King's Business - 1935-03

March, 1935

T H E - K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


- APR IL U j p f y Light for the Whole/Joutn

oir W e Assisi DENOM INAT IONAL W O R K H ¡î.We are sometimes asked as to whether or not our work conflicts with the work of denominational churches. Our reply is that our Sunday schools in the rural areas o f the land are confined to sections and communities that are .unreached by the programs of regular church organizations. W e welcome changes in social and economic conditions which may make possible the establishment of a congregation and regular services of worship in any of our Sunday-school constituencies. Thousands o f denominational churches owe their origin to our work. The majority o f these cases were related to the work of the Society during the first century of its work. The record for the first twenty-five,years of what may be, if God wills, another century of labor for the American Sunday-school Union, indicates that 1,045 churches were organized from Union Sunday schools under the direction of our missionaries, divided among the denominations and in the number listed below.

"Thy word is a lamp unlB’imy a light unto my path” (PsaTIjlthl The two parts o f this ygj:sijj,!,i the varying circumstance^iof wip, which the child of God,, has to journey. There is the flight a,htf At night, the Word of God i f a' lantern to the feet; in the day, that Word is the sun to his path. Here is' provision for his whole life. Sometimes hiS path lies through thick darkness, bdt; lik^'thh lantern held close to his feet, God’s \Vord always gives sufficient light for the next step. And in times o f freedom from per­ plexity or difficulty, the Word of Gbd, like the sun in the heavens, is the secret of life’s true sunshine. But in order that the Word of God may indeed be our lamp and light, we must make it our daily and dili­ gent study. W e must “take heed [to it], as unto a light that shineth in a dark place.” , Vi—S elected . . Pray fo r gospel work among miners. APR IL 13 No Substitute for Quiet Communion “ Their strength is to sit still" (Isa. 30:7). The strength o f all true spiritual work lies not in the outward activity, but in the reality of the hidden and personal reunion and communion of the soul with God, who “ worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” It was after a very exhausting day that the Lord rose early and departed to pray in a solitary place (Mk. 1:35). We are sure that He went away to pray, because He felt very tired, and desired to renew His strength in com­ munion with His Father. It is useless, spiritually dangerous, and deadening to substitute activity for God for communion with G od—A. W . P arsons . Pray fo r all ministers o f the gospel— especially fo r your own pastor—that wor­ ship, rather than work, may be kept central. APR IL 14 Thou Art True “Master, we know that thou art true” (Matt. 22:16). Surely no words that ever were framed or spoken could more fittingly ex­ press the lifelong experience and allegiance of a true disciple than these, in which perfidy and treachery found vent: “Master, we know that thou art true.” Shall not we, who love Him, remembering the despite done to Him, and rejoicing to find, even in the malice of His enemies, that which shall redound to His glory, shall not we take up this refinement o f sarcasm, and sing it back to Him, now and ever, as the unchanging and unchangeable testimony of a redeemed soul, “Master, we know that thou art true” ? . . .O f our blessed Lord Himself, we may reverently say that even His sacred words and His divine gifts are outshone in glory by what He is. He is the Truth, as well as being wholly true. —Lucy A. B ennett . Pray for blessing upon the work o f the Scripture Distribution Society in making known Christ, the Truth, through the dis­ tribution o f Gospel portions. APR IL 15 Heir of All Things “ Blessed are the meek: fo r they shall inherit the earth” (Matt. 5:5 ). In the history o f Christ Himself, we do for the first time see the meek literally in­ heriting the earth. Maker and Owner of it all, Jesus walked His own earth in pov-

Lutheran ......................................................... 23 Pentecostal .....-3 Federated .... S ^ ......Î j :... .... „„¿¿Si!..;...... !......,.. ' 7 Mennonites ..!.......ÆsjMBÉÎ^^^f!'..'............. 3 Community ....... 12 Disciples 4 Episcopal 1 Christian and MissionaryAlliance....,........ 3 Friends .............. 5 Reformed 4 Free Church ' L .!!.._l’_ -—--- 2 Moravian 1

M ethodist ...... ...........-'-—‘—--338 Baptist .............. 297 Presbyterian ................— ........... 69 Christian' 53 Brethren !....__......................................................... 29 Evangelical ...............................................22 Nazarene 20 Church o f God......... . ................................ 15 Congregational ....:s|JL<.......— 37 Holiness ................ 14 U nion (Interdenom inational)................... 72 Church o f Christ.........!.................... 11

These and all other churches organized following the work of our mission­ aries were turned over to the church leaders of the various denominations indicated. These figures indicate only a'small measure o f the direct assistance ren­ dered to denominational churches. Each year, many o f those who confess Christ in our Sunday Schools, Daily Vacation Bible Schools, Evangelistic Meet­ ings and Young People’s Bible Conferences, are led to active membership in churches in near-by. towns and cities. The most significant fact relative to the assistance we are rendering to the regular denominations of the land is that we are performing a task in the otherwise unreached sections o f America for which organized Christianity is responsible. In a very real sense, we are the representatives o f the church at large in our particular field o f effort. W e are seeking in every way possible to administer this work in a manner that will meet with the approval of every well informed churchman. Our chief concern is that We may have the “well done” of Him in whose Name and for whose glory we labor.

The Department of Missions A M E R IC A N S U N D A Y -S C H O O L U N IO N 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

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