King's Business - 1921-11



(6) To be almost a Christian is to be hopelessly lost. (7) To be a true Christian is the high­ est attainment of the human soul. v. 19. N ot disobedient to th e heavenly vision. Obedience is the one condition under which the will of God is accom­ plished in o u r COMMENTS FROM l i v e s and our MANY SOURCES spiritual prosper- K e ith L . B ro o k s ity secured. “ If ye be w illing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the lan d .” !—F arr. v. 20. Repent and tu rn to God. This was the substance of P a u l’s message to both Jew and Gentile. To repent is to radically change on e’s mind about sin and especially about Christ.fe-Torrey. - v. 22. Obtained help of God. The apostle tells us the seeret of his con­ tinuance. Obtainment is the seeret of at~ tairiment. M ark th a t he obtained his help for a specific object—th a t he m ight w it­ ness of the things in th e Scriptures.— Marsh. Continue w itnessing. Paul is a model w itness of Gospel tru th . . (1) Through whom does he w itness? Through the Lord whose strength is perfected in weakness. , (2) Before whom ,does he w it­ ness? Small and great, all who have ears to hear. (3) Of whom does he w itness? Of Christ, promised, manifested, crucified, raised, preached.'—Gerok. Small and great. DcJn’t be ashamed of the Gospel in any company.:—Cole, Unto th is day. The apostle has in mind th e many attem pts to cas.t him down during his m issionary jour­ neys. He has been rescued in many ways and is still standing there safe and Sound through thé help God had sent him. He does not forget human agency, bu t this, whatever it was, was all sent of God.—- Camb. Bible. v. 23. Should be th e first. The Revised Version gives a b etter representation of the original, thus: “ and how th a t he first, by th e resurrection of the dead, should proclaim. ’’—Lumby. Show light. Christ, by His resurrection, had brought light to both Jew s and Gentiles: (1) Upon the personality of Christ Himself, showing Him to be both Messiah and Son of God ( Rom. 1:4). ( 2 ) 'Upon the purpose and plan of salvation which had ever been througfi grace and by fa ith (Rom. 3:24-26). (3) Upon the character and value of C h rist’s death which was thereby declared to have been an atonem ent for sin (Rom. 4:25). (4) Upon the reality of a resurrection to

be a Saviour of the Jews. There is a difference of opinion concern­ ing the meaning of A g ripp a’s reply, as to whether the word ‘‘almost ’’ was spoken in scorn or in earnest. We are foreed to believe th a t Agrippa was under th e con­ victing power of the Spirit. P aul had used God’s Word in a m asterful manner, and it must have cut him like a sword (Hob. 4:12). The fervor of P a u l’s reply is proof th a t th e th ru st had gone home. He seizes the opportunity to make his appeal to the l^ing and to the whole company. “ I would ,to God” or “ I would th a t God” (for only H e could touch such hearts as those before him) “ th a t not only thou, bu t all th a t hear me this day, were both almost and altogether such as I am, except these bonds.” W hat did Paul have th a t he so gloried in? No worldly w ealth; no honor from men; no ease or comfort; no earthly crown; bu t he did have treasures in heaven (Mark 10:21); the smile of God (2 Cor. joy and peace of soul (Gal. 5:22, 23); a erown of righteousness (2 Tim. 4 :8 ); a M aster who was K ing of kings (Rev. 19: 16) and possessions th a t would outlast the crash of worlds (Rom. 8:32). Agrippa and Festus vindicated Paul and would have set him a t liberty, bu t God had ordained th a t be should go to Rome, and he was safer in th e hands of the R om ans.than he would have been in the hands of the Jews. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) Personal experience is an adjunct to the testimony of the Word. (2) You cannot teach th a t which, you do not know experimentally. S trive for a rich experience. (3) The vision of the risen Lord, the voice of H is Word, and the life of victory, make a fu ll life. (4) The center of the Gospel is Christ crucified, Christ risen, Christ comihg and Christ reigning. (5) There is no madness comparable to the madness of neglecting and rejecting the Gospel.

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