King's Business - 1935-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1935

D A I L Y 'DevotionalReadings A M E S S A G E F O R E V E R Y D A Y OF T H E M O N T H

to be thought of if the call comes from God. He provides for both these needs. . . God wants both the words of our mouth and the obedience of our hearts, when He calls us to the privilege o f serving Him. — S elected . Pray for the "sons” who are serving as winners o f souls in the United King­ dom, India, and France, in connection with the “ One by One” Band. APR IL 4 All Things Work Together “ W e know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his pur­ pose” (Rom. 8:28). You need to mind that “all” ; you need to take it in its full and true meaning, as including the most annoying as well as the most cheering things that can possibly happen to you. It will help you greatly to do this if you remember how intense the interest of Infinite Love must be in all that can in any way affect those for whom that love gave up its dearest Object to the agony and ignominy of the cross. The control o f God over everything that can possibly happen to you must be perfect; and when His love for you is so great, as that sacrifice shows it to be, you cannot reasonably imagine for a moment that He will permit anything to occur which is really to work ill to you. . . . This simple remembrance will take the worst sting from your greatest troubles, and lead you to bless Him, when you would otherwise despond and dishonor His Fatherly care and matchless love.— J o h n K ir k . Praise God for a memory that can recall His faithfulness. APR IL 5 God’s Unconquerable Love "Love never faileth” (1 Cor. 13:8, R .V .). Vaster than any ocean depths are the depths o f God’s love. . . . Bunyan’s man saw a fire burning before a wall, and some one in front o f it pouring water on it continually, and yet the fire was not quenched. He could not comprehend why, until he went behind the wall and saw one from behind continually pouring oil upon the flame. That is the reason why this love never fails; why it can endure oppo­ sition, ingratitude, indifference, chill, all things; it is the u p -p o u rin g , into and through the human heart, o f the boundless, quenchless, unconquerable love of God; it cannot fail.— P h il ip W e n d e l l C r a n n e l l . Pray that the fire of. God’s love may burn in your heart, enabling you to love the most unlovely—for Christ’s sake.

APR IL 1 Chosen of God

“ Chosen o f God, and precious, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood” (1 Pet. 2:4, S). He chose you not to bitter tears, Though dark your life may seem; He chose you not to foolish fears, And not to sit and dream; He chose you in His loving grace, T o action, patience, trust. To show upon a smiling face What God can do with dust He chose you for His faithful vine, Peculiarly His own, To magnify His life divine, To live for Him alone. He chose you for that home above, Where endless praises ring; He chose you—oh, the matchless love— A priest o f God, a king. v — S elected . Pray that you may fathom more and more o f the greatness o f God’s purpose in choosing you fo r His own precious possession. APR IL 2 The Kindness of God’s Discipline "Shall we not much rather be in sub­ jection unto the Father of spirits, and live?” (Heb. 12:9). The earthly parent sought to fit us for a life which is made up o f few days, while God trains us for an endless life. _ How often we forget the great future in our judgment o f the present 1 Mark_ the gracious spirit which pervades the divine discipline: “They . . . chastened us as seemed good to them; but ■he for our profit” (R . V .). The e a rth ly fa th e r chastened after his own blind judgment; there is, however, no fallibility in the heav­ enly method. Nothing arbitrary, mistaken, or unkind enters into the discipline of God. There is no unnecessary pain, no mis­ directed pain, no excessive pain, and no inadequate pain. Infinite wisdom deter­ mines every stroke of the rod, and infinite love softens each blow. Let us, then, wel­ come the discipline which contemplates our eternal making.—W . Y. F u ll e r t o n . Ask God to give you a willing spirit to accept every correction o f your life that He sees needful. APR IL 3 Sons Called into Service "Son, go work today in my vineyard” (Matt. 21:28). We should notice that in this parable both the persons who were addressed were sons. It is only those who are in His family that God calls into His service. We have to be His children before we can be His servants. But all who have been brought into grace are called unto work. The call demands instantaneous obedience: “ Son, go work today.” The question of worthiness, or o f personal ability, is not

The Ideals o f Frances 8. W illard are upheld by TheW illard Hotel A t a moment when the average city hotel is planning new outlets for liquor sales in bars, restaurants, and cafes, WILLARD HOTEL, located in the well- known BIBLE INSTITUTE block, reaf­ firms its allegiance to the principles of the great American educator, reformer, and first president of the WORLD’S WOMAN ’S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. Through the kindness of a friend, a beautiful and lifelike portrait of Miss Willard has been hung over the desk of the Hotel. We take pleasure in repro­ ducing the above for the benefit of all readers of THE KING’S BUSINESS. WILLARD HOTEL is being conducted as an orderly Christian hostelry in the center of a great city. It caters to Chris­ tian men and women who value such sur­ roundings. Just around the corner from shopping and business district. Next to CENTRAL PUBLIC LIBRARY and Park — very quiet for downtown Hotel. Fire proof Construction. Rates as low as 75c per day, $4.00 per week. Rooms with bath no higher than $30.00 per month. We cordially invite you to be our guest while sojourning in Los Angeles. H O T E L W I L L A R D 536-540 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. TRinity 9941 F. B. HARRISON, Manager


OUR S P E C I A L OFFER FOR 1 9 3 5 We will send you 14 plays, pageants and services for ex­ amination upon receipt of 10 cents (stamps or coin, to eover cost of mailing) with the understanding that the plays, etc., are to be either paid for within thirty days or returned to us within ten days. Packet Includes 1935 cat­ alog of Easter supplies and helps. Send 10 Cents for Easter Packet No* 35 MEIGS PUBLISHING COMPANY 41 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, IndL

APR IL 6 Lily Work

“ The capitals that were upon the top of the pillars in the porch were o f lily-work" (1 Ki. 7:19, R. V .). Strength and beauty should characterize all Christian life. Beauty without strength would be effeminate. Strength without

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