King's Business - 1935-03

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1935


Be near me now, and let me see The “afterward” o f gain I O Man of Sorrows, Thou wast once Forsaken and alone— Be near me now, and draw my heart In love unto Thine own! — E . M a r g a r e t C l a r k s o n . Praise God that the Man o f Sorrows is your risen and exalted Saviour. APR IL 22 The Risen Saviour’s Question “ What manner o f communications are these that ye have one to another” t (Lk. 24:17). Instead o f listening only to the testi­ mony o f the Eternal Spirit in the Word, the disciples had allowed their minds to get thoroughly down under the action and influence of outward circumstances . . . Does it not sometimes happen, that you and I, in like manner, get down under the power of things seen and temporal, instead o f living in the light o f the W ord? And do we not at such moments stand in need of a risen Saviour’s challenge ? . . . Our spirit­ ual eyes are holden, and we do not take knowledge o f the Blessed One, who, in His tender, faithful love, is at our side; and He has to challenge our vagrant hearts with His pointed and powerful question: “What manner o f communications are these that ye have” ? —Things New and Old. Pray that among believers, in every cir­ cumstance o f life, there may be the recog­ nition o f the presence o f the Lord Jesus Christ. APR IL 23 Whose Is the Yoke? "Understanding what the will o f the Lord is" (Eph. 5 :17). It seems a very terrible thing for the soul to yield itself, wholly and unreserved­ ly» to the will o f Christ. “What is going to happen? What about tomorrow? Won’t He put a very heavy burden upon me, if I yield, if I take the yoke?” Ah, you have not seen my Master; you have not looked into His face; you have not realized His infinite love to you. Why, God’s will for you means your fullest happiness. . . . The value of any promise depends upon the promiser; and so is it with the will. Whose will is it? Whose yoke is it? “My yoke,” says the gentle, loving Jesus. “ Take my yoke upon you.” T o take His yoke is cheerfully to accept His will for us, not only in the present moment, but through the whole future. He has mapped it out. — E v a n H . H o p k in s . Praise God fo r His loving care o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles fo r more than a quarter o f a century. Ask that blessing may be granted to every donor who, yielded to the will o f God, is helping to make possible the school’s continued ministry. APR IL 24 The Anthem of Life “Add to your faith” (2 Pet. 1 :5). The word “add” is changed in our Re­ vised Version to “supply,” and the word “supply” is the clue to it all. The word “supply” is the word for chorus. The Christly life is just a lavish chorus; for it is a thing of glad music. Our whole life may be one glad anthem, all the parts to be supplied. . . . Haydn, who wrote . . . Crea­ tion,, was brought in, as an old man, to Vienna in 1898, to listen to his own music. When the chorus, “ Let There Be Light,” was rendered, the people rose and cheered.

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THE MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO Correspondence School^ Dept. 4203, 153 Institute Place, Chicago Ave. Station, Chicago, ill.

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