King's Business - 1921-11


THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Biola Hall D avid T. C an t H UB Biola H all friends will be glad to know of some very in­ teresting experiences during the p ast month. An exceptionally brigh t attorney, afte r tw en ty years of wasted life, came to see the vision of serv­ ice and is thoroughly awakened to the need. Saved as a young lad through the reading of the New Testam ent, he later d rifted almost to the rocks. He is now facing opposition in home and business and needs the prayers of God’s people to be held tru e and steadfast. Following this came a man who was a Christian by profession only. When the light entered he presented us w ith his cigarette outfit, rem arking th a t he would have no fu rth er use fo r it. Then our h earts were refreshed by the restoration of an outcast to his wife and fam ily. One remarked, “ I f Biola H all never did another piece of work, th a t one would more th an repay for all outlay of time, prayer, patience, and money.” We are also rejoicing over a Hebrew lad delivered from th e m idnight of Ju d a ­ ism to the clear, sane ligh t of Christianity. “E ye-ology a n d H eart-o lo g y ” One day a gentleman came along and listened to th e speaker a t the chart and he was dealt w ith afterw ards. He told us th a t he had in v ited a stranger to stay w ith him over nigh t as a kindness to him, because he had no place to stay. The next morning the stranger remained in bed for needed (?) rest afte r he w ent to work, and when the stranger did not come down to his plaee of employment, he went to his room a t noon and "found the man gone, together w ith his clothes and money. Worried, discouraged, and sick, he left his work a t the beach and came to the city, where S atan was telling him to end it all by suicide. He was led to th e Lord, and went out, tru stin g in Him to help him. Almost a week later, the same speaker was doing some work when a man came along, nodded pleasantly, was given a

Gospel tract. The man said, “ You do not remember me, do you ? ” The speaker did not exactly remember th e circumstances as so many are dealt w ith and a man cleaned up does not look quite the same. So the man told of how the Lord had given him a position the very next morning. He told of his m editating on th e Word during his work (Psalm 1:2) and his coun­ tenance was radiating th e joy and power of the Holy Spirit. He came along S at­ urday night, happy, and saying th a t he had ju st come from Los Angeles Street where he had been accosted by someone teaching Bible “ by eye-ology,” and he had testified th a t he had something b etter th an th a t—he had “ heart-ology.” A t another time an elderly man from S an ta B arbara was put looking a t the ehart a fte r our noonday prayer meeting. Dealing w ith him we found th a t he had never been saved. He had attended m eet­ ings bu t th e testimonies had confused him and he had- not had sufficient fa ith to bring him to know th e Gospel. We had the privilege of bringing him to accept- Christ and he went on his way rejoicing. Jo y o f S alv ation R e sto re d One night another elderly man was out looking a t the ch art as - we went out to tu rn on the ligh t in. the entrance. Upon questioning him we found he was a back­ slider, having been saved two years ago. We brought him inside, and through the reading of th e Scriptures he came back into the joy of salvation. H e said he had contemplated suicide all day, being sick.and discouraged; bu t he said he would rath er know the joy of salvation and how to please the Lord th an all this world could give him. Another case was a man looking for help. H is parents were Catholics. He had been h u rt in th e East, and la te r went i n t o 'th e country for employment. He found ten men for every job, and came on from state to state, arriving a t Los Angeles. A fter hearing the Word he ac­ cepted -Christ, and said he was glad for it all, because it brought him to know the Saviour.

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