King's Business - 1921-11

1128 S s s i s rise and live w ith Him forever.—Primary Teacher. Lesson Story.—We are going to have another story about Paul, and he is still in prison, and it has been two years now he has had to stay in prison, and yet: he had not done anything wrong A king and his sister came to v isit the governor, and when they heard about Paul, the king said he would like to hear Paul and see what he would say. St>, on th e next day the governor arranged to have Paul appear , before K ing Agrippa and his sister and a number of people who gathered in the judgm ent hall of the governor. A t the time appointed the king and his sister en­ tered the council room dressed in their finest clothes, and found there a number of distinguished people invited in th eir honor—leading business men of the place and colonels of the various Roman regi­ ments quartered there a t the time. When they were all seated Paul was led in from - the prison. He was in chains and p erh ap s1 he was bound to a soldier. Then K ing Agrippa told P au l to speak for himself. Then Paul stood up and told K ing Agrippa he was very glad th a t he m ight make his answer to him, because he was sure th a t the king had learned all about the laws of the Jews, and would understand w hat he was going to say. Then P aul said, “ The Jew s themselves know very well how 1 have lived, and w hat X have done, evei since I was a child. For I also am a Jew and if they would speak the tru th thej would sa y -th a t I used to be one of thi strictest among them. I, too, thought 3 - ought to do many things against Jesus Many of H is disciples I shut up in prison, and when they were tried I spoke against •them th a t they m ight be put to death. One day I was going to the city of Damas­ cus, and as I came near the city, I saiy, ini; the middle of the day, a light from heaven,|| brighter than the sun, th a t shone aroundil me and the men th a t were w ith me. And we were all afraid and fell to the earth. ’ '

T H E K I N G ’ S R T j s r N v s s ’ •; -iT.-1“ " ' ’ (V ividly picture the story of bauPs- uun- version. Emphasize the fa c t th a t P a u l’s religious train ing as a Jew tau g h t him dbedience to God.) P aul told th e king how as soon as he kn ew it was Jesus he had been fighting against, his whole life was changed, for he knew there was ju st one thing to do, obey Jesus, and th a t since th a t time he had preached Jesus to th e: people wherever he went. A fte r hearing P a u l’s wonderful story of his conversion, the king said, ‘‘ Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.?’ But the king did what so many others have done; he let his opportunity go by. I t is very dangerous not to tak e Jesus as our Saviour ju st as - soon as we hear about Him. Je su s’ time is now, for we do not know w hat may happen to us, but if we belong to Jesus we are safe whatever may come to us. ¡Paul obeyed a t once as our memory verse tells us. Teach memory verse. I t always pays to obey the voice of Jesus, and dp what He asks us to do in H is word. I t meant the loss of the- k in g ’s soul by not tak ing Jesus as his Saviour, for Paul made it very plain, th a t Jesus was the true ©od. |T he king knew th a t Paul was a good man land had done no wrong, and he would ■have let him go free if Paul had not ap­ p e a le d to another man. Closing P rayer.—Dear Lord Jesus, help [us always! to obey Thee. P aul Before th e K ing. Acts 26:19-32. L Obedience to the Heavenly Vision. P icture Paul before the authorities, w riting th e ir names upon the board. P au l proclaims his obedience to the Heavenly Vision. Ask the class, “ To w hat Heavenly, Vision does this re­ fe r? ’’ DRAW, explaining the conver­ sion of Saul. |II. The effect of P a u l’s message. 1. Upon Pestus. 2. Upon Agrippa. “ Almost thou per- [suadest me to be a Christian.?? in clu sion . “ Almost ’?” - means lost.

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