King's Business - 1921-11

C o n co rd an t V ersion o f th e B ible We do not usually mention books in these columns which we do not endorse,- but so many inquiries h av e'b een received about th e above, pu t out by the “ Con­ cordant Publishing Concern,” Los An­ geles, th a t we feel it necessary to define our position. As to the boasted Hebrew and Greek scholarship, some w idely recog­ nized scholars in these languages declare th a t some of the translations in this v er­ sion are exceedingly faulty. The purpose of the work seems to be to prove the positions held by Universalists. The notes appended to various passages all bend in th is direction. We believe it a dangerous piece of work, as much so as the version being put out by the Bussel- lites. T a b ern acle H ym n s No. 2 Bev. Paul Bader has ju st produced a seeond edition of his popular Gospel hymn book. I f is considerably improved and enlarged and is, in our opinion, one of the most all-around useful books of the kind we know of.- I t contains 351 songs, the larger p a rt of which are th e fam iliar, solid songs of the faith . Deeper life songs are in abundance. The price is not stated in th e book, bu t would be in th e neighbor­ hood of 50c for the substantial cloth b ind ­ ing. T h e Two G enealogies o f Je su s Bev. J. C. Stillion, former superintend­ ent of men of the Bible In stitu te, has brought fo rth a small work of inestimable value in dealing w ith th is disputed ques­ tion of the -two genealogies presented by M atthew and Luke respectively. Mr. Stillion has pondered th is subject for years and the fru it of his studies w ill be a most refreshing revelation to many Bible students. The genealogies are compared in the most strik ing way, and facts are brought out which' reveal the unm istakable work of the Holy S p irit in inspiring the two records. M atth ew ’s genealogy is shown to connect Jesus w ith the throne rights through Joseph and Solomon, and L u k e’s genealogy connects Him w ith the n atu ral rights through M ary and N athan, thus bringing the two Davidie lines to ­ gether in Jesus. A yery valuable chart

K a n am o ri’s L ife S to ry The Sunday School Times Co. have pub­ lished the th rilling story of th e author of the famous “ Three Hour Serm on’’ as told by himself. ¡Mr. Kanamori, th e greatest Japanese evangelist, has ju st completed a tour of the U nited States, speaking in more than 200 universities and seminaries, and relating his experience w ith higher Criticism in Jap an and how he came back to solid ground. He tells his story w ith the fervor of a Moody and the conviction of a Paul, and all Christian workers will find it most fascinating and inspiring. Cloth $1.25. T h e C risis in C hu rch a n d College Dr. G. W. McPherson of New York has ju st brought out a second and enlarged edition of this book which so stirred the religious world upon its first. appearance. I t should be in the library of every preach­ er and in the home of every Christian. Conditions in the churches and colleges are given w ith positive proof. The book was the result of a rem arkable correspondence between the author and 211 foremost Am­ erican educators. Cloth $1.45. F ire sid e S to ries fo r G irls The Doran Co. give us this splendid book by M argaret W. Eggleston. Workers w ith girls are constantly searching for stories th a t will appeal to the adolescent girl. This book gives some stories th a t have real liftin g power. Cloth $1.56. S ain ts a n d Savages Those who are interested in missions in South America will find nothing more in­ teresting than this book by Alex B. Hay of the Inland South America Missionary Union. Thrilling incidents of the work among the Bororo trib e of B razil give a clear insight into the Indian problem of Brazil and w hat must be done to meet it w ith the Gospel. Cloth $1.00. A nsw ered o r U n an sw ered ? . This account o f eighteen different m ir­ acles of fa ith in China by Louisa Vaughan, shows th a t our Lord still hears and answers prayer in a wonderful way. I t is a series of living illustrations of the theory which many Christian workers believe in th eir heads, bu t concerning which they have so little actual experience in th e ir lives, namely, th a t “ prayer changes th in g s.” Cloth $1.00, Paper 60 cents.

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