The Art of Dr. Seuss | 2023

The Story of


and also had a stint working in advertising. He had been writing

Dr Seuss had a fascination with animals that began when he was two years old in 1911 and the family moved to a house in Springfield, Massachusetts. From his open bedroom window, the young Theodor could hear the night cries of animals at the nearby Springfield Zoo. It wouldn’t be long before excursions to the zoo were a regular occurrence for Ted and his sketchpad, and that’s when his fascination for animals turned to love. Theodor began his career as a cartoonist and illustrator for leading publications,

children’s books for twenty years when The Cat in the Hat first stepped onto the world stage and supercharged his career. The quirky cat put him on the fast track to becoming a force in children’s literacy due in part to the book’s origins in an emerging philosophy of phonetic learning. Not only was the vocabulary largely taken from a list of 220 beginner’s words but the story crafted the story in a way that was easy for young readers to grasp.

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