King's Business - 1921-11



of editors, m inisters and politicians delight to slather the Jew w ith unqualified com­ pliments. These eheap adulations are usually based on no b etter foundations th an self-interest, for the unregenerate Jew usually has a Very u n attractiv e p er­ sonality, There is a reason for his being non persona g ra ta a t resorts and in the best society; who can deny it? Nor .have we any quarrel w ith the He- brew-Christians—our beloved brethren in the Lord—who, it is interesting to observe, to a man resent and deny the charges brought against their race by ‘ 1The In ­ ternational J e w " propaganda. This a t­ titude is to be expected: first, because they are Jews, and so can readily be ex­ cused; second, because their work lies among th eir brethren according to the flesh, and consequently it would be ru in ­ ous to tak e any other position. There­ fore th eir resolutions a t conferences, and th eir p rivate expressions can easily be borne w ith, and indeed placed to their credit. In closing ju st a word on the Bible pre­ dictions concerning th e Jew . God has a plan for Israel. Israel is still H is first­ born. Now in disobedience and sin they wander from Him, only a few—“ th e rem­ n an t according to the election of g race’’— being gathered out fo r God’s glory in this age. They are now returning to th eir land, though it would be well not to be very quick in predicting an early possession of it, as there are many prob­ lems to be settled first. The A rabs—Eng­ la n d ’s allies—are there as the g reat ma­ jo rity of the population, and a t present have no idea of departing from the land th a t contains some of th eir most sacred shrines, of which they are fanatically jealous,—for through Ishmael they are A braham ’s descendants; Greeks, Boman Catholics and Armenians also look w ith longing eyes upon the places made sacred by the life and suffering of the Lord they worship; there are also other grave d if­ ficulties of a practical character, so th a t even w ith a Jew as H igh Commissioner, a Sanhedrin appointed, all the wealth and

K ing Solomon a t the building of the Temple, would give ground for the ro­ m antic idea of th eir again building the Jew ish Temple on Mount Moriah. W hat a prestige this would give Masonry! How it would flatter th eir pride and bring th eir order into world-prominence, not to sp e a k . of its establishing th eir claims as to origin and antiquity 1 While unable to come to a definite con­ clusion as to th is extremely interesting subject, and indeed which our mind re­ fuses to relinquish, we are led to add the following reflections, viz:—The Jew ish race is morally fully capable of doing all th a t is charged against it. I t is a t present rejected of God, and in a sta te of dis­ obedience and rebellion. Its case is well represented by th a t picture which its re­ jected Messiah drew, as found recorded in M atth ew 's Gospel,, 12th chapter—verses 43 to 45, — ‘‘When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out: and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and tak eth w ith him self seven other spirits more wicked th an himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of th a t man is worse th an the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked genera­ tion (ra c e ).” And th eir whole tem pera­ ment, sp irit and conduct bear out this Biblical description. As a race Jew s are gifted fa r beyond all other peoples, and even in th eir ruin, w ith the curse of God upon them, are in the fron t rank of achievement; bu t ac­ companying tra its are pride, overbearing arrogance, inordinate love for m aterial things, trickery, rudeness and an egotism th a t taxes the superlatives of any lan ­ guage. Oppressed are they? Indeed, and subject to injustice more th an any other race, and y et never learning the lesson of tru e hum ility. From th is it w ill be seen th a t we are . not among those Gentiles who from Ex- President T aft down through the ranks

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