King's Business - 1921-11



Eddy, he shall immediately inform h er of it. I f a member, w ithout her having re ­ quested information, shall trouble her on subjects Unnecessarily and w ithout her consent, it shall be considered an offence.” P , 53. D on’t A ttem p t to U n d e rsta n d M rs. E ddy. “ Members shall not explain th e mean­ ing of Mrs. _E d d y ’s w ritings, nor shall they give a final in terp retation of h e f le t­ ters. I t shall be th e duty of th e clerk to report to her any vexed question and to aw ait her explanation th ereo f.” P . 55. M u stn ’t Sue M rs. E d d y W ith o u t A sking H er. “ A member shall not employ an a t­ torney nor tak e legal action on a case hot provided for in its bylaws, if said case relates to the person p r to the property of Mary Baker Eddy, w ithout having per- . sonally conferred w ith her on said sub­ je c t.” P. 56. M rs. E d d y ’s W o rd s a re th e Only W ords. “ No member shall use w ritten formulas, or perm it his p atien ts or students to use them, as auxiliaries to teaching Christian Science or fo r healing the sick. W hatever is requisite for either is contained in the books of the discoverer and founder of Christian Science. No other authority is needed.” P. 60. Solo S ing ers M u st W a lk th e C h alk L ine, “ I f a solo singer in the mother church shall either neglect or refuse to sing alone a hymn w ritten by our P asto r Emeritus, as often as once each month, and oftener, if th e board of directors so direct, a m eet­ ing shall be called, and the salary of this singer shall be stopped.” P. 64. T re a d S o ftly W h en N ear M rs. E d d y ’s Book. “ No objectionable pictures shall be ex­ hibited in the room where the Christian Science te x t book is published or sold. No idle gossip, no slander, no mischief making, no evil speaking, shall be allowed in th is room .” P . 69. L e c tu re rs M u st S ta n d by M o th er E ddy. “ I t is the duty of the board of lecture­ ship to include in each lecture a true and

|jl!llllllllllllllll!lllllillllllHlilllllllllllllllll!llllll!llllllllllllllllllll!lillllll!!lllllllllll' I SHE HAD A HEAD ■! FOR BUSINESS ^nniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiHniiiiMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriuminrHiiiiiHiiiiiiiiuiinihniifiiliiiiiiiiiiiinmniiiinin. jH E literary, and especially the business ability of Mrs. Mary Baker Grover P atterson Eddy F rye, th e founder of so called “ C hristian” Science, comes out rem ark­ ably in the early editions of the Christian Science “ M anual” which she wrote. The following quotations from the 1902 edition w ill serve to show how painstaking was Mrs. Eddy in her efforts to exalt herself and her teachings above the Word of God. M rs. E d d y ’s N am e M u st B e K e p t P rom in e n t. “ To pour into the ears of listeners the sacred revelations of Christian Science in ­ discrim inately, or w ithout characterizing th e ir origin and thus distinguishing them from the w ritings of authors who th ink at random on this subject, is to lose some w eight in the scale of righ t thinking. Therefore it is the duty of every member when publicly reading or quoting from the books and poems of our P asto r Emeritus, to first announce the name of th e author. Members shall also in stru ct th e ir students to adopt th e aforenamed method for the benefit of our cause.” P. 39. P le a se C all M rs. E d d y “M o th er E d d y .” “ In th e year 1895 loyal Christian Scien­ tists had given to the author of th eir tex t book, the founder of Christian Science, the individual endearing term of ‘Moth­ e r.’ Therefore students of Christian Science apply th is term only to her and th eir kindred according to the flesh.” P. 52. No One to H av e T itle s E xcept M rs. E ddy. “ A ll students of Christian Science must drop the titles of Reverend or Doctor, except those who have received these titles under the laws of the state. My beloved brethren w ill sometime learn the wisdom of this bylaw .” P. 62. Don’t B e B o th e rin g M o th er E ddy. ' “ I f a member has aught against Mrs.

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