King's Business - 1921-11

There are 850 Old Testam ent quotations in the New Testament. Christ H imself in th e Gospels quotes from 22 out of the 39 books. I t is said th a t there are in thé Old Tes­ tam ent 198 definite prophecies concerning C h rist’s first coming, and 333 th a t center indirectly in Him. M atthew w rites for Jew s; M ark for Bo- mans; Luke for Gentile converts, and John for all believers. The resurrection of Christ is mentioned 108 times in the New Testament. Note th e seven beginnings in Genesis and the seven endings in Revelation. U ni­ verse, human race, sin, redemption, n a­ tions, Israel, lives of faith . The first person tran slated was Enoch. He was the seventh from Adam and God made the seventh the trophy of H is power over death. M ight we say th a t th e first lodge was called “ The Shinar Association for the E xaltation of the Human N am e” ? Gen. 11. The first Epistle of John is called th e book of “ know s.” The word occurs forty times. Who was th e first 'g ra fte r? Perhaps I I K ings 5:20 will suggest. You will find the “ key of the m orning” in Psa. 5:3. The same key should be used a t night also. (Psa. 4:8.) When tem ptations are fierce, make haste to the “ safety zone.” (Psa.. 18:2.) The worst kind of “ heart tro u b le”’ is th a t mentioned in Isa. 57:21. Its cure is revealed in Jno. 14:21. Perhaps the .first recorded young m en’s prayer meeting is th a t mentioned in Dan. 2:17-18. Contrast the eight “ woes” of Christ (M att. 23) w ith th e eight “ blesseds” in M att. 5.

NOTE. In spite of the fa c t th a t many have expressed th eir approval of “ Sentence Sermons” used on this page, we are led to substitute in th eir plaee ‘‘Bible B riefs ’’ as being more definitely along the lines of Bible study. We purpose to furnish the student monthly a page of valuable m ate­ rial for m arginal notes. Get th e Bible marking h ab it and tran sfer the notes from th is page each month into your study Bible. —K . L. B. There are 365 “ fear n o ts” in the Bible, or one for every day in the year. The Old Testam ent deals w ith Law and ends w ith a curse. (Mai. 4:6.) The New Testam ent deals w ith grace and ends w ith a blessing. (Rev. 22:21.) Christ is not recorded in the Gospels as having quoted from th e books of Ruth, Ezra, Nehemiah, Song of Solomon or Oba- diah. None of these books have been un­ der the fire of higher critics. The only ones th a t are disputed are those which Christ H imself endorsed. The Bible begins w ith God and ends w ith jnan. In the middle verse of the Bible (Psa. 118:8) the two are brought together. Psa. 119:11 suggests one way to carry the Bible. A re there some things in the Bible you do not understand? Best a while on Deut. 29:29. Note th e th ree sentinels th a t are placed to guard the Scriptures: one in th e begin­ ning, one in th e middle and one a t the end: Deut. 4:2, Prov. 30:6, Bev. 22:18-19.

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