King's Business - 1921-11



millionaires in th eir luxurious staterooms. There was always a good hearing and sometimes pleasing results. One man, saved a little while ago, comes out on the street w ith us regularly and it is sweet to hear his testimony. W ith a Christian w ife a t home, he was against the Lord, and was in all kinds of sin for tw enty years. He was on th e way to a show when the message on the street reached his h eart and he took the oppor­ tu n ity to accept Christ as his personal Saviour. He was so thank fu l for the mes­ sage. Is it not the old story th a t the Gospel of God has power to save? A S p iritu a l C linic As a result of a message on the work years ago in the Bay region, a man wrote the worker of his need, having felt th a t God w anted him to w rite of his need and ask help. A book by A rthur T. Pierson, “ Spiritual C linic,” which deals w ith such things as unsubdued sin, unanswered prayer, persistent darkness and habitual unbelief, was sent him, as he was a Chris­ tian and a Suhday School superintendent, but in trouble spiritually. This book, of course, deals only w ith the things a be­ liever has to w restle w ith, so has no mes­ sage for the unsaved. He w rites concern­ ing it—“ The little book you sent me is a gem. The la st chapter on ‘H abitual U nbelief’ opened my eyes wonderfully. Today I am rejoicing in Him and H is Word. S atan keeps me constantly in re­ membrance of th e fa c t he is still in the ring and in no wise daunted, but, praise the Lord, the tide of b attle has changed and his has been the defeat and mine, through Christ, the victory. H is every effort keeps me much in prayer and in re­ membrance of the fa c t of my L o rd ’s blessed presence w ith me. H is Word is now more precious to me th an before. I have secured a vest pocket edition of the New Testam ent and Psalms and keep it ever w ith me, carrying it to and from work on th e cars. Now if He will only lead me into some definite work for Him it seems as if my happiness will be com­ plete. ’’

F o rty Saved o n One B o a t The best of the month is here reserved fo r the last. Word came of the arrival of nearly four hundred men and women, Porto Bicans, on a vessel sailing from Porto Eico to the H aw aiian Islands, and stopping a t th e harbor a few hours only. The Superintendent of the Spanish D epart­ ment came down in answer to a call. The ship was boarded, and before us was the whole crowd giving us a good reception. No time was wasted, bu t our desire was made known to have a Gospel service among them, w ith the result th a t in a short time th e men carried benches to a suitable space on deck and th e crowd gathered quickly and listened eagerly. The message was on the crucifixion and the two thieves, one saved, the other lost, and the Lord was wonderfully honored as th e speaker addressed these dear people. The S pirit of God was very m anifest and it was a wonderful time. A t the close, upon a very definite invitation, fo rty or more people raised their hands, saying th a t they were ready to accept Christ as th eir personal Saviour. Three thousand fam ilies are said to be on the way to Hawaii, and if Chinese laborers in H aw aii are ruled out as un­ desirable, ten thousand men w ill be needed to tak e th e ir places. W hat a field is presenting itself to us among these Porto Bican people alone! W ill you not pray for them? By the time this w ill be before th e read­ ers of th is magazine the resignation placed before the In stitu te by the worker will have tak en effect, so th is will be th e last message. P rayers arei asked th a t the worker may be used in a w ider sphere of service in full dependence upon Him. The service w ith the In stitu te was greatly appreciated and the fellowship sweet. E d ito r’s N o te ||-W e have had great pleasure in fellowship w ith Mr. Zimmer- mann in his work w ith us, and bid him Godspeed to any service to which the Lord calls him. Our work w ill continue in San Pedro, and we are hoping during the w in­ te r before us to tra in men for the same good work in other ports. T. C. H.

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