King's Business - 1921-11


1080 and has th e exclusive E ight to judge of her own members, elect her own officers, such as Bishop or pastor, (which are syn­ onymous) and Deacons, and to determine concerning th e g ifts of the several mem­ bers of the body, approbating and encour­ aging those whom they judge will be for public usefulness; bu t not to countenance or suffer any one to "speak or teach in the church, forbidden of God. 10. By th e change of the D ispensation the Sabbath is the first day of the week; and ought to be sanctified and observed as holy time in it, no work or employ­ ment, merely of a worldly nature, should be done; b u t ought to be spent in the private and public services of Religious Worship. 11. Baptism is an ordinance of Christ, and is to be performed . . . . in th e Name of the F a th e r and of th e Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and is a figure or Representa­ tion of the burial and Resurrection of Christ; and they and those only who be­ lieve in Christ and make a S criptural pro­ fession of th eir F aith , ought to be bap ­ tized, by a Regular, ordained baptized m in­ ister of the Gospel, and by no other. 12. The L o rd ’s Supper is an In stitu ted O rdinance of Christ, as a figure or emblem of his body being broken and his blood being shed for the sins of his people; and is to be continued in his church till his second Coming. 13. I t is the duty of those who are qualified and called of God to preach the Gospel and adm inister the ordinances thereof; to give themselves wholly to the work, as fa r as providence opens the door; therefore it is equally required of all those who are tau g h t to communicate freely an equal proportion of th eir worldly substance according as the Lord shall pros­ per them, to support and m aintain—him th a t teaeheth; and for the defraying all other charges and necessary expenses th a t the church may be at, for the promotion of th e Gospel and Religion of Christ. ' 14. I t is th e duty of all male heads of fam ilies daily to read the Word of God to and pray w ith those under th eir care,

train ing them up in the nurture and ad­ monition of the Lord. 15. I t is contrary to the word of God, for one brother to sue another brother of th e same church to th e civil Law, while he is continued in fellowship. 16. There w ill be Resurrections of the dead, both of th e ju s t and un ju st; and Christ will come a second time, to tak e vengeance on the wicked, and rew ard the faithful. B E THANKFUL ANYWAY “ Thankful? . W hat have I to be th an k ­ ful for? I c a n ’t pay my b ills.” “ Then, man alive, be th ank fu l you are not one of your creditors. ’’ afc as THANKSGIVING Oh! give thanks for the summer and w inter, Give thanks fo r the sunshine and rain, For the flowers, the fru its and the grasses ' And the bountiful harvest of grain. For the winds th a t sweep over our prairies D istributing vigor and health— Oh! give thanks to our Heavenly F ath er 1 For n a tu re ’s abundance of wealth. Oh! give thanks fo r loved friends and relations, For sweet converse w ith those th a t are dear; Give thanks for our coun try ’s salvation From fam ine and w ar the past year; That, while kingdoms and empires have fallen Our government firmly has stood— Oh! give thanks to our H eavenly F ath er For all this abundance of good. Give thanks fo r each law ful ambition T hat gives a new impulse to do, Give thanks for eaeh fond hope’s fruition, And all of God’s goodness to you, Forget not whence cometh the power T hat all of these blessings secures— Oh! give thanks to our Heavenly Father, Whose mercy forever endures.

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