King's Business - 1921-11

Tneir Value as a Stimulus to Faith. A n Ancient Baptist Creed Reproduced. Where Do Tou Stand?

H HE RECENT “ F undam entals” movements have inspired lead­ ers in several denominations to insist upon the adoption of def­ inite Biblical creeds, in order to define clearly the standing of those leaders who in the past few years have, through the pulpits, denied- all those basic doetrines for which evangelical churches have stood through th e years. N aturally a g reat cry has arisen against the formation qf statem ents of doctrine and it is alleged th a t an attem pt is being made to destroy lib erty of thought. Chi­ cago U niversity professors especially have been m aking great ado over the demand th a t th e B aptist denomination should de­ fine its beliefs. I t has been charged th a t the denomination has never laid down such a statem ent and th a t in these days of democracy all believers should be given all the latitu d e they m ight require. As a result of these protests against doctrinal standards, some very ancient creeds of th e B ap tist denomination have, been produced. The oldest of these is the “ Schleitheim Confession” formulated in 1527. The “ Philadelphia Confession” p atterned a fte r th e great historic docu­ ment known as th e “ W estm inster Con­ fession” bears th e date of 1642. Another is the “ New Hampshire Confession” (about 1742). These creeds ring true to 4 the great fundam ental teachings of the Bible and are well worth reviewing. The President of Kalamazoo College has now sent to The K in g ’s Business a copy of another aneient B ap tist creed th a t has probably not come to th e attention of many people. P resident Stetson says of it:— “ Several years ago there was sent to

Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan, for safe keeping, by Mr. J . T. Daniells of St. Johns, Michigan, a very interesting document which purports to be a B aptist Confession of F aith. “ In reply to a recent le tte r of inquiry, Mr. Daniells w rites concerning th is early statem ent of B ap tist belief, as follows: “ ‘When my w ife ’s grandfather, Samuel Abbott, was about to em igrate from Ver­ mont to the wilds of Cayuga County, N. Y., he asked the publishers fo r a copy of the A rticles of F aith of B aptist Churches, the same having ju st been adopted. The publishers replied, saying th a t as the A r­ ticles were not y et printed, .they would send him th e original d raft of same, and twenty-five or more years a fte r Samuel A b b o tt’s (my w ife ’s grandfather) death, the said Document was found in the pocket of a vest of Samuel A b b o tt’s th a t had been carefully preserved.’ ‘‘This Confession has no date and no name attached to it, nor is it possible to tell when, where, and by w hat religious body it was adopted. I t is w ritten on th e back of a copy of a thanksgiving proc­ lam ation by Governor Hancock, which bears th e date of 1788. I t is now pre­ served between two plates of glass and is kept in the vau lt of the College. “ The Confession is prefaced by a fra ­ tern al le tte r to the B aptist association of Vermont. “ The confession is given as w r it te n - spelling, punctuation, capitals and phras­ in g .” So true to Scripture are the sta te ­ ments of the Confession th a t we believe it will be. helpful to all to review them. We believe th a t th e v ast m ajority of the lay members of the B ap tist Church still adhere to these fundamentals, and we ree-

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