King's Business - 1921-11



One Kind of Optimism This is to be deplored. It ill-behooves theatrical people to make light of sacred things. There never would have been this country of ours, in which these people are making their fortunes, had it not been for ministers of the Gospekand Bible-loving people with their loyalty to the truth and faithfulness to the Word of God. These theatrical people may live to regret their position, and if not that, then it will be the fate of their children. But there is another side'to the unfortunate condition. Is there a lack ot strong, virile, Biblical preachers? Is that why clergymen are pictured as clowns * Is it because they have forgotten their call and calling, it they ever had one from God? Is it because so many of them are trimming the Gospel down and giving little sermonettes and twaddle-ettes to the people, saying soft, smooth things to their congregations and seeking to satisfy them with soothing syrup? No stage slanderers would ever have called John Knox John Wesley and Jonathan Edwards effeminate fools, and thank God there’are many stalwart servants of God in our land who will never be classified in that category. In no uncertain tone this unhappy condition creates a call to the clergy ' to sound out to a perishing world the oracles of God committed unto them; to tell the people the terrors of God’s unchanging law concerning sowing and reaping^ concerning heaven and hell; to tell them that God is love but that out of Christ God is a consuming fire; that the cross of Ghrmt bears testimony to its unchangeable truths; to tell them of God s love for~sinneia and God’s wrath against sin; to tell that every drop of blood which Sowed from the wounds of Jesus Christ will testify against them, if they reject His gracious sacrifice in their behalf. This flippant age with its flagrant sms against God and His holy Word needs to be awakened from its fanciful

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