would mean undoubtedly the final break with the Far Fast. The ques­ tion was a complicated one. A request had come for us to go back to Canada to help stir up missionary interest in the home church, but against this was the over­ whelming need in Manchuria. The deci­ sion has been taken out o f our hands by the breaking down in health o f Mrs. Go­ forth. W e have been ordered home by the doctors o f the Union Mission Hospital, Mukden ; and, as neither o f us is in a con­ dition to look after the .other, our son Paul is accompanying us. W e plan to sail from Kobe by the ‘Empress of Japan,’ on Feb­ ruary,^.” : .

Objects: Two clear bottles, a pitcher of water, a pan, and a glass. (One of*the bottles should be without a bottom. This can be accomplished by tying around the bottle near the bottom a string which has been saturated with kerosene or gasoline. Light the string, and after the flame has burned around the bottle, submerge the bottle in water. The glass will crack where the string has burned.) Lesson: Bertha and Betty Bottle are sisters, but they do not look at all alike. Bertha is short and stout like her mother, while Betty is tall and slim like her fa­ ther. Here they are. Can you see any re­ semblance ? While these two sisters are different, they are very much like boys and girls who attend this Sunday-school. I am not talking about looks, but about the atti­ tude toward the Word o f God. The Bible is God’s Word. Many people believe it to be His Word, but they do not care to receive it into their hearts.. Some of the boys and girls who attend here may be just like Bertha. Notice what happens when I give this pure water, which re­ minds us o f God’s pure Word, to Bertha. No matter how much I give her, she does not keep it. Your teacher and pastor are constantly trying to get you to take and keep the Word of God, but some, like Ber­ tha Bottle, may be refusing to do so. Betty is much wiser, than her sister. She eagerly receives all o f the pure water she can.: I am glad to know that there are boys and girls here who are eager to receive the Word of God. This is a sign of; true wisdom. People often wonder why they should have the Word o f God in their hearts.

Here is an empty glass. It is like many people who are in need o f the Word of God. Bertha has not kept any o f the Bible which she has received; but Betty has kept God’s Word, and is able to fill the empty glass. The time will come when the boy or girl who has received the Word of God will find some one who is in need o f it, and will be able to pass it on to the one in need. Victory Through Defeat M a r k 8:35 1. God’s universal application. 2. The disaster of self-sufficiency. 3. Victory through apparent defeat. Easter Music As the Easter season approaches, direc­ tors of church music will be in search o f new means o f presenting effectively the message of the resurrection. Such leaders are invited to write Geo. F. Rosche & Co., 337 West Madison Street, Chicago, for a catalogue of church choir music, in which a description of a number o f choice Easter and mid-season selections is given. Established in 1880 as a piano and organ business, Geo. F. Rosche & Co. has become the headquarters for church music Of quality for all Occasions. “ Since our un­ — -A lbe rt B o s n ia n .

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