King's Business - 1921-11

THANKSGIVING NUMBER I t is a good th in g to give th a n k s u n to th e L o rd , a n d to sin g p ra ise s u n to Thy n am e, O M ost H igh . P s. 9 2 :1 . R ejo ice in th e l o r d , y e rig h te o u s; a n d give th a n k s a t th e rem em ­ b ran ce of H is ho lin ess. P s. 9 7 :1 2 . O give th a n k s u n to th e L o rd ; call u p o n H is n am e : m ak e know n H is d eeds am o n g th e people. P s. 1 0 5 :1 .- Save us, O L o rd o u r God, a n d g a th e r u s from am o n g th e h e a th e n , to give th a n k s u n to T hy ho ly n am e, a n d to triu m p h in T hy p raise. P s. 1 0 6 :4 7 . THE POSTMILLENNIAL PROPAGANDA FROM THE BISHOP’S BENCH H HROUGH the periodicals of the press, the sword of the superintend­ ents and the ihouths of the poor preachers, the word has gone forth: “ Persecute the Premillennialists.. Warn the people of the grave danger of the doctrine.” Their allies are the Modernists who are seeking to veil the eyes of the dear people to the truths of God’s inerrant Word. We are publishing in this edition 34,000 of the King’s Business. We arc reaching thousands of readers, but we are not satisfied. How could we be when every mail brings letters of thanksgiving for the good work we are doing—from pastors, missionaries, Sunday School super­ intendents, Sunday School teachers and Christian workers—praising God for the firm, definite stand we have taken against the attacks of the enemies and in defense of the virgin born Son of God, Saviour of our souls and Lord of our lives. So many of you have, been blessed; so many are rejoicing in what God is permitting us to do, and now we come to ask your help. You will help us, won’t you? You mil rally to our support, will you not? You will help us to reach the 50,000 mark before the close of the year—a thing so easy for you to do. You will not fail us, will you? The King’s Business has been published at a loss from the beginning, but we have had unwaver­ ing faith in the purpose of God to use it for His glory in these dark days. When we reach 50,000 we feel confident that it will pay the expense of pub­ lishing. We are going to ask a very definite favor of you. Will you not take a post card and a pen or pencil, address the card to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and on the reverse side write, “We will stand by you. You can depend upon us. Send us by return mail subscription blanks.” Put it in the mail box and then offer, in the name of our Lord Jesus, a prayer in behalf of the King’s Business. ' T. C H

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