King's Business - 1921-11



th a t men will be judged and th eir destiny appointed (v. 31, 32). 10. Universalism. Those who believe all will be saved are informed th a t a judgm ent day is coming (v. 31). I f all were, saved, there would be no necessity of a judgment. 11. Indifferentism . Those who believe it unnecessary for man to seek anything outside of him self are informed th a t it is necessary to m an ’s eternal good Ito seek God (v. 27-28). 12. Eddyism . Those who believe there is no sin are informed th a t, all men every­ where are commanded to acknowledge th eir sins and repent (v. 30). 13. Catholicism. Those who believe God may be worshipped through graven images are informed th a t God cannot b e ' rep­ resented by m an ’s devices (v. 29). 14. Modernism. Those who believe th a t service to God consists in works of refor­ mation and the cleaning up of the world are shown th a t God is not in need of m a n ’s efforts to help Him out (v. 25) but w ants prim arily m an ’s h e a rt• (v. 27).__ Arr. by K. L. B. THE S P IR IT F ILLED L IF E By M elville W in an s M iller O the S pirit filled life! Is it thine, is it thine ? Is th y soul wholly filled w ith the S pirit divine ? O thou child of the King, has He fallen on thee? Does He reign in thy soul, so th a t all men may see The dear S av io r’s blest image reflected in thee? Has He swept through th y soul like the waves of the sea? Does the S p irit of God daily rest upon thee? Does He sweeten thy life,'d o es He keep thee from care? Does He guide thee and bless thee in answer to prayer?

Is it joy to be led o f the Lord anywhere? Is He near thee each hour, does He stand a t thy side? Does He gird thee w ith strength, has He come to abide? Does He give thee to know th a t all things may be done Through the grace and the power of the Crucified One? Does He w itness to thee of th e glorified Son? Has He purged thee -of dross w ith the fire from above? Is He first in th y thoughts, has He all of th y love? Is H is service thy choice, and' is sacrifice sweet ? Is the doing H is will both thy drink and thy meat? Dost thou run a t H is bidding w ith glad •eager feet ? • Has He freed thee from, self and from all of thy greed? Dost thou hasten to succor thy brother in need? As a soldier of Christ dost thou hardness endure ? Is thy hope in the Lord everlasting and sure ? H ast thou patience and meekness, a rt ten ­ der and pure? O the S pirit filled life may be thine, may ■te thine, In thy soul evermore the Shekinah may shine; I t is thine to live w ith the tempests all stilled, I t is thine w ith the blessed Holy Ghost to be filled; I t is thine, even thine, fo r thy Lord has so willed. (Contributed by Mr. E. L. Eldredge.)

Christmas Advice on the ,Back Cover.

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