King's Business - 1921-11



ion, whieh lay dead upon the floor. Toss­ ing it into the air, however, seemed to awaken its wonderful powers of flight, and away it went straig h t ■ tow ards the clouds.” Golden T ext Illustrations.—When Wish- art, the Scotch preacher, was seized and imprisoned by Bothwell, John Knox de­ sired to share his fortunes; bu t W ishart, who had seen how precious a mind and heart lay behind the rugged features bf his follower, would not allow it. “ Gang hame to your b airn s,” said he; “ one is sufficient for a sacrifice.” ' But he went gladly, know ing he would live w ith Christ in resurrection. A workman of the g reat chemist, F a ra ­ day, one day knocked into a ja r of acid a silver cup. I t disappeared, .was eaten up by the acid, and could not be found. The question came up whether it could ever be found. One said he could find it. Another said it was held in solution and it was impossible to find it. The great chemist came in, and pu t some chemical into the jar, and. in a moment every p a r­ ticle of silver precipitated to the bottom. He lifted it out, a shapeless mass', sent it to the silver-sm ith, and the cup was restored. I f F araday could restore th a t cup, I believe God can restore my sleep- ing and scattered dust on the resurrect ion morn. Memory Verse.—“ I w as.not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.” Aets 26:19. ' Approach.—Show the children a beau­ tifu l flower and its seed. Explain how a seed is put in the ground and decays; bu t it holds a germ of life whieh springs up and becomes a BEG INNERS beautiful f l o w e r . AND PR IMARY When we die, our M abel B. M erriU bodies are put into the ground, bu t our spirits go to live w ith Jesus forever. As Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, so those who love Him shall Paul Tells How He Came To Obey Jesus. Acts 26:1-23.

Jew s ignorantly persecuted Jesus. John 10:3, I K ings 18:7-10. Obadiah feared Ahab, the king, bu t Paul was fearless. E lijah, however, could stand before Ahab and rebuke him. I K ings 19:2. Jer. 38: 4. E lisha I I K ings 2:23. Job 3:25-26. 16:6-10. 30:12, 19-30. I I Tim. 3:12. P a u l’s Zeal.—H ere is a man whose zeal never wavered, w hether before kings or priests. In the California bee-pastures on the sunny days of summer, one may readily infer the time of day from the comparative energy of bee-movements alone; drowsy and moderate in th e cool of the morning, increasing in energy w ith the ascending sun, and a t high noon thrilling and quiv­ ering in w ild eestaey, then gradually de­ clining again to th e stillness bf night. This is like most lives, b u t P a u l’s was d if­ ferent. H is zeal burned a t w hite heat when we bid him good-by in Phil. 1:21-25. “ ’Tis easy to be brave When th e world is on our side; When nothing is to fear, Fearless to abide. Hut to hope when all’s despaired, And be brave when we are scared, i h a t ’s another thing, my dear, . And will do to te ll.” Devotion.—In other pursuits of life men hazard th eir lives. Think of the soldiers, the sailors, the craftsmen, the miners, and the explorers. Why hot venture for Christ? A t some of the fishing towns of the B ritish Isles so dangerous is th e fish­ erm an’s avocation, th a t few old men are to be seen, and during th e stormy season, hundreds of lives are lost in pursuit of th eir calling. P a u l’s devotion burned like the life of a chimney-swallow. “ Confine one of these,” says John Burroughs, “ to a room and it will not pereh bu t a fte r flying until it becomes bew ildered and exhausted, it clings to the side of the w all till it dies. I once found one in my room on returning a fte r several d ay s’ absence, in which life seemed nearly extinct. Its feet grasped my finger, as I removed it from the wall, bu t its eyes closed, and it seemed about on the point of joining its compan­

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