King's Business - 1921-11

J H O M I L E T I C A L H E L P S Suggestive Bible Readings SOME OF GOD’S “ IF S ” TO MAN I. The I f of Salvation.

37:23, “ Touching th e A lm ighty we cannot find Him o u t.” 28:28, “ The fe a r of the Lord, th a t is wisdom. ’’ 23:12, “ I have esteemed the words of H is mouth more th an my nec­ essary food. ’’ 13:15, “ Though He slay m e.” 23:10, “ He knoweth the way th a t I ta k e .” 28:7-8, “ There is a path which no fowl know eth.” 17:9, “ The righteous also shall hold on his w ay.” —B. S. Beal. TH E MANY WAYS 1. The false way. (a) Way of Cain—Jude 11. (b) Way of Baalam-—2 P et. 2:15. (c) Way of wicked fa th er — 1 K ings 15:26. (d) Way of a fool—Prov. 12:15. 2. The true way. (a) A narrow way—Mt. 7:13-14. (b) Peaceful way—Isa. 26:3. (c) Righteous way—2 P e t.' '2>21; Psa. 116 . (d) V ital way—1 Jn. 5:12; Jn. 14:6. —E.. S. Beal. F IV E IMPORTANT QUESTIONS OF MAN' 1. How can a man be ju st w ith God? Job 25:4. Only through fa ith in Jesus Christ. Bom. 5:1. 2. How can a man be clean th a t is born o-f woman? Job 25:4. Only by having a second and spir­ itu al b irth. Jn . 3:3-7. 3. How can a man be born again? Jn . 3:4. Only through acceptance of Jesus Christ. • Jn. 1:12-13. 4. How can w e know the way to heaven? II I. About th e Bible. IV. About Christian Experience.

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John 10:9, “ I f any man enter. John 6:51, “ I f any man e a t.” John 8:36, “ I f the Son therefore shall make yau fre e .” Gal. 5:18, “ I f ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. ’ ’ I Cor. 15:2, “ I f ye keep in mem­ o ry .” Bom. 8:11, “ I f the Sp irit * * * dwell in you * * * shall also quicken. ’’' I Oor. 15:14, “ I f Christ be not risen * * * preaching vain. ’’ I I Cor. 8:12, “ I f there be first a w illing mind. ” Job 16:4, “ I f your soul were in my soul’s stead . ” Acts 8:37, “ I f thou believest * * * thou mayest, ” John 15:7, “ I f ye abide * * *and • my words abide.” : —B. S. Beal. GREAT VERSES IN JOB Job 19:24-27, “ I know th a t my Redeemer liveth. ” 33:'24, “ I have found a ransom .” 36:18, “ A g reat ransom cannot de­ liver th e e .” 9:33, “ N either is there any days­ man betw ixt us. ’’ 35:10, “ God * * * who giveth songs in the n ig h t.”

II. The I f of Freedom.

III. The I f of Deliverance. -

IV. The I f of Resurrection.

Y . The I f of Effective Preaching.

VI. The I f of Acceptable Giving.

V II. The I f of Evangelistic Motive.

V III. The I f of Baptism.

IX . The I f of Effective Prayer.

I. About Christ.

II. About God.

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