King's Business - 1935-03


T H E * K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1935

"GOD waswiththe LAD"

M any months ago, there came to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles an unusual letter, with a pledge en­ closed. The letter told (what the reader might easily have guessed) that the correspondent was a boy in his teens— thirteen years old, to be exact, and a resident o f Skinner’s Eddy, Pa., a tiny village tucked away in the northeastern corner of the Keystone State. With the amounts written in pencil in a childish hand, the pledge read as follows: “ Desiring to

O f the boy in Skinner’s Eddy, as well as o f the youth who “ dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer,” whose story is told in Genesis 21, it may truly be said: “ God was with the lad; and he grew” (Gen. 2 1 :20). How the Money Came With other avenues o f remuneration closed to the lad, the Lord was pleased to prosper the efforts o f the youthful woodsman in Pennsylvania who set his traps and sold his furs to the glory o f God. The boy made the commonplace events o f life a matter o f prayer; he set to work, and then praised God for His answer. Not long ago, sending a contribution to the Institute, he wrote naively: “ I am sorry I delayed my

have a part in the training o f t h e f o u r h u n d r e d students expect­ ed * at B ible In ­ s t it u t e o f L o s A n g e l e s , I am forw arding y o u herewith a con ­

'HinetyQnts and a L i f e for J e s u s " I nave not been idle during the passing months [writes the teen-age boy who is the Institute's loyal friend in Skinner's Eddy, Pa.]. I have been working for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. "W e are having a study of the tabernacle, and during these meetings on Sunday night I asked the people for a donation, and we got $3.10. I had $.90 from my furs, so I thought I would send it for God 's work. I was thinking of buying three boxes of cartridges for my rifle. But when I read of the suffering and need of the people who do not know of G o d and His love, then I am willing to give not only $.90, but my life also for Jesus. "Some day I Will come out to your school and study to make myself worthy to do God 's work. I am praying for the Bible Institute and hope that you will pray for me, so that some day I may come and labor for my Saviour. Please pray for me. And may the Institute and those in it continue working for G od ."

letter, but I mislaid my money and envelope. A s you have said, God has increased my savings. I have earned my money by trapping. One of my prayers was answered in a wonderful way. I had just set a trap for a skunk. I had laid a log six inches in diameter, built a stone wall on each side and laid some stones over the top, and I prayed that God would put a skunk in my trap. When I went to look at my trap, the place was torn down and the trap was gone. But back be­ hind the log was my friend the skunk, caught in the trap. You see, God answers pray­ ers. I wish you would put that story in the K ing ’ s B usiness , for I hope it will show people that when they are in need they should pray that God will help them.” [Continued on page 84]

tribution o f 5c and w ill en­ deavor to send 5c monthly for 9 months thereafter, as G od may prosper me.” Many more than n i n e months— the term o f the pledge — have now passed; yet the giving o f this young friend has not only continued, but has increased as well. Five cents a month, to a boy of thirteen living in a remote country region, represents a greater test of faith and per­ severance than many a larger offering made by men and women of means. But how God delights to bless and use the gift— though it be obscure and inadequate in itself— that is made to Him in faith! *September, 1933. A t the opening o f the fall semester, 1934, 413 students were enrolled.

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