T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
March, 1935
The aged composer tried to rise too, but, being unable to do it, he pointed upward and said, “Not to me; from thence it all comes.” And when we get to the chorus of Christian graces, there will be no praise to us—“Not to me,” never—but a glad recog nition that from thence, from heaven, it all comes.—W . Y. F ullerton . Pray for all who give the gospel in song, that their service may be without profes sionalism, but in sincere dependence upon the Spirit o f God. APR IL 25 How to Wait “And to wait for his Son from heaven” (1 Thess. 1:10). The advent of our Lord is in the purpose o f our God, and will take place at His time, and by His power. This is the foun dation o f our certainty, and the secret of our patience. Therefore we wait for the advent, according to His will, by living, by serving, by loving, by hoping, by per severing, by fulfilling the daily duties of the home, by diligent attention to business, by the walk along the highways, and the oper ations of the market place, all in the will, and for the glory of God—all the while hearing in our hearts the song o f His com ing, and being ready, whenever He comes, gladly to welcome Him. —Alliance Weekly. Pray that "to wait fo r his Son" may be come, for you, an increasingly blessed ex perience. APR IL 26 Tarry Not! "M y son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not” (Prov. 1:10). Take heed that you have not an ear open to every one that calleth after you as you are in your journey. Men that run, you know . . . if they run for some great mat ter, they used to say, “Alas, I cannot stay; I am in haste; pray talk not to me now. Neither can I stay for you; I am running for a wager; if I win I am made; if I lose I am undone; therefore hinder me not.” Thus wise are men when they run for corruptible things, and thus thou shouldest do. And thou hast more cause to do so than they, forasmuch as they run for things that last not, but thou for in corruptible glory. . . . Have a care thou do not let thine ear open to the tempting, en ticing, alluring, and soul-entangling flat teries o f such sink-souls as these are. “ Consent thou not.”—J ohn B unyan . Pray that men and women may be em powered by the Spirit of God to turn from the allurement of strong drink, so preva lent today, to the only way of. deliverance, the Lord Jesus Christ. APR IL 27 Lead on Softly “He that hath mercy on them shall lead them" (Isa. 49:10). You detect the accent of the true shep herd in Jacob’s excuse for not accompany ing the rapid march of Esau and his war riors. “The flocks and herds with young are with me; and if men should overdrive them one day, all the flock will die . . . I will lead on softly, according as the cattle that goeth before me.” All this and much more is summed up in the exceedingly beautiful words, “He that hath mercy on them shall lead them.” What comfort is here I He will not overdrive us. He will go before and lead us, but He will suit His pace to ours. . . . Art thou enveloped in shadow? It is only lest heat or sun smite thee. Is the descent swift and precipitous?
It is only that He may bring thee to the springs o f the water o f life (Rev. 7). —Life o f Faith. Pray fo r the leadership o f the Lord for the workers o f Women’s Christian Medi cal College, Ludhiana, India. This institu tion, founded thirty-seven years ago, trains Indian Christian girls as medical mission aries to their own people. APR IL 28 The Great Companion’s Word “My presence shall go with thee" (Ex. 33:14). _ Now, if we only firmly believed this, and clearly realized the gracious Presence, what would be the ministry? Well, we should work without worry. W e should step out without dread. W e should waste no energy in fruitless fear and sapping care. W e should face the unknown not daunted by our ignorance. The Great Com panion may still think it good to deny us the light of comprehension; but then, though we may not comprehend the nature of the entire way, He will see to it that we have light at the next turning o f the road.. . . “My presence shall go with thee,” and thou shalt neither lack light nor might; “as thy days, so shall thy strength be,” and “at evening time it shall be light.” — J. H . J o w ett . Pray that missionaries o f the Christian and Missionary Alliance, serving in many fields, may each be conscious o f the pres ence o f the Lord. APR IL 29 The Spirit’s Work “He shall glorify me: fo r he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you” (John 16:14). If you have ever looked through an astronomical telescope at Saturn, you have seen a sight that you can never forget. Looked at with the naked eye, however bright the planet may be in the heavens, you can see nothing but a bright star. But as you look through the telescope you see wonders o f which you never dreamed. You see that star surrounded by those glittering rings of light, and your soul is awed and thrilled by the wonder o f God’s work in the heavens . . . It is now glorious to you. What the telescope has done for you, the Holy Spirit does for you [and more] in relation to the Lord Jesus Christ: the Holy Spirit glorifies Him in revealing Him to you as the One who claims to be your King. And as you see the Lord Jesus in His love, as well as in His power and beauty, your heart responds to the sight, your soul is thrilled, and you gladly pay homage to the Lord.—J. R ussell H owden . Pray fo r the alumni o f the Bible Insti tute o f Los Angeles—that every former student may both see Christ in His glory and beauty and may reveal Him to others. APR IL 30 Making the Word Personal “I live by the faith o f the Son o f God, who loved me, and gave himself, for me” (Gal. 2:20). You remember how Martin Luther found peace in his monastery at Erfurt. He prayed and fasted and mortified his flesh until he was wasted almost to a shadow, and the friendly Staupitz sought to show him the way, but all in vain. One day Staupitz recited that article o f the creed, “I believe in the forgiveness o f sins,” and Luther repeated it after him. “Ah I” cried Staupitz, “we must not only believe that the sins of David or Peter are forgiven; God’s command is that we, each one o f us, believe that our sins are forgivep.’' Then
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