King's Business - 1921-11



p arty in power is Catholic, and their business and social position depends on th eir stand religiously. Our church build­ ing is not y et completed. We are still working, bu t slowly because the money has been slow in coming in lately. Will you pray w ith us fo r this work? As yet there are many cities where no regular work is being done and we w ant to oc­ cupy them .” “ I have had twenty-two invitations from towns in the N orth of Ireland here fo r united missions, but the council of men who have gathered around me have picked out eight, so th a t will keep me busy righ t up to next June. The other places we couldn’t touch I have got in touch w ith and will try to get some evangelist to help them. May the Lord set th is dear land on fire and burn up the old pope and his d irty work. I begin in Burgan in September. Then Newtownards, Lisburn, and Londonderry. Then four missions in Belfast. I know th a t you w ill be praying for me, for the old devil will not tak e this assault on his kingdom quietly. I t is wonderful how many of the P resbyterian m inisters he gets against me here. They are as dead as. can be and as worldly. A recent letter from Dr. Dixon says: ‘‘ God gave us a very gracious revival at Danville, K entucky, w ith about 150 addi­ tions to the church. So also a t Bowling Green, though there were not so many con­ versions. A t Greenville, Texas, during July, though it seemed as hot a t times as a Turkish bath, the people filled and over­ flowed the tabernacle and God worked m ightily. Some of the prom inent men in town confessed their decision for Christ. A t (Montrose Bible Conference there was a very flood-tide of spiritual blessing and there was unusual blessing at Montreat and Winona .Lake. “ The fact th a t some in Los Angeles ex­ press th eir desire for my retu rn gives me good cheer, and I pray God th a t I may come in the power of the Holy Spirit. I am really heart-hungry for the fellowship and service in the Bible In stitu te and the Church of the Open Door: ” EVANGELISTIC NOTES Mr. Nicholson w rites:

WHAT THEN ! When the great plants of our cities Have turned out th eir last finished work; When our merchants have sold out their last y ard of silk And dismissed the tired clerk; When our banks have raked in. th eir last dollar And paid th eir last dividend;— When th e Judge of the world says close for the night— And asks for a balance—w hat then? When tine choir have sung th eir last an­ them, And the preacher has read his last prayer, When the people have heard th eir last sermon And th e sound has died out on the air; When the Bible lies closed on th e altar And th e pews are all empty of men And each one stands facing their record—c And the great book is open—w hat then? When the actors have played th eir last drama And the mimic has made his last fun, When the film has flashed its last picture And the bill-board displayed its last run; When the crow ds seeking pleasure have vanished And gone out in the darkness again—5 When the trum pet of ages is sounded And w e . stand up before Him—what ■ then? When the bu g le’s last call sinks in silence And the long marching columns stand stiil,; When the captain has given his la st orders And th e y ’ve captured the last fo rt and b ill, ' !'; v When the flag has been hauled from the mast-head, And th e wounded afield have checked ' " ” ifi— ■‘ And a world th a t rejected its Saviour Is asked for a reason-—w hat then? J. W. Green.

What About Christmas? See Back Cover.

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