T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
March, 1935
telling about their enforced retirement from Shih-Pan- T ’an, the center in which they had been working, and of their joy in being able to return to that place to continue their work. Mr. Hsiao’s letter is most encouraging. He writes that the young converts there are full of enthusi asm, and that, of their own accord, they have fitted up one room as a chapel. Band No. 1 went to this field last Octo ber, and during these three months, in spite o f the Com munistic disturbances, God has done this gracious work through them, and a real living little church has been established in this place where Christ was previously un known. All glory and praise to our wonderful..God 1 “ A real living little church has been established . . . where Christ was previously unknown”—what depth o f meaning there is in that simple sentence! In the back ground o f the history of that new little group o f believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, there stand not only the faithful Chinese evangelists who faced peril in order to witness for Christ, but also a multitude o f praying and giving friends in America and in China who were, through grace, the evangelists’ unseen colaborers. We need to constantly remind ourselves [Dr. Keller declares] that Hunan is -a province o f thirty millions of people, more than half o f whom have never yet heard the gospel. The work still to be done is very great. An Explanation The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles founded its China department in Hunan, Changsha, China, and throughout the years has maintained the work there. Long ago, as a safety measure, it was decided to deposit the money for China work in a Los Angeles bank, rather than in China. This arrangement makes it possible for the Treasurer in China to draw the necessary money directly from Los An geles, and the hazard of keeping the funds in the war- stricken area is thus avoided. It will readily be seen that, in view o f such extremely unsettled political conditions as exist in China at the present time, contributions for the work of the Hunan Bible Institute should be given only through the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Prayer versus Work Thousands of Christian workers are heading for a nervous breakdown, and terrible depression, and some of them become spiritual wrecks, because they thought that what they did was o f more importance than what their Lord would do through them if they would only give Him the opportunity. . . When you think that incessant work can do more than prayer-prepared work, you are making the most common mistake o f the followers o f Christ. —L ionel B. F letcher .
GOD W AS WITH THE LAD [Continued from page 82] Older people may smile as they read that letter— smile and wonder. But who will not be stirred and challenged by the lad’s most recent word, in which he says, with noble enthusiasm: “ I am willing to give not only $.90 [the price of something he wanted very much] but my life also for Jesus” ! Surely “ God was with the lad”—-for through the co operation o f other friends, the amount o f his monthly pledge— five cents — was increased to $3.10 — multiplied manyfold. O f all such giving on which the blessing of God rests, reverently it may be said: “ God gave the in crease.” Following the Boy’s Example Are you, like the boy in Pennsylvania, practically without funds and cut off from most of the accustomed means of earning money? Does there bum in your heart, as in his, a great love for the Lord Jesus Christ as you “ read of the suffering and need of the people who do not know of God and His love,” and as you re member that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles exists for the purpose of training young people to carry the gospel to the whole world? Then— can you honestly refuse to do LESS than this boy has done— when you know in your heart that God is able to multiply for His glory the smallest gift? Through the regular giving o f small amounts—as THOUSANDS o f people unite in this fellowship— the needs o f the Institute for current expenses can be met. If every former student o f the Institute and every interested friend would merely give a small amount regularly— each week or each month— the Institute’s financial problems connected with student training in Los Angeles and the maintenance o f a great work in China would be solved. One o f the most natural and Scriptural methods for enabling friends to contribute to the work o f the Bible In stitute o f Los Angeles has been the Biola Honor Roll—a plan by which at least a small amount is sent to the In stitute each month, or each week. To become a member o f the Biola Honor Roll, one agrees TO PR A Y for God’s blessing upon the Bible In stitute o f Los Angeles, and TO GIVE—as regularly as possible— to its support. Will you not fill in the attached coupon and mail it today? A beautiful certificate o f membership in the Biola Honor Roll will be mailed to you. Remember: “ God was with the lad.” And likewise He is with all those who trust in Him.
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