King's Business - 1921-11


THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S E aston, Pennsylvania, for the last seven years, has resigned and has joined the U nitarians. He has done th is for th e sole reason th a t he has reached the conclusion th a t his change in. belief is such th a t it is no longer proper for him to occupy an evangelical p u lp it.” This is fine of th is man. We commend his attitu d e and action to a host of dishonest pulpiteers in th is country who are violating th eir m inisterial vows by hanging on to a clergyman s job for th e money there is .in it when they no longer believe in the inspira- ,tion of God’s Word and are not in sympathy w ith the doctrines of th eir denomination. Gentlemen, if we are not m istaken in addressing you w ith such a princely name, give up your job; give place to a true man of God; follow the example of this manly man; associate yourselves w ith those who deny the virgin b irth of our Lord Jesus Christ. B irds of a feath er should flock together—even if they be blackbirds. ' T. C. H. THANKSGIVING—A BAROMETER Dr. W / H. Griffith Thomas has called atten tio n to the fa c t th a t the history of “ p raise” is contained in six well known words. They are all associated etymologically and when placed in order, tell th eir own story; These six words are (1) “ price,” (2) “ appraise,” (3) “ appreciate,” (4) “ prize,” (5) “ precious,” (6) “ p raise.” P raise is the expression of appreciation, the result of prizing. Thanksgiving is simply the result of our appreciation of God and th e blessings He has given us. There can befno real thanksgiving unless there is right relation to God. The b e tte r we know Him and the more we appreciate H is Son Jesus Christ, the more real thanksgiving there, will be in our lives. The measure of one will be the measure of th e other. Hence, the more thanksgiving there is in the life, th e more clearly may our friends see th a t we know God and find our real satisfaction in Christ. Thanksgiving is therefore the barom eter of our, spiritual condition. I t is the answer to the question, “ W hat does God mean to me now ?“ I f we are really in touch w ith God, Thanksgiving will not be a once-a-year affair bu t an every-day practice. Ju st how much of the thanksgiving sp irit is there in your life? Look a t this barom eter often. Perhaps a t this Thanksgiving season it w ill be helpful to mention some of the things which the Scriptures themselves suggest as special objects for thanksgiving: 1. We should be th an k fu l for His Word, Ps. 56:4,10. 2. For H is wonderful works, Ps. 107:8,15, 21, 31. 3. For all blessings and benefits, Ps. 103:1-6; 68:19. 4. For the g ift of H is Son, I I Cor. 9:15; Luke 2:28,38. .5. For our bodies, Ps. 139 ;14. 6. For our food, I Tim. 4 :3 ,4 ; Acts 27:35. 7. For answered prayer, Ps. 118:21; Jn . 11:41, 8. For comfort in sorrow, Ps. 30:11,12; I I Cor. 1:3,4. 9. For deliverance from dangers, Ps. 18:48-50. 1Ó. For victory through Christ, Bom. 7:25; I Cor. 15:57; I I Cor. 2:14. 11. For making us fit to be p artak ers of the inheritance of the saints, Col. 1:12; I P et. 1:4. . 12. For a living hope, I P et. 1:3.

13. For the salvation of sinners, Bom. 6:17,18. 14. For th e privilege o f service, I Tim. 1:12. 15. For th e fellowship of Christ, A cts 28:15. 16. For everything we have, Eph. 5:20; I Thess. 5:18; Phil. 4:6.

K . L. B.

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