King's Business - 1921-11



Two boys out here from D etroit, Michi­ gan, came along one nigh t and were ac­ costed by a. worker as they le ft the crowd. Both accepted Christ, and we have ju st mailed letters following them up, to ground them more perfectly in th eir fa ith and encourage them to know .God’s p u r­ pose fo r them in H is privileges of service. W hat a wonderful Saviour to seek us till He finds us!

dreds of homes, offering the Bible to the Romanists. Many seemed to be ignorant as to w hat the Bible was and I dare say many American Romanists to th is day in so-called Christian America are ignorant of the Bible and its contents. We have met w ith m any who were surprised to be able to purchase a Bible for the price th a t we offered it; and as to the size, many have an idea th a t it is so large th at, it is difficult to handle, and th a t it costs from th irty to fifty dollars. They were unable to buy a t such a price, beside, the fear of th e priest and anathem a of the Church . h ind ered»them from having a Bible of th eir own; but, learning of the small price and size, I have seen hundreds, w ithout a mom ent’s delay, hand out the fifty cents or a dollar to become th e glad possessor of the Word of God. S h ro u d ed in Ig n o ran ce Now can you no t see why all Roman Catholic lands, be it in L a tin America or Europe, are shrouded in ignorance, super­ stition, and idolatry? I t is even as the first Scripture te x t heading th is article states: ‘‘Where, there is no vision the people perish,” and because of the lack of the Word of God there is no faith . Of . a tru th Scripture saith, ‘‘F a ith cometh by hearing (the Word of God) and hear­ ing by the WORD OF GOD.” Oh, th a t God’s people would realize how we are surrounded by heathen! (Romanists w ith ­ out the Word of God). I t has been our delight to present to th e Mexicans w ithin our gates the Word of God w ithout adul­ teration, during the p ast few months. We know of many who have returned to Mex­ ico w ith th e Word of God in th eir posses­ sion, and who knows w hat the result w ill be, if the Lord tarries? Recently it was our privilege to address some four hundred Porto Ricans on the steamship Buckeye while a t the w harf at San Pedro. A fter a message from the Word of God we extended an invitation to any who would accept the Lord as their personal Saviour and immediately fo rty hands were raised, a fte r which we explained the way more clearly and all

Spanish Dept. R o b e rt H . B e n d e r

*‘W here there is no vision, the people p er­ ish.” “ B ut they have not all obeyed the Gos­ pel, for Esaias saith, ‘L ord who h ath believed onr rep o rt ?’ So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the W ord of God.”

the beginning of this article e desire to make a statem ent hieh may startle many readers : the K in g ’s Business. The

prevalent idea among Christian, people in general is th a t Roman Catholics are Christians, and in many statistical reports th e Roman Catholic church is classed as a sister church, b u t th is is untrue, for the only thing they have in common w ith the P ro testan t church is the name Chris­ tian. But here comes th a t which may startle many. Roman Catholics are denied the Holy Scriptures and prohibited from reading them under p a in of excommunica­ tion. The Word of God is seldom read to the people, and when it is read it is in a dead language (B atin). They are not taugh t its precepts, n either do they have it as th e “ man of th e ir counsel,” bu t instead are given the commandments of the Church and other man-made books to use in th eir devotions, if there are any who are devout enough to m editate. The study of the Bible is not known among them. In our experience of twenty-five years in missionary work in L atin America and Southern California seldom have we found a fam ily who possessed a Bible. I f they had one they either had received it as a g ift from a P ro testan t, or had bought it , from a Bible Society colporteur. I t has^ been my privilege to call a t hun­

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