March, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
the light streamed into Luther’s soul. Is not that the whole secret? Put “my” into the creed ; make it your own. Start from the gospel’s declaration that Christ died for the world, and made a universal atone ment, then appropriate it, make it personal —“ for the world,” therefore, “ for me.” isSjlj-JOHN M ac b e a th . Pray that lumbermen to whom members o f the Shantymaris Christian Association are witnessing may be led to accept Christ.
time in the Heart,” has a message partic ularly appropriate for Easter. There are five four-score stanzas, with this refrain: “Now it is springtime, beautiful spring time, With its birds and its blossoms of cheer; For with Jesus dwelling in the heart, It is springtime all o f the year.”
“ D irector Belt reduced m y waistline from 42 to 34 inches. I feel 10 years younger. Constipation gone — no tired, bloated feeling after meals.’^—G . N ewton , Troy, N .Y . Director Belt instantly improves your appearance, puts snap in your step, re lieves “ shortness o f breath,” restores YOUR VIGOR as fat vanishes. i Loose, fallen abdominal muscles go J back where they belong. Gentle m as- M sage-like action increases elim ination ffl and regularity in a normalway without f p use of harsh, irritating cathartics. You ff§| look and fe d years younger.
Springtime in the Heart With appealing music by Herbert G. Tovey, the new gospel selection, “ Spring From the writer o f the words, Mrs. Nancy Hearn Griffin, Box 55, Station C, Pasadena, Calif., attractively printed copies may be obtained at fifteen cents each. Special prices are made to publishers, churches, and evangelists. HELPS for‘Treachers and Teachers B y P a u l P r i c h a r d
I Let us prove our claims. No obligation. Write to day for trial offer.
The World’s Complaint against God’s Ambassadors . A cts 17 :6 This complaint o f the enemies o f Christ is deeply significant. I. The Complaint Is an Indictment. It is a serious thing to disturb the laws, customs, institutions, ways, and lives o f men, nations, yes, o f “the world.” II. The Complaint Is a Testimony. Unwittingly this complaint reveals how truly effective the gospel really is. It was affecting powerfully the whole world. III. The Complaint Is a Slander. God’s ambassadors are charged with turning the world “upside down.” As a matter of fact, sin has turned it “upside down.” The gospel is calcu lated to turn it “right side up.” “ Do,” a Little Word with Great Issues 1. A kingship depended on it (2 Sam. 15: 15). 2. A miracle depended on it (John 2:5 ). 3. A conversion depended on it (Acts 16:30). —British Almanac. “Can we be sure of anything?” we ask. “Yes,” says Paul, “you can. Rejoice in the Lord!” Here is the authority of personal experi ence. I. The Proper Appraisal o f Religon ( 3 :2-6). 1. A constructive policy, not a de structive party (v. 2). 2. A spiritual service, not a physical certificate (v. 3). 3. A heavenly affiliation, not a hereditary association (vs. 4-6). II. The Proper Appraisal o f Righteous ness (3:7-14). 1. A self-surrender, not a self-suffi ciency (vs. 7, 8). 2. An appropriated Saviour, not an acquired salvation (vs. 8, 9). 3. A fellowship of suffering, not a form of service (v. 10). 4. An eager progression, not an empty profession (vs. 11-14). Proper Appraisal P hilippians 3 This is the “age of uncertainty” and of “the open mind.” There is an intense dis like for dogma, yet an insistent demand for certainty.
III. The Proper Appraisal o f Reward (3:15-20). 1. The result of resoluteness (vs. 15, 16). 2. The climax o f conformity (v. 17). 3. The end o f earthly endeavor (vs. 18, 19). 4. The consummation o f citizenship (v. 20). There is permanent assurance (v. 21), for all the above convinces us regarding these: the vindication o f right in the com ing o f Christ; the transformation o f the flesh in the change o f body; and the sub jugation of sin in the subjection o f all things.— J a m e s K. M oorhead . Christ and the Skeptic J o h n 20:25-29 I. Skepticism Segregates from Christ. 1. Past history—He is dead. 2. Past memory—He misled. II. Skepticism Hesitates toward Christ. 1. T o believe. 2. To receive. III. Skepticism Meditates on Christ. 1. Empty in heart. 2. Honest in part. IV. Skepticism Capitulates to Christ. The most careful attention is given to the doctrinal teaching contained in ar ticles and advertisements appearing in the KING’S BUSINESS. This scrutiny of the magazine’s columns offers protection to both authors and readers. The ICING'S BUSINESS will not accept for publication any matter that is known to be contra dictory to the policy defined by the Board of Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. (See contents page.) A t the same time, it is recognized that, especially on the subject of prophecy, differences of opinion may be profitably discussed among the Lord’s people who bear in mind constantly that “ of that day and that hour” of the second coming of Christ “ knoweth no man, . . . but the Father.” The KING’S BUSINESS is doing its utmost to assist its readers, and will welcome any information that may be useful to this end. Therefore, should not subscribers, in turn, do their part in supporting the magazine’s advertisers? 1. Manifestation of Christ. 2. Application to Thomas. — H arry D e u t c h m a n . Patronize King’s Business Advertisers
Noted “ newsboy evan gelist/' author, pro phetical lecturer and editor. 1935 Printing. Just recently off the press.
THESE MESSAGES have packed houses In va rious parts of the Nation. Hundreds have sought Christ. ______________ _ “What About 1 9 3 5 - 3 7 ? ” Will the Antichrist reign? Will the Tribulation rage? Will Armageddon bo fought? Will the Gentile Age end? Will Christ Return? Amaz ing! Convincing! ................................................35c “ U. S . A ., RUSSIA, GERMANY AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY” Old Isaiah see America 2,600 years ago? Will Britain and the U.S.A. defend the Jews against Russia and Germany? 8ermon material for ministers and laity............................................... 35c “ The GREAT PYRAMID’ S PROPH E C IE S ---PA ST AND FUTURE” Does the Bible uphold the Great Pyramid? Was the Pyramid correct in its prophecies of the past? Does it predict dark things for the near future? ................................................................»-35c COMB INA TION OFFER - - - $1.00 The above three books, one year’s subscription to BLACK’S PROPHETIC NEWS (issued quar terly), and one-half dozen “ TH E A N T I CHRIST, His Mark, Number and Name,’* a printed sermon by Rev. N. C. Beskin, noted Christian Jew Evangelist. ALL THE ABOVE FOR $1.00. Sent to any address in the world (add 10c postage). _____ ____ C O M B IN A TIO N (No. 3 ) -------$1.75 “ WHAT ABOUT 1935 TO 1937?” .................... 35c “ THE GREAT PYRAMID’S PROPHEC!ES” .35e “ U.S.A. AND NATIONS IN PROPHECY” ..35c “ FIFTEEN PROPHECY SERMONS” (With chart, cream of Black’s prophetical preaching) 75e “ FROM NEWSBOY TO PREACHER” (Evangelist Black’s Thrilling Life Story)-----75c One year’s subscription to BLACK’S PRO PHETIC NEWS (A great prophecy bi-monthly) 35e; Vi doz. Beskin’s “ Antichrist—Mark of Beast” sermon; '/2 doz. Blaek’s “ Why Young People Go Wrong” tract-sermon; one copy Me- Key’s amazing new “ Prophetical Flood Bible Time Cycles.” ALL THE ABOVE TO ANY ADDRESS FOR $1.75 (add I5e postage) MAIL ALL ORDERS TO REV. HARRY BLACK 511 Coleman Avenue, Los Angeles, California
NEW CHINESE RUG Three Feet by Five Feet
A friend of the Institute has sent us a beautiful blue and taupe Chinese Bug. It is priced at $30.00, and the money is to be used entirely for the support of the Institute. Address: 0. HOWARD LUCY, Business Manager 558 South Hope Street, - - Los Angeles, California
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