King's Business - 1921-11

1086 great design; thus saving themselves from the persecution th a t would surely fol­ low the effort to carry out the project. The other influence tow ard preventing anti-Sem itism being th e awakening of Gentiles to th e tru e conditions, so they w ill seek to thw art the Jew s’ efforts to control the commercial and political power of th e world, by retaining and securing it themselves, and thereby have no’ oc­ casion of jealousy. Certainly Mr. Ford is sincere in his aims, bu t knowing human n atu re as we do, we feel th a t his propaganda w ill have ju st the opposite effect from the one intended. L et the great army of Jew s the world over become apprized of the ambition or plan of th eir leaders, and seeing it in a measur­ able degree of successful accomplishment they would eagerly and w ith burning en­ thusiasm arise as one man out of their poverty, disgrace and shameful oppression to hasten its fulfilment, despite all w arn­ ings from Mr. F o rd ’s w riters or from God Himself! As to 'th e Gentiles,—Americans (consider the great foreign elements in our population which have no love for the Jew ), instead of seeking by peaceful means to gently curb and thw art Jewish power, would attack relentlessly, using all the reckless methods of mob insanity to cow th eir foes. Mr. F o rd ’s knowledge of, human natu re is surely not very accurate! Coming ag ain -to the main issue: W hat about the Jew ish Protocols and the ac­ cusations based on them? As to th e former'" we have no satisfac­ tory opinion. I f they are genuine, then they represent one of the strangest chap­ ters in all history. I f they are forgeries, then they are among the cleverest speci­ mens of deception ever devised, fo r even allowing the latest possible date of their production, there have been historical oe1 currencies since th a t coincide exactly w ith the plan laid down in these documents, and the predictions contained therein. Also, facts are given in the E ditorials and in “ The Cause of the World U n re st” which in the light of ,the Protocols are as­ tounding.

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S That Jew s for years have held controll­ ing positions in European politics is clearly shown; th a t they were behind th e scenes in the world frar; th a t th e y suddenly, as if by magic, arose in authority, both dur­ ing the w ar and afterw ard, seeming to have a strange influence w ith the heads of our late adm inistration; th a t they •swarmed a t Yersailles, controlling action there, and were the only group th a t seem­ ed to secure all they demanded; th a t they are the power in the Bolshevist regime in Russia; th a t they control in nearly all the lines of influence in our land: th e mov­ ing-picture production industry, by which the minds of millions are debauched daily; the press, by which they ward off attack upon themselves; the money-markets, by which they control trad e and legislation; the imm igration laws, by which dispropor­ tionate numbers of th eir race are allowed entrance into our country by evasion of the restrictions; th a t they hold the posi­ tions of honor and authority as the rep­ resentatives of the B ritish Government in the E ast—all these are indisputable facts. There are some accusations, to be sure, which seem too extreme or unfounded for our acceptance, among them being the charge th a t it was Jew ish influence, work­ ing under a pseudo form of Masonry, th a t brought about the French Revolution; as also th e charge th a t th e present plan of world overthrow and seizure is to be ac­ complished largely through the Jew ish use of the Masonic order. T hat the Masons’ psychology is well understood is appar­ ent in th e Protocols, where they are de­ scribed as men who love display, prom­ inence and applause, and whose van ity is easily appealed to ; bu t to assume th a t these two bodies—the Jew s and the Masons—will work together for the ac­ complishment of the fo rm er’s purpose seems to us a most unlikely possibility. And y e t there are suggestive links even here! Jesus Christ is not a fa eto r in either, and so would prove no b ar to a union of effort; secondly, the M asons’ claim th a t th eir order was founded by

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