King's Business - 1921-11

Ch ristm as is Com ing And we wish to recommend to you,' for liberal giving these Three Universally Acceptable Books. They are eagerly read by old and young—men, women or children. Scarlet and Purple By Sydney W atso n Good salvation In the Twinkling of An Eye By Sydney W atso n The Mark of the Beast By Sydney W atson There a r e but

The Second Com­ ing of the Lord is a very precious truth to many Christians, and would be to many more if they o n l y understood. Some are adverse to studying their Bibles just to learn this par­ ticular truth, b u t everybody will read and enjoy a good well written story. In the Twinkling of an Eye is an exceeding­ ly interesting story in which the doctrine of the return of the Lord is so intimately interwoven that the reader absorbs it, utterly unconscious that he i s being taught, — s o thor­ oughly does he be-- come absorbed in the story. It is just the book to put into the hands of young Christians, careless Christians, nominal Christians. Read it for yourself, a n d then you will under­ stand what we mean. P rice $1.25, cloth

comparatively f e w people who under­ stand correctly what t h e Bible teaches concerning “ T h e Great Tribulation,” — that awful period of distress that is coming u p o n this earth during the time when the Antichrist will rule with unhin­ dered sway. In “The Mark of the Beast,” these facts are most vividly portrayed in story form. So inter­ esting is the story that many people read it through at one sitting, only to take up the book a g a i n to re-read once, twice and pos­ sibly three times, un­ til the true teaching of the tribulation is so f i x e d in their minds that they will never forget it. P rice $1.25, cloth

stories a r e rare,— this is a rare; one,— an exceedingly inter­ esting story. God’s Good News concern­ ing His Son and what He has done for us is the theme running through it from beginning to end, but it does not in any way interfere with the plot or the characters except to enhance your inter­ est in them. It brings the reader face to face with J e s u s Christ, a s Saviour and many souls have been b o r n again through its reading. Put “Scarlet a n d Purple” i n t o the lands of young peo­ ple,— into the hands of any one you want to see converted.

P rice $1.25, cloth

B iola Book Room , B ible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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