CANNAPAGES Mar/Apr 2022 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Sl…

Your quintessential cannabis directory complete with dispensary deals, industry satire, expert product reviews, business listings & more.

Dispatches from the Highlands


Vol 9. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

$4.20 Cents


Stu&LarrySeize JoJo's FrenchCafé, Page 6 Taking the food back for the people, a duo of crazies has seized JoJo's, and will likely bastardize the menu for the revolution. See French Café .........................Page 6 Geek Ball Returns " Lotta Singles", Page 8 Following a somewhat disastrous bachelor auction, the Geek Ball united almost 15 couples in timeless dance. See Lotta Singles............ ............Page 8 City Bridge Collapses Popsicle Sticks, Page 9 e city is rethinking its materials plans aer the GoldenGoat Bridge collapses. See Olympics.. ............................Page 9 Industry Updates National&Local, Page 16 Local Field Guide PurchaseRules, Page 23 Presents e Green Solution e CannaPassport

eColorO-White Photographer, Page 10 Cannatown Museum of Very High Art presents Bethany Johnson, the "authority" on non-color. See Photographer.. .................Page 10 ACollective Triumph Album Notes, Page 14 New albums, old albums -- they’re all game as Erickson takes on the soundtrack to your chill. See Album Notes. ..................Page 14 Green Canna-Bagels CousinDRecipe, Page 15 Savor for yourself or be the life of the party! Cooking with THC made easy. See Recipe ................................Page 15 GroupMakingPlumes Satellite Images, Page 12 WeeklyCannaScopes See Fortunes, Page 7 CannaSaver TM Today’s Coupons feature:

********* For a stressed-to-the-max group of egg-hunters, the blazed-bunny's delivery of one sole Easter egg was the last straw - full story pg B17 aerworst egghunt inhistory; angrymobcracks, corners hare

** Best of the Front Range Pg 51 ** DENVER & BOULDER CANNABIS LISTINGS Addresses, Phone by Categories: Dispensaries . . . . . . . . . . 24 Doctors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Kratom/Herbal . . . . . . . . . 42 Hemp/CBD . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Glass Shops . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Vape Shops . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Cannabis Clubs . . . . . . . . 48 Grow Stores . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Lucy Sky Denver Page 91

Herban Underground Denver Page 119

COMING 420 WEEK DEALS SO INSANE YOU'LL FREAK 1. Find the magazine insert 2. Sign up 3. Get your CannaPassport FREE 4. Get LOTS for LITTLE 420 Week!

CannaBotica Denver Page 65

21+ Tourist? Recreational Shops Listings on Page 24! FIRST-TIME SPECIALS LIST pg 18 **** SAVE BIGWITHCOUPONS pg 59

Page 6

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown News

CrazyStu&"StareyLarry"TakeOver JoJo's

Cannapages is a JohnsonConcept Company Published by e Highest Authority Since 2009

Nathan Johnson Micah Johnson Isaac Johnson Sales Director Dillon Rice Production Andrew Yanez Customer Success Molly Norton Market Sales Annie Weber Lead Developer

In a strange hyperbolic protest that seems to have gone o the rails, insane weirdos have now taken over JoJo's, the reputable French café in Cannatown. Crazy Stu McGuyla and “Starey” Larry Jen- kins, last seen guessing cows’ weights at the Hay Castle Emporium in Steemsville, allegedly showed up late Tuesday evening with im- plements of destruction and a sack full of haddock. It’s unknown how or why the two seized the restaurant, or what can possibly be achieved through the symbolic act. But a statement taped to the front window noted that they were ghting “oppressors and the status quo,” and thus, “taking back the food of the people, to destroy tyranny of the modern establish- ment.” Promising change that would shake the core of the cuisine, the two will likely ruthlessly bastardize JoJo’s signature dishes, such as decorating the Croque Monsieur with American cheese. Jenkins, known felon, has taken over hosting duties, bringing his signature "staredown" for an all-around uncomfortable dining ex- perience. e linen napkins have been replaced by paper towels. e dress code now allows for capes, and denim. “I had to hack at the soué with a screwdriver,” remarked one critic, "and I found a whole Big Mac in the Coq Au Vin." “Is it a revolution? I suppose,” remarked another patron. “Did I expect boxes of wine on the menu? No.” OTHER HEADLINES Canngress agrees to fund Cannatown thru 4:20pm tomorrow City Council: "We're going to Vegas!" pg 150 Pillow ght turns into brawling nap, dozens a'rested pg 157 Pepsi introduces intravenous helium pg 166 Gov't issues war bongs pg 171

Mike Morris Contributors Dan Henrickson Matthew A. Erickson Rolv Harris Cover Art Justin Redmon Get Cannapages delivered Must be CO resident 21+ or Medical Card Holder Online at CANNAPAGES.COM and CANNASAVER.COM 1-800-699-8169 Editorial | Sales | Copyright 2022

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced or reprinted without expressed written consent of the publishers. Using cannabis concentrates can lead to: 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder (delusions, hallucinations, or diculty distin- guishing reality); 2. Mental Health Symptoms/ Problems; 3. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) (uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting); 4. Cannabis use disorder / dependence, including physical and psychological dependence. Note: Consuming concentrates via inhalation will cause immediate eects. Concentrates aren't recommended for inexperienced users, and are not approved by the FDA. ey are not recommended for anyone under age 21 except by medical recom- mendation. Regulated cannabis dispensaries cannot provide medical advice. Cannapages is intended for readers aged 21+.

**Brought to you by Once-A-Day Vita-Slaps** “A bright slap in the face to jumpstart your day!”

Vol 9. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

Page 7

CANNASCOPES : Discover Your Fortune! Aries - Your reputation may never recover, but at least the baby birds you accidentally sat on will. Taurus - Like the Batman, you will learn to personify your biggest fear. But villains will be perplexed by Dying-Lonelyman. Gemini - You would totally listen to that voice in your head more, if it wasn't always yelling in a foreign language. Cancer - Ever since you purchased ne art, you’ve nally felt like an adult. Now to just stop using Sparkle Crest toothpaste. Leo - You’re no foodie snob, but that is some damn expired milk in your fridge. Virgo - Everybody wants to meet you! Or, should we say, bring you in for question- ing.

Libra - Ever since your carnivorous plant ate a mouse, you've seemed to nd it staring at you, eerily abiding the time. Scorpio - As the sound echoes across the canyon and ricochets back you’ll realize it isn’t your voice, but a huge buckeye. Sagittarius - You might as well go ahead and delete your malware protection since you don’t believe in computer viruses. Capricorn - If you hit the brakes now, they might still be able to salvage the road sign. Aquarius - You had a great resignation, but you shouldn't have beefed up your resume with raw hamburger. Pisces - You've begun history’s worst diar- rhea in a dingy gas station commode with no toilet paper. WWIII can come anytime.

What Came to Pass News in Brief

Post Oce Upgrades to Used Roller Skates Chad Hawkins at the Post Oce Supplies De- partment is in hot water this week aer going through with an order for approximately 420 used pairs of roller skates for postal workers, despite the overwhelmingly better technology available, like electric unicycles and Segways. "What can we say? We just like to kick it old- school," he claimed on Faux News. "Just ask Scarecrow, our head of security." Hawkins has also been criticized for replac- ing half of the operations' standard sorting machines with industrial-grade wood chip- pers typically used to mulch trees. In addition, every third package is now simply set on re. "ese complaints are all political," Hawkins said. "Just because one person is mad about me shredding their mail and then deliverying it months or even years late to the wrong house, and covered in feces, doesn't mean I'm a ter- rible choice for this job. But haters gonna hate."

e Bergs bid adieu to beloved family pipe, pE7

Stories in Today’s Other Sections

Oxford University issues formal apology for insuerable comma........................... E2 Stock manager encourages grocery custom- ers to buy the dip...................................... F6 Stranded group cool with staying put ......... ................................................................ G13 Robot dinosaur becomes mayor.............. H1

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown News


e Bachelor Auction and Geek Ball at the Nerditorium went o without a hitch Saturday night, as a majority of bachelors present did not get hitched up with dates. Roughly 13 couples and 176 singles showed up at the Steemboat Springs Ballroom for the “Night of Nerds” charity event to raise funds for a pair of R2D2 and C3POMemo- rial statues for the front terrace of Cannatown’s Moronic Lodge. e annual auction, which listed well over 100 eligible bachelors this year, began at 7PM to a somewhat quiet audience. With the rst bachelor onstage, the auctioneer

While envious peers watch, two lucky bachelors dance with the dates that bought them.

repeat the same conversation with the next, that the dance event was not going to be the buckets of promised fun either. e silence leading up to the musical por- tion of the night seemed to last for hours, even though just minutes. Every pin drop could be heard. “ank God for the DJ,” said organizer SamWul, “Once he started play- ing everyone could breathe a sigh of relief.” e nearly 97 singles who did stick around were able to watch the couples dance. ank- fully, a small group of bachelorettes remained at the ballroom and decided to dance with each other, or phoned other friends to drop by. In the end, the thirty or so additional party-crashers made up 90% of those on the dance oor and 100% of those at the bar. Together, the auction and ball ticket sales brought in roughly $376.43, for a net prot of just over -$4,700 aer promotional, sound and catering costs were tabulated.

began taking bids, but did not know how to react when absolutely none were oered. e night went downhill from there. e bids were few. In one case, a bachelor paid his “buyer” to buy him, in another case, one’s own mother made the sole winning bid. On at least four occasions, bidders requested a discount or refund before the night was over. Although the vast majority of contenders were played o-stage following a full half- minute of silence from the crowd, thirteen couples had been “matched” by the nal bang of the gavel, a record number for the event. ere was a long, awkward half hour of tear down and set up between things, dur- ing which most of the "getting to know one another" was supposed to transpire between new couples. However, it was clear, as most of the bachelors stood six feet away from each other, arms free of dates, a few talking about the weather at length, then turning to

Vol 9. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

Page 9

Cannatown News


It took nearly two years, thirteen metric tons of ganj, 100 workers, and roughly two trillion popsicle sticks, but the Golden Goat bridge, once thought a feat of engineering, came down in just seconds when a large box kite struck it yesterday aernoon. Nobody quite remembers how it was decided the bridge would be built with sticks, or who was really in charge, but blueprints originally created for the project suggested the bridge would be able to hold both trol- leys and cars, even when packed bumper to bumper. Instead, a brisk wind and ock of migrating birds damaged the bridge well before the ribbon-cutting ceremony had even concluded. en, moments later, it was fatally struck by the kite. “We probably shouldn’t have used Elmer’s Glue,” engineer Holly Zimmerman said when asked for comment, “or paperclips, when we ran out of glue.” e sticks themselves were always a point

of contention with the public, as many were delivered to the construction site, popsicles still intact. “e melting treats accounted for the signicant number of rodents and ght- ing seagulls in the neighborhood,” explained City Council member Tim Gonzalez. In ad- dition, the cables holding up the bridge were simply recycled ethernet cords. “In retrospect, if we had to do it all over again, I think we would probably have made the sticks bigger,” Zimmerman said. “Maybe a few trillion tongue-depressors would’ve been more stable.” Similar to the collapse of the papier mâché Bricklyn Bridge, a mess now consumes much of the riverfront, with no end in sight to the clean up. Citizens--and city ocials alike-- don’t know what exactly to do with the sticks, although some have suggested a giant bon- re. “is will go down in history unfortu- nately,” Gonzalez acknowledged. “But for the record, the materials were relatively cheap.”

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown Lifestyle

Photographer Captures the Color of O-White

Man Scrapes 630lb ResinWad From His Ol' Sherlock A local man has bro- ken the record for resin scraped from a glass pipe. Bernie O. Holterman of Pun Heights lumbered up to the nuggetry weigh station in lower Canna- town yesterday for an of- cial weigh-in and photo op. He told reporters that, as he sat toking on his dirty Sherlock pipe, he decided to clear it with a little poker to hit better, and next thing he knew, he was pulling pound upon pound from the handheld glass. “It just kept comin’ and comin’,” he told a sizeable crowd at the ceremony, “and I just kept a’scrapin’.” e previous record for scraped-resin weighed in nearly 40 years ago, when one Justin Lund- berg hauled in a 602lb gunk from his dual chamber bubbler. At the time, there was a much larger market for resin- smakers, and the chunk was sold in pieces to nearby derelicts known as ‘Resiners.’ "Were I a younger man I would’ve kept this wad for myself,” he said, then announced he would do- nate the nd to science. He isn’t sure what will come next, but suggest- ed he may see what he can get out of some old spoons in the work shed.

Assistants hang an o-white sheet for Bethany Johnson to capture on camera.

Bethany Johnson has a knack for pasty, vanilla nothingness of non-color. So apt, that the Can- natown Museum of Very High Art will feature a collection of her work beginning next Friday. “is o-white just…strikes you,” said Willy Filkerson, avid collector and editor of Uninter- esting Art Magazine. “It’s star- tling, it’s emotional, it’s passion- less, it’s hateful, it’s cathartic.” e work, mostly photos of walls, sheets, and paper, explore the very essence of what it means to be a human. Her portraits have been featured everywhere from Tunisia to Berlin, gather- ing international acclaim along the way. Critics have hailed it as everything from disturbing and delirious, to downright devious and psychologically-manipula- tive. Yet, the artist seems to take everything in stride. “I try to pinpoint the moment on camera, when rainbow, and o-white intersect, but just slightly on the o-white side,”

Johnson wrote in her latest pub- lished work, A New Level of Dull . A growing following of enthu- siasts have adopted the move- ment, and crowds to her shows are notably swelling in number. “ere’s just something about the colors she captures,” says CMVHA director Carmen Si- mon, “It’s just so devoid of life, that it has absolute purpose, like dark matter. Or NPR.” Johnson rst started in the art world as a purveyor of beige, putting together nearly two full photo collections of primed drywall and men’s khaki pants. But a series of traumatic events forced her to take residence in an upstate apartment where she fell in love, then betrayed, by the color of her newly painted ceil- ing. “I sought to expose the very hues of drudgery surrounding us all,” she later explained. No matter the emotional angle, collectors are hooked on her art. “It just goes so well with my fur- niture,” remarked Filkerson.

Vol 9. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

Page 11


by Rolv Harris

is Comic Brought to you by ARTISAN DOOB TUBES "Old-Fashioned, Hand-Craed"

Just like your Uncle Rufus used to make'm in college, these artisanal doob tubes come from only the nest of toilet paper card- board and real Italian dryer sheets.

Page 12

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown Lifestyle

"Doomsday" Giant Plumes Found to be Man-made Given the string of global volcanic activ- ity over the past year, villagers near Leie’s Pass were alarmed to wake up Friday morn- ing to what appeared to be huge volcanic plumes, foretelling

Roger Broke the Sewer Capingy WithHis Pogo Stick Onlookers at the scene tell us that local buoon and loudmouth, Roger, has somehow busted the sewer cap at the corner of 4th and 20th. Despite a lot of shushing from the gathering crowd, Roger swears it wasn’t him, even though he was the one bouncing his pogo stick down the street. e ocer on the scene said that they don’t allow pogo in this part of town for this exact reason, and conscated his pogo. Lifesavers has unveiled a new app-based home delivery service. Lifesav- ers Prime allows sub- scribers to get same-day, door-delivered Life Saver or Fizz-O-Mint candies, sometimes within a mat- ter of hours. “We’ve got a eet of twelve trucks just in Cannatown,” said owner Jess Beijos, “Let’s just say, we’ll be ready for the moment we nally get our rst order." Life Savers Delivery NowOn-Demand

of potential geologi- cal activity or even impending eruption. In a short time, huge smoke columns rose up from an unseen crater, creating an ash cloud that towered over the nearby hills, as big as a skyscraper or even bigger. “It was miles high” said gardener Herbie Mills, who watched the entire ordeal unfold from his porch. “It blocked the very sun from the sky.” e giant skunky plumes reached higher heights than any eruptions ever before cap- tured on satellite, and the gener- ated an unparalleled number of lightning strikes — around 420 — starting in late aernoon. “We noticed that the strongest plumes were occurring with a frequency of about every twelve hours, just shortly aer 4:20 post- and ante- meridiem,” said Cannatown Spaceport geologist Becky Seeley. “We didn’t even consider the idea that these could be man-made plumes -- they were the biggest we’ve ever seen, even since Woodstock.”

Aer analyzing tomes of seis- mographic data, it was deter- mined that the plumes were in- stead originating from a group of four very blazed people camp- ing deep in the Pass. "Given the size -- well, props, " Seeley said. "It was pretty im- pressive for not being a volcano." e cloud could be seen from hundreds of miles away, even by satellite. Authorities estimated that up to 2 tons, or roughly 1.8 million joints’ worth, were be- ing consumed in unison by the group, but they are unsure how. “Perhaps they were using some kind of speedboat-motor-based bong contraption. We’re still trying to gure that one out,” admitted Seeley. “Not only do you have the size of the plume, but even for someone’s lungs to hold it all in rst -- I stand by our original and ocial statement about the incident: Props ."

Vol 9. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

Page 13

Cannatown Lifestyle

Phony Top-ShelfWreaks Havoc An aernoon, destroyed. A concert, com- pletely buzz-free. ese are some of the horror stories told this week by people who say one Fran Adabnail sold them absolutely un-potent nuggersh at a high price. Victims of the alleged dank fraud appeared in court starting Monday in the trial of Ms. Adab- nail, to each tell how they'd been promised ground-breaking highs but instead got only temporarily buzzed, if even a little stupid at most, not matter how much was maked. e dreadful accounts triggered some in the courtroom to burst into tears. “I could fully recite my phone number,” recalled a dis- traught witness. “at’s how non-high I was.” Another man told of how his last Flaming Lips show was ultimately a ruined experi- ence. “All of a sudden there was nonsense, all over the stage,” he retold to the jury. “Aer being a fan all my life, that night I couldn't listen to a single note. It was all so silly."

While many alleged fraudsters can typically claim ‘grower’s ignorance’ in their pricing and promises based on public strain percep- tion, victims in this case will attempt to prove Adabnail's attempt to sell beasters and mid- dies at knowably-uncool prices. Seized nuggetry is carefully inspected to prep for trial.


e Society of Unpaid Fronters reminds us all, "Good Customers Pay Up Front."

Page 14

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

best of Animal leaders Avey Tare and Panda Bear, while embracing the occasional Brian Wilson inuence, along with moments of early 70s Grateful Dead, Syd Barrett-era Floyd, and even a certain aquatic animal, all of which results in the most cohesive eort from the band in a dozen years. Spoon Lucifer on the Sofa

Album Notes from Erickson “The Soundtrack to your Chill”

Animal Collective Time Skis I will always re- member a one John Cooper for (at least) three things:

Since I last wrote about Spoon back in 2017, the esteem in which I hold the Austin,

1) e way that Brit could strike a foot- ball. Seriously, that mofo could kick. 2) e "Tamla Motown" shirt he gave me (which I think came from his brother) that I still own and wear to this day 3) "My Girls" During my former life as a TEFL teacher, one evening in 2009 I found myself sitting in a high rise apartment in Xi'an, China, and while the legendary Rob "Potato" Ansell lurked about, Mr. Cooper and I were sharing musical preferences with each other. During the exchange, Animal Collective's recently re- leased Merriweather Post Pavilion was given the spotlight. "My Girls" caught my attention, but the rest of the album was captivating enough to maintain my intrigue. I've been waiting for an eort from the band to match it since. Whether under the collective (no pun intended) name or via solo oshoots, the members of Animal Collective have contin- ued to pump out music since that LP. Most of it has done little for me. e announcement of each subsequent release has been the pair- ing of piqued interest followed by disappoint- ment. Rinse and repeat. Until Time Skis . I am more surprised than anyone to be writing about the eleventh, (or seventh, kind of) release from the Baltimoreans, given that the output following Merriweather has largely le little worth re-listening to. Unfortunate, yes, but it also makes Time Skis that much more of a treat. is latest will most certainly not be for everyone, but it incorporates the

TX group has only increased. While their output over the last ve years has consisted of compilation albums, it was a night in 2018 at the Täubchenthal in Leipzig, Germany, that made me appreciate a beloved band anew. Despite arriving late and with copious amounts of vodka coursing through me, and, yes, the latter just might have contributed to the former, I could not get over how pristine the band sounded. Whether it was the quality of their equipment, an incredible soundman, the acoustics of the room, or all of the above, the clarity of the performance that evening still rings through to me. Other than a solo- acoustic-in-a-tiny-club kind of show, I'm not sure I've ever heard an artist sound so clean and precise live. I mention all of this because as I gave their new Lucifer On the Sofa a spin for the rst time, I was instantly transported back to that night in Saxony. e band's tenth album is straight up Spoon, and their most straight forward approach to a record in well over a decade. e energy crackles throughout, that crisp sound spar- kling under immaculate production. Some of the songs might take a few listens to fully sink in; the last few tracks do lose a little steam, but the dynamism of the endeavor is palpable. It's a band locked in, uninching in their ap- proach, doing what they do best. Lucifer On the Sofa is Spoon in all its upright glory.

Vol 9. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

Page 15

Recipes from Cousin D Dan Henrickson, long-time friend of Cannapages, is a chef, actor, and all-around dope viking who uses his talents to pursue his dreams. Find him on Instagram @eCousinD for more infused recipes and videos. Four-Twenty Canna-Bagels It's that time of the year again! Wear your green, even eat green eggs and ham! Today we're making two-tone green bagels; you will need these ingredients for each batch of dough to be made (two total). Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups warm water 1 tsp sugar 1/8 cup infused corn syrup 1 tsp salt 3 1/2 cups bread our

and mixer, or with your muscles, combine well. Slowly add remaining our. Form a ball and roll in the bowl greased with olive oil. Set in a warm place. Repeat process for second batch, adding the food color. Aer both batches have risen to twice their size, knead lightly on a oured countertop. Form each into a rectangle, then stack one top of the other. Cut in three strips. Stack the layers alternating and cut in half twice. Stretch, roll and twist into a bagel shapes. Let rise another 20 minutes or so. Prepare a large pot of boiling water and boil each bagel for about one minute to help get that chewy exterior when baking. Place on parchment-lined baking sheets and bake at 375° for about 25-30 min until the tops are lightly browned. Cool and slice. You can’t just make bagels and no lling! I used these ingredients for something special: 2 8oz bricks cream cheese 1/2 cup Irish cream

1 packet active dry yeast Olive oil (to grease bowl) LorAnn green food coloring gel (second batch only)

10 slices bacon chopped ne Splash of vanilla simple syrup

In a large mixing bowl add warm water, yeast and sugar. Let the mixture bloom for 10 min. Add half the our, salt and infused corn syrup (during the second batch, this is also where you would add 10 drops of food color). Either with dough hook attachment

Blend to combine and spread on bagels. Dos- age depends on how strong you make it; a standard gram activated is about 600 mg and would be about 50 mg per bagel, for example.

Page 16


$4.20 Cents

INDUSTRY UPDATES Mike Tyson launches cannabis line Heavyweight pro inroduces his heavy-hitters Boxing legend Mike Tyson has partnered with Common Citizen to bring his can- nabis line to Michigan. Already available in California, Nevada and Colorado, Ty- son 2.0 cannabis products will soon be available at adult-use dispensaries in De- troit, Flint, Battle Creek and Hazel Park starting this rst quarter of 2022.

Industry braces for hemp-THC laws Hemp-derived goods create layer of complexity Following a wave of quasi-legal delta-8 THC products ooding markets nationwide, producers are bracing for a crackdown in the forthcoming 2023 Farm Bill. Products containing delta-9 THC in amounts large enough to create psychoactive eects but still technically under .3% by weight will likely also face scrutiny from lawmakers.

Canna-crypto coins gain popularity Move over Bitcoin, here comes Weedcoin Cannabis-centric, blockchain-backed cryp- to currencies appear to be gaining some degree of popularity. Several of the highly volatile digital currencies have increased modestly in value over the past year amid wild uctuations, speculated to be tied to a lack of meaningful progress in federal legal- ization eort.

Safe Harbor to trade on Nasdaq Pioneer merges in deal worth $185 Billion Cannabis nancial services provider Safe Harbor looks to become a publicly traded company following a merger with Northern Lights Acquisition valued at $185 million. e merger comes aer the SAFE Banking Act passed in the U.S. House of Representatives as part of the larger America COMPETES Bill.

Vol 9. Edition 2


Page 17

INDUSTRY UPDATES Bill introduced to protect employees Legislature to weigh worker, employer rights A bill introduced in the state legislature would bar employers from denying employ- ment or ring people for using cannabis out- side of work. HB 22-1152 would also prevent employers from denying medical cannabis patients use of their medicine while at work, with some exceptions for dangerous and technically demanding jobs.

Entrepreneur classes begin inMarch State to require classes in order to land loans e state of Colorado’s Cannabis Business Oce is launching a program to connect cannabis entrepreneurs with technical assistance and low-interest loans. Begin- ning in March, those who have completed courses through the state oce or one of two other certied programs can apply for the loans.

COSprings group pushes for rec sales Medical-only city still restricts adult-use stores Citizens of Colorado Springs may have a chance to legalize adult-use cannabis sales in November thanks to a voter initiative currently collecting signatures. e second largest metro area in the state, the Colorado Springs city council and Mayor John Suthers have rmly opposed adult-use sales, despite strong voter support of Amendment 64.

Doctors feel threatened by new laws Requirements include specic dosage advice New restrictions on Colorado’s medical cannabis program are causing problems for doctors. Prior to HB 21-1317, doctors would simply recommend cannabis, but the new law requires specic dosages and potencies be recommended, something doctors see as akin to a prescription, which could poten- tially jeopardize their medical license.


Page 18

$4.20 Cents

Dispensary & Deal by City

BOULDER Boulder Botanics

Dank Of e Day - $10 1/8, $20 1/4, $40 1/2 $69 Oz - Select Strains - Prices listed before tax First time patients receive our member pricing of 20% o for the rst 3 visits! :) First time patients receive a penny half gram doobie or 10% OFF Purchase. 10% OFF ANY PURCHASE WITH VALID STUDENT ID! $99 MEMBER MED OZs! First time patients receive member pricing. First time patients receive 10% o their entire purchase. Member Pricing Available for First Time Patients. We accept cash and ATM cards. Medical members get 20% o non-member pricing at the Medical Store. ALL PATIENTS! $99 Top Shelf Ounces First time customers have their choice of an ounce for $110 +tax or an 8th for $18 +tax. ey also receive member pricing on anything else in the store. Free joint with purchase + member pricing. First Time Patients Receive Member Pricing on Everything in the Shop! Industry and Vets Always Receive Member Pricing! 10% o all rst time patients, even on top of existing deals! First Time Patients receive 20% o! First time shoppers get member pricing- $20 eighths, $120 ounces, 15 for $20 joints, and MORE! all tax included! We oer MEMBER PRICING FOR 1ST TIME PATIENTS! First-time patients receive a member discount on our Platinum and Gold shelves. First timers! Come in and receive any 1/8 of ower or a gram of house shatter or wax for $15 for any patient yet to visit us in our store. First time medical patients will receive member benets on their rst visit All rst time patients receive member pricing and a .10 cent bud rolled joint. 1st time patients receive 15% o our non-member prices (Excludes Sale Items) First Time Patients get Member Pricing and you can choose from any of our daily specials! TM TM

Boulder Wellness Center Green Tree Medicinals

Magnolia Road Cannabis Co. Root MMC

Terrapin Care Station e Peaceful Choice Trill Alternatives

DENVER A Cut Above

ALLGREENS Apothecary Farms

Ascend Cannabis Co Cure Colorado Denver Dispensary

Green Cross Caregivers Green Cross of Cherry Creek Herbal Remedies

High Level Health Higher Grade

Kind Love Kind Meds La Bodega Lush

Bonus .5g ower with purchase 15 1/8, $30 1/4, $55 1/2, $110 1oz First-time Patients can purchase 1x $15 Eighth - ANY STRAIN and

Lyon’s Finest 2 Medicine Man Mighty Tree

First-Time Customer Top Shelf 1/8 - $15 OR First-Time Customer Top Shelf Ounce - $79 All rst time patients receive 15% o all edibles and single grams of concentrate // Flower ounce Member Pricing First time in? Recieve a penny pre-roll! FIRST TIME MED RECEIVES PRIMARY PATIENT PRICING, $1 PREROLL, AND DAILY SPECIAL! First time patients receive member pricing!

New Amsterdam Organics Northern Lights Cannabis Co

Pineapple Exchange Seed & Smith Cannabis Simply Pure Standing Akimbo Stash House e Clinic Highlands

1ST TIME MEDICAL PATIENTS GET MEMBER PRICING! All rst time medical customers get the member deal for that day! First-Time Patients Receive Member Pricing. New patients will receive member pricing on rst visit. First-Time Patients receive 15% o the FIRST TWO purchases!!! All Medical Patients will receive 20% o their entire order for their rst time visit! First time medical patients receive member pricing


e Kind Room Universal Herbs

LAKEWOOD Kind Pain Management Ajoya Ascend Cannabis Co.


During your rst visit you will receive 15% o all regularly priced items! First-Time Patient Special: Member Pricing on your rst visit 10% o all rst time patients!

WHEAT RIDGE Options Medical Center

New patients get 20% o rst purchase.

NOTICE: ese dispensary 1st-time patient deals are MEDICAL ONLY , may have changed without notice, and dispensaries are NOT obligated to give discount noted. Please call ahead to conrm special. Refer to listings section for phone numbers/addresses.

































38 40 56















14 12










William Frederick Hayden Park









Beer Creek Lake Park















Rocky Mountain Arsenal National



















Buckley Air Force Base











Elk Mountain




Apache Peak











Grays Peak

Mt Evans





Mt Lincoln





Mt Elbert


Capitol Peak


23 La Bodega

1 A Cut Above

Strawberry Fields, Downieville 45

The Green Solution, S Mill 46

2 Alpine Essentials

24 Little Brown House

The Green Solution, S Potomac 47

Local Product Of Colorado 25


The Green Solution, S Peoria 48

4 CannaBotica

Lucy Sky, E Mississippi Ave 26

The Green Solution, E Montview 49

5 Chronic Therapy

Lucy Sky, S Broadway 27

The Green Solution, E Colfax 50

6 Denver Kush Club

Lucy Sky, S Galena St 28

The Green Solution, E Quincy 51

Mana Supply Co 29

7 Doc's Apothecary, Globeville

The Green Solution, Gregory 52

8 Doc's Apothecary, 112th

Pure Marijuana Dispensary, 40th 30

The Green Solution, Grape 53

9 Golden Meds, Peoria

Pure Marijuana Dispensary, E Colfax 31

The Green Solution, W Alameda 54

10 Golden Meds, S Santa Fe

Pure Marijuana Dispensary, Bannock 32

The Green Solution, Federal 55

Golden Meds, S Oneida 11

Pure Marijuana Dispensary, Ivy 33

The Green Solution, Wewatta 56

Golden Meds, Bryant 12

Pure Marijuana Dispensary, Sheridan 34

The Green Solution, W 20th 57

Reefer Madness Dispensary 35

Golden Meds, S Quebec 13

The Green Solution, E Kentucky 58

14 Golden Meds, Federal

RiNo Supply Co 36

The Green Solution, S Main 59

15 Golden Meds, S Broadway

Rocky Mountain High, Buggy Cir 37

The Green Solution, Malley 60

16 Golden Meds, Youngfield

Rocky Mountain High, 20th 38

The Green Solution, Federal 61

17 Green Sativa

Rocky Mountain High, Alameda 39

The Green Solution, Water 62

18 Herban Underground

Rocky Mountain High, Wazee 40

The Lodge, High 63

19 Herbs 4 You

Rocky Mountain High, Stapleton 41

The Lodge, Federal 64

South Park Farma 42

20 High West Cannabis

The Stone Dispensary 65

Spark Dispensary 43

21 Kind Meds

Trenchtown 66

Xclusive Cannabis Dispensary 67

Strawberry Fields, S Yosemite 44

22 Krystaleaves

Dispensary Listings


Including Boulder, Denver, Edgewater, Englewood, Glendale, Golden, Lakewood, Littleton, Longmont, Louisville, Northglenn, Sheridan, Thornton & Wheat Ridge Also Arvada, Aurora, Aspen, Bailey, Basalt, Berthoud, Black Hawk, Breckenridge, Carbondale, Central City, Commerce City, Crested Butte, Dacono, Dillon, Downieville, Dumont, Eagle, Edwards, Empire, Federal Heights, Frisco, Garden City, Georgetown, Glenwood Springs, Idaho Springs, Lafayette, Leadville, Log Lane Village, Lyons, Nederland, Niwot, Rifle, Salida, Silver Plume, Silverthorne, Steamboat Springs, Telluride, Westminster & Vail Every attempt has been made to insure the accuracy of these listings and their inclusion. CANNAPAGES.COM does not accept responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors in your listing. For changes in your listing (name, address and telephone nunber), please contact us directly at 720-339-2259 or email For complete & searchable Colorado dispensary listings visit RECREATIONAL + MEDICAL RECREATIONAL MEDICAL KEY:



Yuma Way Berkeley 5389 Sheridan Blvd ........................................ Arvada 720-310-8057 Alternative Medical Solutions 106 S. Mill St., Ste 203..................... Aspen 970-544-8142 Green Dragon 400 E. Hyman Ave #1A............................................... Aspen 970-429-4035 LEAF (Locals Emporium of Alternative Farms) 555 E. Durant Ave #2E ............................................................ Aspen 970-920-4220 Native Roots 308 S. Hunter St ........................................................... Aspen 970-429-4443 Silver Peak Apothecary 520 E. Cooper Ave. Suite LL2 .................... Aspen 970-925-4372 Stash 300 Aspen Airport Business Center Suite B ............................. Aspen 970-925-6468 THE GREEN SOLUTION 106 S Mill St.............................................. Aspen 970-760-0284 see ad on page 51 - cannasavers page 109 Altitude 10455 East Colfax Avenue................................................... Aurora 303-343-0166 Colorado Harvest Company 11002 East Yale Avenue, Unit A......... Aurora 720-535-9489 Euflora 6260 South Gun Club Road .................................................. Aurora 303-766-8677 4343 South Buckley Road, Unit E .......................................... Aurora 303-680-1016 Good Chemistry 16840 East Iliff Avenue .......................................... Aurora 303-745-2420 Green Dragon 719 Billings Street...................................................... Aurora 720-458-6950 19151 East Quincy Avenue ................................................. Aurora 303-400-1451 Lightshade 503 Havana Street.................................................................. Aurora 720-899-3030 16821 East Iliff Avenue ........................................................... Aurora 720-575-6703 Livwell 19201 E Colfax Ave ............................................................... Aurora 303-366-1077 1401 Peoria Street.................................................................. Aurora 303-993-7548 LOVA Aurora 19005 E Quincy Ave.................................................... Aurora 720-379-4554 Medicine Man 1901 South Havana Street......................................... Aurora 303-923-3825 Rocky Road 1712 South Chambers Road ........................................ Aurora 720-277-0320 Starbuds 14655 East Arapahoe Road, Unit A........................................ Aurora 303-699-1222 1408 Del Mar Parkway, Units D1 & D2................................... Aurora 720-949-1389 Terrapin Care Station 11091 East Mississippi Avenue, Suite A................................. Aurora 303-954-8402 11900 East 33rd Avenue, Suite 1 ........................................... Aurora 303-954-8402 THE GREEN SOLUTION 350 S. Potomac St ................................... Aurora 720-501-2371 3179 S. Peoria Ct .................................... Aurora 720-501-2370 10195 E Montview Blvd ........................... Aurora 720-689-2351 14301 E. Colfax Ave. ............................... Aurora 720-501-2372 19370 E. Quincy Ave ............................... Aurora 303-990-9723 see ad on page 51 - cannasavers page 109



CANNAPAGES.COM | Dispensaries



XCLUSIVE CANNABIS 15200 E 6th Ave ...................................... Aurora 720-738-4200 see ad on inside front cover - cannasavers page 117 Sunrise Solutions 43 Main St............................................................ Bailey 303-816-6337 Aspen Roaring Fork Wellness 24505 Highway 82........................... Basalt 970-279-5072 Green Tree Medicinals 1090 N. 2nd St ........................................ Berthoud 970-670-9120 Herb’s Medicinals 1015 2nd St..................................................... Berthoud 970-344-5060 Mindful 1017 N. 2nd St.................................................................. Berthoud 970-644-6550 Alternative Medical Supply 9 Karlann Dr................................. Black Hawk 303-582-0420 Mindful 231 Gregory St. (Store 1859) ....................................... Black Hawk 303-582-3510 Rocky Mountain Organics 5412 Hwy. 119............................... Black Hawk 303-582-5032 THE GREEN SOLUTION 231 Gregory St ................................. Black Hawk 303-990-9723 see ad on page 51 - cannasavers page 109 14er Holistics 2897 Mapleton Avenue, Suite 800 ........................... Boulder 303-539-6525 Boulder Botanics 1750 30th Street Unit 7...................................... Boulder 720-379-6046 Boulder Wellness 5420 Arapahoe Avenue, Unit F ......................... Boulder 303-442-2565 Drift 1750 30th Street, Unit 12 ......................................................... Boulder 720-612-4382 Eclipse Cannabis Company 933 Alpine Avenue Suite 2 ............... Boulder 720-420-0782 Elements 1534 55th Street .............................................................. Boulder 303-444-0861 Fresh Baked 2539 Pearl Street ....................................................... Boulder 303-440-9393 Green Dream Cannabis 6700 Lookout Road, Suite #5 .................. Boulder 303-530-3031 Green Tree Medicinals 5565 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite G............... Boulder 303-440-6700 Helping Hands Herbals 1021 Pearl Street, Suite B........................ Boulder 303-444-1564 Karing Kind 5854 Rawhide Court ................................................... Boulder 303-449-9333 Magnolia Road Cannabis Company 1750 30th Street Unit 84B... Boulder 720-502-4867 Maikoh Holistics 2750 Glenwood Dr. Ste 8 .................................... Boulder 720-476-6805 MMJ America 1909 Broadway Street LL......................................... Boulder 303-862-4064 Native Roots 1146 Pearl Street ....................................................... Boulder 720-726-5126 Options Cannabis 5290 Arapahoe Ave Ste J ................................. Boulder 720-571-8862 Root Organic Mmc 5420 Arapahoe Road, Unit D........................... Boulder 303-443-0240 Terrapin Care Station 1795 Folsom Street .............................................................. Boulder 303-954-8402 5370 Manhattan Circle, Suite 104 ........................................ Boulder 303-954-8402 The Dandelion 845 Walnut Street ................................................... Boulder 303-459-4676 The Farm 2801 Iris Avenue.............................................................. Boulder 303-440-1323 The Growing Kitchen 8401 Baseline Road .................................... Boulder 303-578-8454 The Health Center 537 Canyon Boulevard ..................................... Boulder 720-532-8664 The Peaceful Choice 7464 Arapahoe Avenue Unit A9 ................... Boulder 720-366-6615 The Station 3005 28th Street .......................................................... Boulder 303-442-0892 The Village Green Society 2043 16th Street.................................. Boulder 720-746-9064 Trill Alternatives 1537 Pearl Street, Suite B ................................... Boulder 720-287-0645 Verde Natural 302 Pearl Street ....................................................... Boulder 303-993-3066 Alpenglow Botanicals 1805 Airport Rd., Unit B1C................. Breckenridge 970-389-6839 Breckenridge Organic Therapy 1900 Airport Rd, Suite A1 ............................................. Breckenridge 970-453-0420 Green Dragon 1795 Airport Rd. Unit A3 .................................. Breckenridge 970-453-4900 Organix 1795 Airport Rd Unit A2 ............................................. Breckenridge 970-453-1340 Ascend Cannabis Co 204 E W Main St................................... Buena Vista 719-395-6226 Colomed Center 615 Buggy Circle APT D ................................ Carbondale 970-963-4669 Medical Marijuana Center of Carbondale 60 N 3rd St............ Carbondale 970-510-5229 The Doctor’s Garden Dispensary 580 Main Street #300 ........ Carbondale 970-963-9323 Bonfire Cannabis Company “Annie’s” 135 Nevada St. .......... Central City 303-582-3072 Green Grass 440 Lawrence St. ................................................. Central City 303-582-5088





Igadi 171 Lawrence St ............................................................... Central City 303-582-3093 Aroma 5433 Quebec Street ................................................. Commerce City 303-286-0420 Cookies Denver 5385 Quebec St ....................................... Commerce City 720-780-8865 KRYSTALEAVES 5301 Vasquez Blvd Unit 101........ Commerce City 303-802-0026 see ad on page 27 - cannasavers page 83 Livwell 5846 Dahlia St ......................................................... Commerce City 720-476-4736 Silver Stem Fine Cannabis 5275 Quebec St ..................... Commerce City 720-458-5820 SOUTH PARK FARMA 5715 Fairfax Street, Unit C .......... Commerce City 303-289-3263 see ad on page 27 - cannasavers page 103 Starbuds 5844 Dahlia Street ............................................... Commerce City 303-999-0401 Yuma Way Canna City 7150 Eudora Dr ............................. Commerce City 720-336-8689 Acme Dispensary 309 Belleview Ave., Unit 1A...................... Crested Butte 970-349-5550 Crested Butte Wellness Center 329 Belleview, Unit A.......... Crested Butte 970-349-7350 Dacono Meds 730 Glen Creighton Dr. Unit C ................................. Dacono 303-833-2321 5280 Weedery 3895 East 45th Avenue ............................................ Denver 720-728-7975 A CUT ABOVE 1911 South Broadway............................. Denver 720-536-8965 see ad on page 4 - cannasavers page 59 A Cut Off The Top 2059 West 9th Avenue ....................................... Denver 303-825-9227 Affinity 7739 East Colfax Avenue..................................................... Denver 720-479-8458 Allgreens 762 Kalamath Street ........................................................ Denver 303-658-0107 Altitude 6858 East Evans Avenue ...................................................... Denver 720-708-5428 1568 South Federal Boulevard.............................................. Denver 720-708-5428 AMCH 1301 Marion Street ................................. Denver 720-961-0560 see ad on page 27 - cannasavers page 63 Apothecary Farms 2251 South Broadway....................................... Denver 303-862-5016 Ascend Cannabis Co 3555 South Yosemite Street ......................... Denver 720-482-3191 Ballpark Holistic Dispensary 2119 Larimer Street, Suite 1 ............ Denver 303-996-6884 Bgood Apothecary 80 South Pennsylvania Street .......................... Denver 303-777-5239 Bonfire Cannabis Company 4837 N. Washington St. Unit 100 ...... Denver 720-428-8097 Botanico 3054 Larimer Street............................................................... Denver 303-297-2273 777 Canosa Ct. ..................................................................... Denver 720-415-2976 Bud Cellar 6666 East Stapleton South Drive ................................... Denver 303-377-1020 Budcardi 1325 S. Inca St. ................................................................ Denver 720-242-6654 Buddy Boy 155 Federal Boulevard .......................................................... Denver 720-542-9434 120 South Kalamath Street ................................................... Denver 303-777-5252 777 Umatilla Street ................................................................ Denver 303-893-9333 4012 West 38th Avenue......................................................... Denver 720-328-9971 2426 South Federal Boulevard.............................................. Denver 303-936-0309 3814 Walnut Street ................................................................ Denver 303-308-0420 5050 York Street .................................................................... Denver 303-292-3383 CANNABOTICA 219 Vallejo Street.................................... Denver 303-777-1550 see ad on page 19 - cannasavers page 65 Chronorado 6625 Leetsdale Drive, Suite A...................................... Denver 720-477-9425

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