King's Business - 1955-05

sion. I am sure that this will be undertaken only with a great deal of prayer and willingness to carefully examine the basic mission of Biola and its great mission for the future. I have been interested in the pro­ gram and service of Biola for a num­ ber of years. May I assure you of njy continued interest and prayers that this new vision may find a realization in the very near future. Los Angeles, Calif. Benjamin Weiss, Principal Metropolitan High School I have just read of the tremendous expansion program and want you to know that I rejoice in the vision that God has given to the leadership of Biola. It was at Biola that the spiritual foundation for my life and work was laid and I will ever thank God for

Recently the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles announced the purchase of 50 acres just outside the downtown congested area. Plans are now going forward for the im­ mediate construction of a 3 million dollar campus. Here are a few of the letters the school has received commenting on this forward step for Christian education. The information that Biola is plan­ ning to increase its facilities for stu­ dent training, including the estab­ lishment of the school on a campus, was thrilling news. It demonstrates keen foresight and planning on the part of the administration. It seems next to impossible for you to meet the increasing demands for training in your present location, and with your present facilities. An institution like Biola can hardly expect to re­ main static with the great changes that are taking place in our social order as well as in national and in­ ternational affairs. The possibility of establishing a campus in the less congested area, which will make possible an increase of your enrollment as well as the type of training you are giving, will make your institution useful not only to the young people who are dedicat­ ing their lives to the service of God but also to the community and to God. I have been very much interested in your teacher training program. Certainly, if any institution needs the service of consecrated young peo­ ple it is our public schools. Chris­ tian leaders have been somewhat re­ miss in giving attention to this great field of service. There is no other solution recommended at the present time to meet the growing wave of juvenile delinquency and secularism in the lives and interest of youth. I am certain that Christian leaders in many denominations will be deeply interested in your program of expan­

the days spent there in the study of His Word. Some of the happiest years of my service were those spent in teaching at Biola. May God bless you as you press forward in faith in this big new enterprise for Him. Taipei, Formosa Dick Hillis With the very rapid development of the area into which you are going with your new campus, I am con­ fident that there will be a very posi­ tive contribution made locally. Added facilities will increase the effective­ ness of the training given the larger number of students who will be trained for Christ in this new site, who would not have the opportunity in the present equipment. I pray God’s richest blessing upon all who are laboring in this onward march. Pasadena, Calif. James Henry Hutchins, Pastor Lake Avenue Congregational Church

Biola President S. H. Sutherland tells a group of highschool young people how new three million dollar campus will adequately meet their needs for a college education.

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