King's Business - 1921-11


1089 to th ink there was no God and he could do as he liked. You have it today. Men who were con­ verted say, “ T h ere’s nothing in conver­ sion and surrender. The world ha's the b est.’’ Maybe some of you here have come to a blue Monday or a black F riday like David. Y ou’ve flung up your hands and said, “ I ’ll perish—bu t I w on’t stay here and perish like a ra t in a hole. I ’ll go over into the land of the Philistines and have a good tim e.’’ Where are you? .You were converted —the day of your anointing. You re­ member th e day, hour and place where the ligh t broke. You perhaps fondly an­ ticipated th a t life would mean a few brief bright, smiling years. You would cross the b a r in some favored hour and drop anchor in the fa ir haven forever. Where are you? Years have passed. Y ou’re not in heaven yet—only Bingham ton. As to troubles and trials you thought y o u ’d have no more. Now you think you never knew w hat trouble was till you came to Jesus. Like David you say it was all a m istake. The worldly .people have it better. Go in among the worldly: Now, don’t you do it, for if you do it y o u ’ll rue it. By and by yo u ’ll come back like David—out a t the elbow and down a t th e heel. As soon as th e Philistines discover y o u ’re a double dyed Israelite, they ’ll kick you out. Soon may you get it. Y ou’ll come back and be a b e tte r man. I t was a sorry day for David, bu t it seemed wise a t the time. God goes down past your mouth and puts H is ear to your heart. D avid said in his heart. W hat does He heaT in your heart? Y ou’re in church singing, “ Stand up, stand up for Jesus ’’ and you ’re g etting your legs ready to run. David said to himself, ‘‘I have lost my head and heart, bu t my heels are still left.- T hey’ll carry me th rough .’’ W hat a thought! Now I know you c a n ’t always keep back dark thoughts. I don’t w ant to pitch thi£ too high. The old saying is, “ You c a n ’t keep the crows from flying by, bu t you


I DAVID, DOWN IN I | THE DUMPS W By Re'?. John M cN eil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii 1 Sam. 27:1. f‘And D avid said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of S a u l: there is nothing b etter for me th an th at I should speedily escape into th e land of the Philistines: and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his h an d .” dictionary. Were you ever in the dumps? Were you ever out of them—some of you? David was th e bluest of th e blue. He was a brave, royal soul, bu t he lost heart. The world and fear and Saul and th e ’ devil were on top of him. T h a t’s a fa ir load. Talk about a steam roller. Get th a t rolled over you and it would straighten you out. I f D avid got there, we can get there w ith less excuse for we have a clearer light. “ For whatsoever things were w ritten aforetime were w ritten for our learning, th a t we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures m ight have hope.’’ God called David to be king in of rebellious Saul. Saul had set himself up to be king. God had to set him aside. He appointed and anointed David by the hand of Samuel, the prophet. When Saul knew his successor had been appointed, he d id n ’t resign and introduce David to the throne. He d id n ’t make things easier for God. He brazened it out w ith God and hunted D avid day and night. God’s anointed, appointed king was hunted like a partridge and God made no move and Saul got away w ith it. But God never sleeps or forgets. The Word He has spoken shall stand. I t may tak e Him a few years bu t He will keep his David and Saul w ill get tim e and room to give in. God doesn’t come slipping up behind a rebellious Saul and smite him into th e doom he richly deserves. God often works slowly. David was tem pted to think there was some m istake. Saul was tempted subject is “ D avid in the im ps.” T hat word may not in the dictionary bu t many good word sta rts outside the

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