Marche 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
^ t e a j e r ’s Helps I.
36 % Increase In Circulation 36 % The fast growing demand for these new Sunday School lessons required a second printing of the manuals. Read how some tell of their success with THE ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES f “ W e are enthusiastic about these lessons55— Ohio; “ Class is delighted55— W . Va.; “ The scholars answering -the questions weekly55— IVis.; “ The most unruly class, but now . . . quiet Wis.; “ Our pupils have never studied at home as much as they do now55— III.; <(Had 123 out for Sunday School— there are only 130 in the hamlet55— Neb.; “ Highly pleased— a marked increase in Bible reading and Bible study55— Calif.; “ One would almost think we have a new set of children in our department55— Ind.; “ More work is done than before— more Bibles carried . . . and used55— D.C. 1 The Ail Bible Graded Series, edited by Clarence H . Benson, provides comprehensive, consecutive and complete instruction. This model curriculum for a real Bible School is a result of eight years5 examination of all courses by classes in Curriculum Making at the Moody Bible Institute. This new Series is graded by departments. All classes in the same department have the same lesson on a given Sunday. Order your manuals for APRIL-M AY-JUNE without delay. Send 10c for compendium with topics and Scripture references of the 676 lessons. THE S C R IP T U R E PR ESS , 7 47 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, III.
T h e I n v is ib l e T r iu m p h a l P r o c essio n If Christ had opened the eyes o f those looking upon this scene as the eyes o f Eli sha’s servant were opened [2 Ki. 6:15-17], so that they might see the invisible and hear the inaudible, no pen could picture the real triumphal procession they would have seen accompanying the one in which they were joining. They would have seen the vast multitude o f those whom He had healed and comforted: and saved from sin, Lazarus, Bartimeus, the ten lepers, the son of the widow of Nain, the ruler’s daugh ter, a host of those whom He had helped —blind made to see, deaf made to hear, lepers He had cleansed, and others deliv ered from bondage. There would join them the angels who proclaimed His birth, Moses and Elijah who appeared on the Mount o f Transfiguration, and the twelve legions of angels He once said were ready at His call. Not all of earth’s monarchs to gether could have summoned, such a pro cession. Imagination fails to paint the pic ture of Christ’s ,real triumphal procession. —F. N. P e lo u b e t . II. A T e st Just as we place flowers upon their graves to show honor for soldiers who gave their lives to protect our country, so the scribes; and Pharisees honored their prophets by building tombs and decorating their sepulchers. But Jesus said that by their actions they proved that actually they would have been among:the number of those who killed these prophets; for even now they were seeking to kill Jesus, who was the greatest Prophet that ever lived. It was those men who pretended to honor ,the dead prophets, who were soon to arouse the .people to cry out against Christ, : “ Crucify him, crucify him.’’: These Pharisees would not have believed that they would have taken part in killing the prophets who lived 1before them. So now, nonè o f 'us thinks that we should have been in the throng that cried, “ Crucify hini, crucify him!” when Jésus was before PL late. How do we know ? Two Christian Japanese boys were ex pelled from the public schools at Ogaki; Japan, for refusing to worship at the Im perial Ancestral Shrine. :T noticed their picture and an account o f this steadfast ness for Christ in the May, 1934, issue of the Moody Monthly, just before I called at the home of Anton, a Sunday-school pupil. Anton said that he knew he ought to con-» fèSs Christ openly and give his life to Him. He wanted to do it, and yet he was not en tirely willing to give up what he might have to, for Jesus. I told Anton about thfese two Japanese boys and asked him what he would have done. Quickly Anton replied, “I would have refused to worship those idols, too !” Then, in his honesty, hè said, “ I suppose I should have each day bowed down at the shrine, and promised that the next day I would be true to Christ.” How clearly Anton saw exactly what he had been doing—refusing Christ as his Saviour, but promising that soon he would obey Christ and become a Christian! . . . By what you are doing now, do you know what you would have done?— J u l ia E. C ole , in the All Bible Graded Series Sun day School Lessons. III. T h r o n e or C ross In every man’s heart there is a throne and a cross. If Christ is on the throne, self is on the cross; and if self, even a little bit, is on the throne, Jesus is on the cross.— W il l ia m B o r d e n .
Greeting Cards! Appealing sentiments with added feature of Scripture Texts. “ Sunshine” Easter Assortment in attractive box, 12 beautiful folders and cards with envelopes, sells for 50c. “ Every-Day” Assortment (birthday, congratula tion, ‘get well5cards, etc.) in ‘bluebird-for-happiness5box, 12 lovely folders with envelopes, sells for 50c. No values to equal these. :Order samples— big sale and generous profits waiting. • Mottoes, Books & Bibles and Other Fast-Selling Specialties Sell the largest, choicest and most varied line of popular priced mottoes for the home. New framed “ Bits-O-Sunshine5 Mottoes sell on sight. You make to 100% profit. Hundreds of Christian people are spreading the Gospel with Christ-honoring specialties while earning money for religious purposes or personal need. Be your own boss. Any territory yours for part or full time. Special catalog and details for Representatives, FREE. Best selling season NOW1 Write today. Address Dept. A-20. G O SP E L T R U M P E T COM PANY , Anderson, Indiana
eth unto thee,- meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a, colt the foal o f an ass” (of. Zech. 9:9). . But even in this hour o f enthusiasm, there was a measure of repudiation, for “the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet o f Nazareth of Galilee.” The true deity of the matchless Son o f God was recognized only by the few. To them He manifested His omniscience and power. He knew all about the ass and the colt, and gave explicit directions as to Where they might be found. He possessed such' authority: that His majestic declara tion, “The Lord hath need o f them,” was all-sufficient to cause the owner’s obedi ence to the request. It was His word that was obeyed. The triumph scene follows obedience on the part o f the disciples. Verse 6 gives the simple record : ^ “And >the disciples went, and did as Jesus - commanded them.” Blessing always follows faith and obedi ence. The principle; is revealed again and again in Scripture. “Jesus saith unto her, Said, Lnot unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou: shouldest see the glory of God?” (John 11:40). To Philip, the hun gry multitude at the seaside presented too great a problem to be met with the limited resources of the disciples (John 6:7). But obedience to the Lord’s strange command brought abundant blessing. Oh, that we may receive the Lord Jesus Christ in His fullness and see His authori tative power as King over our lives! If we do, our waiting attitude will be, “ Even so,: come, Lord Jesus,” and we shall “not be ashamed before him at his coming.”
Hymn—“What Will You Do with Jesus ?” Quartet—“Living for Jesus.” II. Devotional Talk on John 1 :11, 12. Sentence prayers—ending with a consecration hymn. III. Speaker's Message on Matthew 21: 1 - 11 . John 1:11, 12 might well be taken as a summary of our Lord’s triumphal entry and the succeeding days o f His suffering and death and resurrection. Only those . who know the sweetness of the Lord Jesus Christ and the richness o f the gifts He ofL fers can comprehend even a" measure of the pathos in the *words, “He came unto his own, and his own received him not.” “ But”—and at this point we turn from one of the saddest verses o f the New Tes tament to one ,which has brought joy and rest to countless* lives—“as many, as re ceived him, to them gave he power [R.V.) “the right” ] to become the sons o f. God, even to them that believe on his. name.” This sharp contrast is shown in the events o f the Passion Week. “His own”— the very: race that had looked with great eagerness for the coming of the Holy One —failed to receive the One who fulfilled the prophecies. Matthew 21:4, S tells us plainly the reason for Christ’s triumphal entrance into Jerusalem: “A ll! this was done, that it might be fulfilled which Was spoken by the prophet, saying, Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King com- Hymn—“All Hail the Power.” Benediction—Numbers 6 :24-26. Meditation on the Lesson
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