King's Business - 1921-11



“ w rest the Scripture to our d estru ctio n ," I I P eter 3:16. Jesus said, “ Be not afraid of them th a t kill the body, and a fte r th a t have no more th a t they can do. But I will w arn you whom you . shall fear: F e a r him, (Sat^n, see Heb. 2:14), who afte r he h ath killed hath power to cast into hell (Gehenna). Yea, I say unto you, F ear h im " (Luke 12:4,5). Jesus Christ came, served and suffered to save men and women from perishing (John 3:16), and He w ill eventually de­ stroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8), and Diabolos himself (Heb. 2:14).

youthful soul and angels proclaimed in Heaven, earth,’ and hell th a t th is pauper boy had become a child of God. Some years after, the English Missionary Society sent this young life, touched by .Christ, to tam e those cannibals whom D ar­ win, the Evolution P ropagandist, had called the Missing Link. That boy from th e Almshouse told those savage people the old, old story of Jesus and H is love. He told them of the cross and the power of Christ to save. The liv ­ ing Christ moved among them, touched them, transform ed them. Today there is not a cannibal to be found in T ierra del Fuego nor in all th a t p a rt of th e country. Darw in was obliged to adm it th a t he was wrong. W hat w rought th a t m ighty change? W hat transform ed th a t pagan into a Chris­ tian ? That raving savage into a civilized peaceful man? I t was Jesus. The Christ. The Son of God. T hat is the kind of a job Jesus always does. He never falls down. He never fails. I f there is a continent to civilize, let Jesus disembark upon th a t shore. I f there is a drunkard to reform, a harlot to reclaim, or a blasphemer to silence, ju st push them through the crowd to Jesus. I challenge you to produce for me the country Darw in or Voltaire ever uplifted or civilized. Show me the drunkards ever reformed by Hume, or the harlots re­ claimed by Ingersol. Show me one single old fashioned, heavenly, Holy Ghost re­ vival, th a t binds up the broken hearted, lifts th e burden from th e soul, builds churches and Sunday Schools, th a t was led by any evolutionist or free thinker, since the world began. Jesus is th e only real reformer this old world has ever known. He lives. He is passing by today. He is calling all men to repentance and you will accept Him to be your personal Savior or you w ill go to hell.—Evangelist Ben Bubar. m m As to Christmas— See Back Cover. ,


1832, Charles Darwin, in a trip round the world, stopped on ìe coast of T ierra del Fuego. a his account of th a t visit, he

said it was the most' savage spot in all the world and he '.would not dare to pu t the practices of th a t trib e into w riting. He gave if as his opinion th a t th is was the missing link between man and th e monkey and th a t it would be no use to try to Christianize or civilize these people. B u t’even then a little nameless, homeless pauper boy was playing in th è y ard of an English Almshouse. Jesus Christ, the God man, walked in through the gates of th a t Almshouse y ard and found th a t lad a t play. Years before, when he was but a few hours old, some one had found th a t same boy wrapped in a b it of newspaper on a rubbish heap beside a bridge. This morn­ ing Jesus found him a t play in a p au p er’s home. Only a pauper, b u t Jesus found him. And finding him, Jesus said, “ Come, follow Me. T hat one glimpse of Jesus, those words from the m a ste r’s lips, changed th a t boy from a pauper to the child of the K ing. He was “ born a g a in ," not of unknown parents to be cast on a rubbish pile to die, bu t he was born of God. Born to live. E tern al life took possession of his

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