King's Business - 1935-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1935

would our life indeed be rich in remem­ brance and radiant in anticipation. —F rances R idley H avergal . 2 . He is here! The long watches are over, The stone from the grave rolled away; “We shall sleep,” was the sigh o f the midnight, “We shall rise!” is the song of today. L. M ace . 3. The Master left His graveclothes behind Him. As we have seen old tattered flags hung up in cathedrals as the memorial of victories won, so in the crypt where Jesus Christ vanquished death, His graveclothes are hung-up as the trophies of His victory oyer death, and as the assurances that all His people shall be more than conquerors through Him. — C harles H addon S purgeon . III. M essages of the R esurrection , Those who live in the Lord can never see each other for the last time. —German Motto. Earth’s exodus is heaven’s genesis; and what w e 'c a ll the end, celestials call the beginningS-BuRTON. Christ left the material body and rose into the spiritual world that we might the more really and effectively touch Him and enjoy His presence. — A lexander M aclaren . I IV. D eath ’ s - C onqueror There was once a famous cape reputed to be the fatal barrier to the navigation of the ocean. O f all those whom the wind or the current had drawn into its waters, it was said that none had reappeared. A bold navigator determined to- surmount the obstacle. He opened the route to the East Indies, acquired for. his country the riches of the world, and changed the “ Cape of Storms” into the-“ Cape of Good Hope.” So Christ has proved Himself death’s conqueror, and made the grave to be the gate o f life for us.— The Christian Age.

APR IL 21, 1935 Why Do Christians Believe in Life After Death? 1 C orinthians 15:20-23 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“Angels, Roll the Rock Away.” Hymn—“ Christ the Lord Is Risen-To­ day !” Hymn—“ Come, Ye Faithful.” Prayer. Scripture—1 Corinthians 15:1-7, 12-26, 51-58. Quartetr--“ Low in the Grave He Lay.” Testimonies. Hymn—“ The Day of Resurrection.’)- Leader’s Message. Hymn—“My Faith Looks Up to Thee.” Benediction—Hebrews 13:20, 21. Meditation on the Lesson With masterly logic, the Spirit-filled Paul presents the argument for the resur­ rection o f both Christ and believers. Be­ ginning with the testimony of eyewitnesses and proceeding with illustrations from na­ ture, he reaches thé climax and declares : “Death is swallowed Up in victory” (v. 54). In the verses o f our lesson, we are told o f the necessity for the work of redemp­ tion : “ By man came death . . . in Adam all die” ; (vs. 21, 22). But the Lord Jesus Christ, from the position of equality with the Father, stooped and “was made in the likeness o f men” (Phil. 2:6, 7). Thus, “by man came also the resurrec­ tion of the dead .'. . In Christ shall all be made alive . . . they that are Christ’s at his coming” (1 Cor. 15:21-23). Let us be sure that we are in Christ —identified with Him in His- death and resurrection. When the truth, “Now is Christ risen,” becomes a living reality in the believing soul, there is “joy unspeakable and full o f glory.” In this present world, death seems to be the triumph of the enemy. But, praise His name, Christ has" conquered, and we Christians look not for death but for resur­ rection. Because He lives, we too shall live. “ Soar we how where Christ has led, Alleluia ! Follow our exalted Head, Alleluia!' Made like Him, like Him we rise ; Alleluia ! Oûrs the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia I” To those who followed Jesus as: dis­ ciples, His death came as a shock o f des­ pair. They had hoped for victory and had seen defeat. But the first Easter morning was the rebirth of their hope and their faith. Death could not hold Him, and He was alive for evermore. They went out to preach the resurrection from the dead. They went out to preach an eternal life beginning now and never ending. They went out convinced that the life in this world could not measure the possibilities o f His plans for them. They must live with Him forever if His hopes were to be realized.— Helps „ International Society, of Christian Endeavor. II. T riumphant H ope 1. Luther said; “ I feel as if Jesus Christ died yesterday” ; so fresh, so vivid, be our love and thankfulness. But" may we add, “And as if He were coming today” ; then Leader’s Helps I. F orever w ith the L ord

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