T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
March, 1935
beauty would prove forbidding and repel- lant. In God’s works are seen the joining of the two. Niagara, thundering and ma jestic, is crowned by the rainbow’s mystic arch. From the perpendicular granite wall, the dainty bluebell, rooting in a tiny cleft, will heroically lift its azure bloom. Strength and beauty are alike contained in God’s plan for spiritual life . .. Strength g -from whence shall it come? “ The Lord is my light and my salvation . . . the Lord is the strength of my life” (Psa. 27:1). God’s grace within is strength. But the lily work—-what of that? Were it not as well for the strong, stanch, rugged pillars to stand there unadorned? Holiness may be austere, forbidding, repellant. Lily work must make the pillar more beautiful. Paul illustrates: “We were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children: So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have ’ imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us” (1 Thess. 2:7, 8). — W il l ia m M . R u n y a n . Pray that the members o f the Biola Evangelistic Bands, at work in China,, may "adorn the gospel” and lead many to Christ. APR IL 7 Tears "Jesus wept” (John 11:35)i He that loveth much must weep much f much love and such sorow must go to gether in this Vale o f tears. Ofttimes tears are the index of strength. There are periods when they are the noblest thing in the world. The tears o f penitents are precious; a cup o f them were worth a king’s ransom. It is no sign o f weakness when a man weeps for sin juIt shows that he hath strength of mind; nay, more, that he hath strength imparted by God, which enables him to forswear his lusts and overcome his passions, and to turn unto God with full purpose of heart. Let not your exertions end in tears; mere weeping will do nothing without action. Get on your feet; ye that have voices and might, go forth and preach the gospel. -—C h a r l e s H a d d o n S p u r g e o n . Pray that genuine grief for sin may come upon unconverted men and women. Ask God to give you a tender heart. APR IL 8 Our Refuge "In the fear o f the Lord is strong con fidence : and his children shall have a place o f refuge” (Prov. 14:26). God is indeed a refuge When things go strangely wrong, When heart hath lost its music, When voice can raise no song; God is indeed a refuge; God is indeed a refuge I Yet, ere He this can be, ’Twould seem we must have trouble, Or strange adversity. Unsought things come to pain us, Unwelcome long they stay, But God will be our refuge Till these things pass away. — J . D a n s o n S m i t h . Pray that Jewish converts, contacted by J. A. Vaus, director o f the Jewish Mis sions course at the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, may find in Christ a, Refuge in deed. ■ . The heart may there'repose, And find, instead of turmoil, The tranquil God bestows.
APR IL 9 Waiting on God "M y soul waiteth in silence for God only” (Psa. 62:1, R. V .). When man in his littleness and God in His glory meet, we all understand that what God says has infinitely more worth than what man says . . . It is as the soul bows itself before Him to remember His greatness and His holiness, His power and His love, and seeks to give Him the honor and the reverence and the worship that are His due, that the heart will be opened to receive the divine impression of the nearness of God and of the working of His power. O Christian, do believe that such worship, o f God—in which you bow low and ever lower in your nothingness, and lift up your thoughts to realize God’s presence, as He gives Himself to you in Christ Jesus—is the sure way to give Him the glory that is His due, and will lead to the highest blessedness to be found in prayer.— A n d r e w M u r r a y . Pray fo r Christians everywhere, who have allowed the pressure o f life to rob them o f the blessings o f the secret place. APR IL 10 Love and Judgment "Y e have wearied the Lord With your words. Y et ye saiy, Wherein have we wearied him?" (Mai. 2:17). “Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of judg ment?” . . . All this talk about God being such a God o f love that He passes, lightly over sin, is the misunderstanding o f what love it . . . It is because God is a consum ing fire to sin, and never signs a truce with it within the sphere o f His own kingdom, or in the world anywhere, that He is a God of love; and directly people begin to say, “Where is the God of judgment?” they are guilty o f high-treason, and I b,elieve that has been the peculiar sin of many years. A man must have a keen, clear visioii o f sin, as an enormity o f the ages never to be excused, if he is to be tender and com passionate toward the man who is a sinner. That is .a false conception o f love which imagines God is not a God o f judgment. —G. C a m p b e l l M o r g a n . Pray that unwary individuals, who have fallen into the snare o f false cults, may see themselves as sinners, and may flee to Christ. APR IL 11 Meditation for Success and Victory "This book of. the law . . . thou shalt meditate therein day and night” (Josh. 1 .8)._ This meditating is the mastering of the principles o f conduct as laid down there, and the appropriating of all the power for guidance and for sustaining which that Word o f the Lord gives. Meditation, the familiarizing o f ourselves with the hopes and powers that are treasured in Jesus Christ, so that our minds are made up upon a great many thorny questions as to what we ought to do, and that when crises or dangers come, as they have a knack of coming, very suddenly, we shall be able, without much difficulty, or much time spent in perplexed searching, to fall back upon thé principles that decide our con duct—that is essential to all successful and victorious Christian life. — A l e x a n d e r M a c l a r e n . Pray for the work o f the British and Foreign Bible Society in distributing the Word.
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