King's Business - 1935-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, |93S

conditions : first, belief in Christ (v. 12) ; second, thè prayer must be offered in Christ’s name (vs. 13, 14) ; third, the end must be the glory o f God in Christ (v. 13). If all these conditions are fulfilled, we can claim the promise. This passage is our Lord’s own guide for our prayer life. Questioning might arise in some heart: “What is meant by ‘in Christ’s name,’ and what is meant by ‘believing on Christ1?” Prayer “in Christ’s name” does not mean repeating these three words as some magic formula. Instead, the phrase refers to prayer in His character, His spirit — prayer in accord with His will. It has been well said that “the name o f a person can only be used when we seek to further his interests. A successful prayer must be for the furtherance o f Christ’s kingdom.” As to the meaning o f “believing on Christ,” Professor M. R. Vincent reminds us that this trust “is much more than simply believing the facts o f His historic life or His saving energy as facts, but to rest the soul upon Him for salvation, and to adopt His precepts and example as bind­ ing upon the life.” One new African con­ vert described this act as “putting all your weight upon Him.” In this holy union with Christ, made possible by trust and obedience, will come power in prayer, and His work will be accomplished in His way. 1. The church is for teaching (Isa. 2 :3). 2. The church is for worship (Acts 2:42-47). 3. The church is for evangelism (Acts 7:41, 42). 4. The church is for fellowship (Heb. 10:25). 5. The church is for encouragement (Acts 20:28-36). 6. The church is for missions (Matt 28:19, 20). —Christian Endeavor Daily Readings. II. “ G reater W orks ” 1. These “greater works” are no dispar­ agement o f Christ, but His glory, since they are all done by Him. The Gospels are the record o f what Christ “began both to do and teach” ; later history is a continuation. — M ac A rthur . 2 . Never were the opportunities so great as now for doing great things for God and man. The whole earth is a whispering gal- lery_ making known the name o f Jesus Christ. Telegraphs, telephones, steamships, and railways have girdled the earth as never before. Doors are opening into every heathen nation. Today India is as near to America as once Great Britain was. Oh, that God would arouse His church to do these greater works !— M ac A rthur . III. T he S hared T ask Dr. Halbeck, a missionary in India, from the top o f a neighboring hill noticed two lepers sowing peas in the field. One had no hands, and the other had no feet, these members being wasted away by disease. The one who was without hands was carrying upon his back the other who lacked feet, and he again carried the bag o f seed and dropped a pea every now and then, which the other pressed into the ground with his foot, and between the two they did the work of one. — P ickering . Leader’s Helps 1. R esponsibilities of the C hurch

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Mention This Ad When Purchasing SAVE 10% On E l e c t r i c al Me r c hand i s e See ou r S pecials on I R O N S - T O A S T E R S W A R M IN G P A D S - H E A TE R S - ETC. W E STIN G H OU SE M A Z D A L A M P S H O T P O IN T S -R A D IO S -R E P A IR IN G P h on e: T U ck er 9976 HOOKER'S E L E C T R I C SHOP 700 W . Sixth St., Corner Hope A cro ss the S treet from B ible Institute Los Angeles, California V. “ H e I s R isen ” “ This Jesus hath God raised up............ being by the right hand o f God exalted” (Acts 2:32, 33). It is only when the Holy Spirit Himself quickens our souls and makes them sen­ sitive that the truth o f the record that Christ rose from the dead is realized. You may have read it many times; you may know it very, very well, and yet you may never have realized it . . . He is risen, men and women I Let us say it. He is risen! He is risen! He is risen 1 He is a living Person to be believed in, to be received, to be trusted.— J. R. S. W ilson . APR IL 28, 1935 How to Take Part in the Fellow­ ship and Work of the Church J ohn 14:11-14 Suggeitions for the Meeting Hymn—“Onward, Christian Soldiers,” Hymn—“The Church’s One Founda­ tion.”

Hymn—“Jesus Calls Us.” Prayer. Scripture—John 14:11-14. Leader’s Message.

Testimonies and Pledges for Service. Hymn—“Let the Lower Lights Be Burning.” Benediction—Jude 24, 25. Meditation on the Lesson John 14 has been the unfailing comfort of thousands o f God’s children. And not only is it a consolation, but we find in our passage a mighty challenge as well. Thus far in this wonderful discourse Christ has spoken of peace; o f a place; of His being “the way, the truth, and the life” ; and o f knowledge o f the Father. Telling us by what means this teaching is to be made real in our lives, Christ utters a prophecy and a promise. The prophecy was that His disciples, believing on Him, should be able to do works equal to His, yes, even greater, be­ cause He was going to His Father. This is a startling statement and hard for us to grasp. What did He mean? Perhaps John 16:7 throws more light than many other passages: “ Nevertheless I tell you the truth ;■It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.” Thus we learn that the Lord Jesus Christ’s going meant the coming o f the Holy Spirit, whose empowering would be even greater than the influence of Christ’s visible presence. Then the wonderful promise with which Christ met this need o f power gave the assurance o f answers to prayer. “ If ye shall ask any thing . . . I will do it.” It appears as an unlimited promise at first reading, but on closer study we see three

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