King's Business - 1935-03


March, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Socialism, Communism, Fascism [Continued from page 93]

From South Africa to Argentina, from Turkey to Tokio [says the B’nai B’rith Messenger (Jewish)], there has come in thunderous monotone the sound of a new in­ ternational hate, pitched in antagonism to the Jew........... That the virus o f anti-Semitism has been slowly eating into the vitals of American citizens has been confirmed by competent observers in many cities and corroborated by the discoveries of the Congressional Nazi Investigation Commission . . . . The growth o f Fascist tendencies, par­ ticularly among American intellectuals, has created the gravest cause for alarm. J udophobism in A merica The Jew in Washington is repeating the folly of the Jew in Berlin. When this nation o f priests lays its hands to the steering wheels o f Gentile ships o f state, they prepare themselves to become scapegoats. Scapegoats in America are going to be needed soon. Seas o f tears and blood for some one are ahead. Even now, all over America, forbid­ ding Fascist clouds are appearing on the horizons, and lurid lightning is spitting. A writer in New Masses declares that there is “ an almost incredible array o f men and women, plotting, smuggling, spying, to weave the web o f hate against the Jew and prepare the country for Fascism.-’ ! In spite o f the petted proteges o f the White House, many secret stimulators o f America’s Judophobia rank high in place and power. When President Roosevelt spends the last cent o f his four thousand eight hundred millions of dollars, and America must pay— what then? Our benevo­ lent dictator may calf loudly for his “ Brain Trust.” But then, Belshazzar’s famous “ Brain Trust” (Dan. 5 :7, 8, 15) proved a complete flop when an indignant God hurled His anathema upon the wall. When the Presidential hand is once empty, hunger-crazed millions o f the unemployed may begin to inquire as to the source o f the fallacious legislation which spoiled their homes and sent them forth to starve in the midst o f abundance. Suppose they should come to this and “ cast lots” ? Then may a merciful God again prepare a “ whale” and send him to the mouth o f the Hudson! No less a personage than James W . Gerard, former ambassador to Germany, sounds a warning: “ There is a possibility o f a pogrom in the United States that will make those o f the Czar’s era in Russia look like a small parade!” You laugh ? They laughed in Germany also, only a few short months ago. They don’ t laugh now! “ K eshura !” Rabbi Neches, writing in the Rosh Hashonah edition o f the B’ nai B ’rith Messenger, gives a touching account of a colleague who made a pilgrimage to the village o f Radin, Poland, to visit the great centenarian, Rabbi Israel Mayer Hacohen, known as the Chofetz Chaim. The venerable rabbi questioned his visitor as to the condition o f his breth­ ren scattered among the nations; When his host was told o f their miseries the world around, the visiting rabbi was surprised to see the eyes o f the old Rabbi Hacohen sparkle with sudden delight. Grasping his visitor’s hand, the aged Israelite exclaimed: Thank God I Everything goes on “Keshura” (ac­ cording to rule). Does not the Talmud say that before the Messiah will come, many troubles will befall the Jew? How could he have more troubles than at present? Is it not a sign that the feet o f him that bringeth good tidings, that announceth salvation, are approaching? And old Rabbi Israel Hacohen, the Chofetz Chaim, was right! Once again, there is a stir within the ivory palaces! Seraphic hosts are mobilizing and pressing hard against the gates! Dear Lord, fling wide those gates! [This article is the third o f a series of. messages on this sub­ ject, brought to K ing ' s B usiness readers by the pastor o f the First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif .—E ditor .]

T he M arvel of the A ges What a marvel he is—this indigestible Jew ! The first wonder o f the world ! The World’s hope and the world’s despair— its blessing and its curse ! The world’s liberator and its slave! The light o f the world, yet one o f the most benighted pilgrims ! The most clannish, yet the most uni­ versal o f men ! Inextricably woven into the warp and woof o f but one nation, yet as inextricably drawn into the warp and woof o f all nations! Everlastingly crying out for as­ similation, and yet eternally resisting that very assimila­ tion ! The world’s most passionate at-homer, yet the world’s supreme scatterling ! Forced by stern necessity to be the world’s chief compromiser, yet in all the ages surrenders nothing ! The world’s arch-burden-bearer, yet ever astride the necks o f kings! The world’s foremost atheist, yet always the world’s firmest believer ! Presenting the world with its Christ, he also presents the world with its Anti­ christ! Always defeated, yet never vanquished! The vic­ tim o f every generation, yet thè victor o f the ages! This is your Jew, O Gentile, your hated Jew ! Only a surpassing fool will lay hands upon him, save with surpassing caution ! Something about him says— “ Beware!” F ascism ? A nti -S emitic ! Fascism, with but one outstanding exception, is per­ meated with intense Judophobia. That exception is Rome ! But the tale in Italy would read differently if the Jew in Rome had played the same role at the top o f the ladders that he played in Berlin. Witness the anti-Jewish spirit upon the rising Fascist tides : In Fascist Germany, says Paul Novick, associate ed­ itor o f the Morning Freiheit, writing in Opinion (Novem­ ber, 1934), “ For a true German to engage a Jewish worker is worse than to open a house o f prostitution.” Hitler says God sent him to save Europe from Communism. Now may God send some one to save Europe from Hitlerism. Fascist Turkey outlaws completely the Zionist movement, ordering raids upon every organization suspected o f keep­ ing alive the spirit and dream o f Israel. Turkish officials, like the Russian, kindly refuse to persecute a Jew when he ceases to be a Jew! In Fascist Austria, Chancellor Schu- schnigg is making love to the most rabid elements o f Nazi- ism, while Judophobia sweeps the nation, boycotting, the Jews, and filling their hearts with horrible fears o f the morrow. In Fascist Poland, widespread and beastly assaults are made upon the defenseless sons and daughters o f Judah. One-fóurth o f all Jewry dwells in Poland. There, their gnawing grief equals that which was endured in the “ fur­ nace o f affliction” in Egypt. Thousands starve and die in wretched sunless hovels down in the bowels o f the earth. Ninety per cent o f the Jewish artisans and laborers are without employment. Two million Jews stand face to face with famine. Norman Bentwick, former Attorney General for Palestine, recently visited Poland. He was shocked be­ yond expression. The abject poverty o f thousands of homeless men, women, and little children, begging for a crust o f bread, moved him to tears. As to other sufferings, an incident in the Jewish Chronicle runs as follows: Entering the shop of a Jewess named Sara Zeitfel, they [Nazis] poured petrol over her wares, and one of the youths then exploded a bomb and set the shop on fire. The shop was bolted from the outside to prevent the woman from leaving. The screams o f the woman, how­ ever, attracted the attention o f passers-by who drove the youths away and released the Jewess. She was taken to a hospital, where she has since died. All that happened in broad daylight !

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