King's Business - 1921-11




Bible Women’s Work M rs. L ym an S tew a rt, Supt. B AEIOUS groups of girls, g ath er­ ed in prayer, circles before the w eekly meeting, have been find­ ing the joy of service in prayer. Many answers—wonderful to us because our fa ith in our wonderful God is so small—have come, and many a g irl’s h eart life has been strengthened and her vision of the power of prayer has been increased as God has worked. P er six months one circle has prayed th a t th e brother of two of the girls, away from home and his whereabouts unknown, might be found, brought home and led to the Lord. God heard, found the brother, and brought him across the continent to his loved ones. Then the girls met and prayed earnestly th a t on a certain Sunday night he m ight attend th e evangelistic service and be saved. He went under protest and le ft the meeting angry a t heart. The girls met one of the workers outside the building and they united th eir h earts in a petition th a t before he slept, th e boy would be saved. A t m idnight the lad, unable to sleep or get away from the spirit of conviction, yielded and found peace. The answer to long years of believing prayer on the p a rt of several people came recently when a young woman definitely

confessed Christ, thanking God for Christ Jesus th eir Saviour. We w anted to pre­ sent each one w ith a Testam ent, bu t to our dismay Mr. Zimmermann, th e harbor worker, only had tw enty Testam ents to distribute and those who did not receive one were disappointed. I t was a glad sight to see so many accept Christ and clamor fo r H is Word. 6 n our return th a t day from San Pedro we stopped a t one of the railroad section camps, and talked to a group of fifteen interested men, and again we extended an invitation. Ten men definitely accepted Christ and confessed Him before th eir companions. A ll praise and glory be given to Him who alone is worthy. W hat a privilege it is to share in th is great work. We earnestly covet your prayers especially th a t th e Word of God may have free course and be glorified.

Christmas Cometh— See the Back Cover.

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