King's Business - 1921-11



w ith the movement. H ere is a striking incongruity. Why would a “ hard-head­ e d ” business man, who is not in any sense recognized as an intellectual or even educated person,—so th a t he would know little about sueh m atters,—concern him ­ self w ith them, especially as activ ity in them could not, under any circumstances, benefit him ; bu t on the contrary would be found loaded w ith dynamite, th e hand­ ling of which m ight bring upon him ap­ palling business distress; not to speak of the prejudice it would arouse against him in society generally in these days of to l­ erance. Busy and successful men do not usually go about in th is manner looking for gratuitous trouble. T hat the possibility of financial diffi­ culties and the jeopardizing of his mil­ lions is not a t all im aginary has ju st re­ cently been revealed, in Mr. F o rd ’s per­ sonal account of his experience w ith the money powers. How they supposed th a t the financial stra its in which he found him ­ self—involving millions, would necessitate an appeal to them for assistance; how they anticipated such call by d ictating his fu ­ tu re business actions—in other words were all ready to sand-bag h im S p 'ibu t th a t he by a well thought-out plan of his own succeeded in averting failure and in mounting a wave of prosperity independ­ ently of outside aid. We have only th e kindest feelings for Mr. Ford, and y et find ourselves wondering by w hat means th e mind and w ill of so uneducated a man were secured for w hat —to most men—would seem a dangerous and fan tastic venture into an unknown region. However recalling his “ Peace S h ip ” mission we conclude th a t the ex­ planation must be found in Mr. F o rd ’s idealism. He is evidently a man of noble purposes, though questionable judgment. H is avowed object in the “ In tern ation al J ew ” propaganda has been clearly stated ; it is to av ert anti-Sem itism! This is to be accomplished by the revelation of the Jew ish lead e rs’ program so th a t th e main body of Jew s in this country w ill tak e w arning and refuse to aid the

sweeping import. A t first on e’s mind is dazed by it all, and he w onders, w hat world he is in, a real one or one of dreams and nightmare. I t is all too stupendous and uncanny to seem to belong to our life; awhile the boldness of charging such a w ild design upon a people w ith whom we are constantly touching elbows is startling. Truly it introduces one to a realm of speculation and mystery. Many questions clamor for an answer. Who are these w riters who have so sud­ denly disturbed our peace? No one seems to know. The London book is anonymous, and one looks in vain in Mr. F o rd ’s paper for an editorial name. Why would men w arning of a G reat P eril hide th eir iden­ tity ? Is it possible th a t it is all a clever ipiece of Roman Catholic propaganda, prompted by jealousy of the .Jew fo r se­ curing settlem ent in Palestine, w ith pos­ sible possession of its shrines and holy- places—rand also a skillful move, on the p a rt of Rome, to divert atten tion from its own ambitious plans “to seize the world! We know th a t w hatever the Jew s are proposing in th is respect Rome has fa r outstripped them, for it has long been highly organized and functioning, and th a t its avowed purpose is to sit upon the throne of temporal power and give reality to the purport' of the triple crown! Whoever these w riters may be they possess b rillian t minds and have secured a v ast amount of information. Indeed one can hardly imagine—in th e case of the Dearborn Ind ep end en t’s editorials—th a t they are produced by a single individual. Such knowledge as is displayed of past history and m inute incidents, as well as of present facts regarding Jew ish influ­ ence and activ ity , demands th e skill and research of a special bureau of selected workers. Again, how does it oeeur th a t the Lon­ don book and the Dearborn. Ind ep end en t’s articles appear a t about the same time? They have no ostensible connection and y et there is a perfect interplay of effort. Also one of th e strangest items to be considered is H enry F o rd ’s connection

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