King's Business - 1935-03

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


March, 1935

EasterMusicUHM Send for our FREE catalog which describes Pageants, Cantatas,Services,Anthem Books,Octavos,Organ Music, etc. and contains samplesof NEW Easter and Children’s Day Pageant-Services for the Ch. School,also spec. p. of Choir Pusic. ROSCHE Q UA LITY CHURCH MUSIC supplies every requirement of the Ch.School and Choir. Catalog of Plays Without Music will also be sent if you name this paper. _ G E O . F. R O S C H E & CO .

erty, and died on it in shame, a model of meekness. He did nd though men and Satan broughtTL,— devices to pass,” and triumphed%fljjKet grave. He silently rested ihj-t&m __ Father, and waited patiently tilJiWi|ipasea God to “bring forth” His “rignteousnesii as the light.” This meek One has inherited! the earth 1 . . .Lord . . . hastenj|thcfeford, the dawning of Thine advent day—the day- o f restitution and regeneration, when in the new earth righteousness shall dwell; and Thou, and we, O Christ, shall inherit all things.— O s w a l d D y k e s . Pray for enlightenment for all the, Lord’s children who have not yet seen in: the Word o f God the truth o f the second coming o f Christ. I believe there is many an unanswered prayer because of some unforgiving thought, some harbored grudge in the Christian heart. Does this apply to us? When we go to our Father to present our petition, is there some one . . . against whom we harbor some unkind, unforgiv­ ing thought? Well, we will find then the reason for our unanswered prayer (Matt. 5:23, 24). . . . W e need at once to bring the sinful thing or disobedience to the Lord, and have His pardon and His al­ mighty cleansing, and thus the hindrance will be completely removed, and the an­ swer will come.—T. H. W h it e . Pray that each o f the Lord’s followers may show a forgiving spirit. APR IL 17 Life under Leadership "A s captain o f the host o f the Lord am I now come" (Josh. 5 :14). The first great fact that we need to reckon with in living the life of faith is this, that it is a life under leadership. This is brought out in the story o f the taking o f Jericho . . . The remarkable de­ cision o f their Leader, God, was that they should walk for six days round the city and do nothing. What did that mean? It meant this: Hands off for six days 1 Some of us God has to put a good deal longer than six days under that requirement. W e have been so busy doing things in our own will and wisdom that perhaps for six years God has to keep us walking round our Jericho doing nothing. There is no harder lesson in this world than that; and yet it is fundamental to true service for God. All this busy doing in our own will and wis­ dom, what is it? It is simply a declaration, “My life is not under leadership.” -r-C. G. M oore . Pray e s p e c ia lly for Christian young people, that they may see the wisdom and necessity o f surrendering to the leadership o f Christ. -----------— APR IL 18 Secret Prayer “H e went out, and departed into a soli­ tary place, and there prayed" (Mk. 1:35). Prayer at the best is always secret; it is then most real. When we pray before others, the temptation to unreality is so severe that it is but rarely overcome. This temptation we escape when we are alone. And it is when prayer is secret that it is deepest. Jesus would teach us the value of sustained prayer. Time is needed for true fellowship. When two intimate friends meet, even though they be alone, their talk APR IL 16 Unanswered Prayer “I f ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses'’ (Mk. 11:26).

at once of that which is deepest .ves&rlf the meeting be but for a Jhe. gpflyersation will probably be ;jheaith,or the weather. It is only y.’ari' ljQng together that they un- lejnselii'es and reveal their inmost ¿ ■If is only when prayer is sus- at its' deepest joys are tasted, and ¿st1glories. are revealed. H. C. M a c G regor .

j \.Praise,Go'd fo r every effort that is being 'put/:forth to foster prayer. Ask fo r bless­ ing uppfi the, ministry of. the Latin Ameri­ can, Prayer;Fellowship. APR IL 19 Looking from the Promise to the Promiser “Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the Scriptures, neither the power o f God?’’ (Mk. 12:24). Whatever God has promised in the Scrip­ tures, He is prepared to make good by His power. “Ye know not the Scriptures, neither the power of God.” It is necessary to know each. Abraham believed that what God had promised He was able also to perform. He looked from the promise to the Promiser, from the world to the eter­ nal power o f the Godhead, to which noth­ ing was impossible, not even hard. This must be our attitude also. In the proper balancing o f these two—in the study of the Scriptures on the one hand, and in the adoring contemplation o f God’s power on the other—we shall find our best preserv­ ative against the errors of our age. —Life o f Faith. Pray fo r the Scripture Gift Mission, through which many free copies of. the Gospels are given to those who "know not the Scriptures." ------------- APR IL 20 Magnificent Trust “ Who is there even among you that would shut the doors fo r nought?" (Mai. 1 : 10 ). God wants men who will render service to Him for the very love o f Him, even though they never have reward. You remember Job’s great word: “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.” . . . The word “slay” goes to the deepest fact of his being, and he intended to say, “ Though I have no future, and never see Him on His throne, though He blot me out, yet I trust Him.” That is magnificent trust. . . . God is asking for that abandonment o f man to Himself which says, “W e pour all at Thy feet, and if Thou shouldst crown us, we would rejoice, but only that a crown was ours to cast at the feet of Christ.” When men reach that point, greed has gone out of their service. —G. C a m p b e l l M o r g a n . Ask the Lord to search your heart, let­ ting you see, as He sees, just how much of your service is an expression o f trust in Him, and how much is an evidence o f a fleshly desire fo r reward. APR IL 21 Man of Sorrows “Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows" (Isa. 53:4). “ For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living” (Rom. 14:9). O Man of Sorrows, Thou wast once Acquaint with deepest grief— Be near me now, for Thou canst bring My aching heart relief 1 O Man o f Sorrows, Thou wast once In direst mortal pain—

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