King's Business - 1954-12



CHRIST IN THE TABERNACLE QUIZ 13 CHAPTER 13 I. MATCHING, (match each reference with two parts of the verse, first):

eA e £ o u r ó e á



Find reference

by Chester John Padgett, D.D., Th.M.

'Moses finished the work Ex, 40:33.34 7(Example)

1. to search out a restingplace for them."______________




12 L e s s o n s _ 6 Examinations

2. that I may dwell among them."


"My presence shall go with thee


16 Lessons — 6 Examinations

3. the temple of the Holy Ghost"

"The Lord is a sun and shield



-REFERENCES- Exodus 40:33,34 John 17:24 Matthew 11:28 Exodus 25:8 John 17:22 Psalm 84:11 Numbers 9:16 I Cor. 6:19 Exodus 33:34 Numbers 9:17 Eph. 2:19-22 Numbers 10:33 Numbers 9:23

9 Lessons — 9 Examinations

4. the cloud oovered by day and the appearance of fire by night." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. a habitation of God through the Spirit." ____________ 6. the Children of Israel journeyed ... the Children of Israel pitched their tents." _________ 7. THEN a cloud covered the tent, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle." E*. 40=33.34 8. they rested ...they journeyed." 10. the Lord will give grace and glory." ____________ 11. I will give you rest." 12. I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13. that they may behold My ¿lory which Thou bast given Me." 9. I will give thee rest."

"The glory which Thou gavest Me


$ 6.00


"When the cloud was taken up... in the place where the cloud • abode

$ 8.00

"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden



"Let them make Me a sanctuary

"So it was alway


"The Lord went before them


'The church is the household of God

A ll you need do to receive full information concerning the many courses available Is to write (a postcard will do) for the free brochure listing the courses. You will receive a free sample sheet from one of the courses along with the brochure which is yours with­ out obligation. Please address your inquiry to Room 822, Correspondence School, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. Write today!

"At the command of the Lord

"What, know ye not that your body is


Correspondence School, Bible

Angeles, Inc

Room 822, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California

A Word of Greeting from Billy Graham

Dear Friends: It is a pleasure to extend a word of greeting to each reader of this special issue of King's Business magazine which has been dedicated to our newest film, "Souls in Conflict.” We deeply appreciate the splendid cooperation of the press in presenting a phase of our ministry which, under God, has resulted in so many first-time decisions for Christ. No doubt many of you have seen "Mid-Century Crusade," "Mr. Texas," and "Oiltown, U.S.A.," and now we invite you to join us in the fervent prayer that God will use this new film to an even greater degree. As many of you know, King's Business has been an outstanding spokesman for evangelical Christian­ ity since 1910. I believe every Christian should subscribe to at least one evangelical Christian magazine. One feature I particularly like in King's Business is the column, "In Christ Is Life," written especially for the non-Christian. Each month it contains a tactful, carefully written presentation of the claims of Christ whioh can be passed along without hesitation to unsaved friends and loved ones. There is nothing just like it in any other magazine today. We continually covet the prayers of Christians everywhere in behalf of these new tools for evangelism, that God will abundantly bless and honor His Word bringing the answer to our concerted prayer for "Revival In Our Time."

A w ord from you r editors

Why This Special Issue T here’s a reason when a magazine devotes much o f an entire issue to one subject. In this case the reason is one man who, under God, has in our timé become the world’s clearest voice for evangelical Christianity. The man: Billy Graham o f Montreat, N.C. Billy Graham at 35 has the physical proportions o f a skinny jackpine that has grown tall on a rocky hillside. He is married; the father o f three girls, one son. A well-organized, lightning-fast thinker, Billy Graham preaches sermons that crack across his audience with the force o f a southern mountain storm. The air in front o f his intense, gaunt figure is constantly being slashed by a long, bony finger that seems to be guided in the very direction o f each o f his listeners. And each chain o f words from evangelist Graham is fastened securely to an authori­ tative the Bible says, the Bible says, the Bible says. This is the man we salute in this special souvenir issue. We feel honored to be one o f two magazines given the privilege o f doing an official full-length re­ port on Billy Graham this year. Moody Monthly covered the London meetings o f last winter. K in g ’ s B usiness is covering Billy Graham’s newest motion picture, "Souls In Conflict,” that is now being premiered across America and in England. A t the showings o f his two earlier films, "Mr. Texas” and "O il-Town USA,” over 200 thousand made first-time decisions for Christ. We believe this newest film has a far-greater impact and a more powerful message than either o f the first two. The Billy Graham film people asked us to make available extra copies o f this special issue in order that those attending showings o f the film might secure a copy as a souvenir. For many o f you this will be your introduction to K in g ’ s B usiness , published since 1910 by the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. K in g ’ s B usiness is different in that it has more monthly columns and photo stories than any other Christian magazine. Most o f our regular features have been held over to make room for this complete coverage o f "Souls In Conflict.” Here are just a few examples o f these monthly columns: Bible word study by Dr. Charles Feinberg. Bible questions answered by Dr. Louis T. Talbot. Science and the Bible by Dr. Donald S. Robertson (a Ph.D. from Cal Tech ). A tactful presentation o f the claims o f Christ for the unsaved. This means you have something every month to pass along to friends and loved ones. Personal problems answered by Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, a psychologist with the Los Angeles County public schools. Dr. Narramore, a devout Baptist, is a widely known authority in his field. In all there is an average o f 26 features and articles each month. K in g ’ s B usiness has been purposely planned for busy people. Columns and articles are short and arranged for easy reading. You never start a story up front and then have to search for the rest somewhere in the back. Perhaps this is the kind o f magazine you’ll want regularly in your home. For your convenience there’s a handy, postage-paid order envelope on page 51. (Our regular readers may want to use this envelope for gift subscriptions.) Thank you.

Official publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Voi. 45, No. 12


Established 1910



managing editor LLOYD HAMILL

SOULS IN CONFLICT — Credits ............................... SOULS IN CONFLICT — Setting ..................... ... 12 SOULS IN CONFLICT — Cast .............................. ........ .............................. 14 DOES GOD MATTER IN YOUR PERSONAL LIFE? — Billy Graham .. 18 JOAN WINMILL'S STORY — As told to Lloyd Hamill ........................ 20 SOULS IN CONFLICT — Scenes ............................................. ................... 21 A MAN AND HIS MISSION ........... ....................... ............................... 22 FROM THE VICAR: THE BRITISH VIEWPOINT .................................. 23 THE UNPOSED DR. GRAHAM .................................... ............ ........... 24 MOTION PICTURE EVANGELISM — Walter Smyth ................ ...... 26 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE — Cults, Part 3 — Louis T. Talbot ........ ..... 32 THE NOT SO WILD WEST — A story from England ...... 38 BACKSTAGE — Music, Editing, Dubbing ........ ..... ...... ........ ............. 44 FEATURES FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ................................................. ................ 4 READER REACTION ............... .................................... ......................... 6 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news .............. ...... . 8 HYMNS YOU LOVE— Phil Kerr .............................................. . ...... 10 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore 25 ROARING RIVER — A story for children — Margaret Beck ......... .. 30 IN CHRIST IS LIFE — Your Blueprint For Conversion .................... 41 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS — Chester J. Padgett .................................. 40 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS ....................................... (see note, p. 40) OBJECT LESSONS — Elmer L. Wilder .. .................................... 46 COVER In the closing scene from "Souls In Conflict" Ann Woodbridge returns to her father's vicarage in the village of Shenston. This is the climactic scene that we have selected to picture in full color for this month's cover. — Color engravings by Bryan-Brandenburg, Los Angeles. Black and white engravings inside magazine by Press Photo, Glendale. ......... . 11

copy editor ROSE HARDIE

editorial assistant LUCY R. REDMOND

advertising manager MILTON R. SUE

circulation manager STELLA KINTER

business manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER

editorial board Louis T. Talbot • Donald G. Davis Charles L. Feinberg • James O. Henry Martha S. Hooker • Margaret Jacobsen Glenn F. O'Neal • Chester J. Padgett Donald S. Robertson • Oran H. Smith Gerald B. Stanton SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." Date ot expira­ tion will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING— For Information address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS— "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration., Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of ’ February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

fromthe editor’s desk

God’ s M a il For This Hour P aul planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. This has been the order of evangelism from the earliest days of Christianity right down to the present time. In the providence of God there have been raised up, generation after generation, mighty men of God who have been outstandingly used by Him particularly in the process of “watering” and in being used by the Lord to bring the increase. It is j becoming more and more evident that Billy Graham will become known as one of the outstanding evangelists of the age. He lives in a time that is conducive to greatness in evangelism. Modern methods of getting before the public, by means of public address systems, radio, television, recordings of various types, films and the printed page are all being used by Dr. Graham in the great program which the Lord has set before him—the program of proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ to a world lost in darkness and in sin. There would seem to be a number of reasons, from a human point of view, as to why Dr. Graham is God’s man for this hour in a most un­ usual manner. First of all is the fact that he is proclaiming the eternal truths of God’s Word. This is done with a sincerity that is both winsome j and challenging. Then, his ministry is marked by a deep sense of humil- j ity without any trace of pride of humility being evidenced to any degree. I In addition to these qualifications, there must be added the fact that he has been endowed with physical attributes and a personality that appeals to his hearers. But, after all is said and done, no one or all of these put |together accounts for the outstanding ministry which is his. In the final analysis, it must be recognized that God has raised him up and empowered him, and the Holy Spirit, in His sovereign will, has chosen to bless the efforts of Dr. Graham in a mighty way. Many people are thankful to be living in the day when Dr. Graham’s influence is being felt in so many ways and in so many parts of the English-speaking world. He deserves the prayers of the countless thou­ sands of Christians who name the name of Jesus Christ. We all have the glorious privilege of thus having a part in the great harvest of souls which accompanies his work. Our fervent prayer should be that the Lord will continue to keep Dr. Billy Graham in the center of His directive will and that he will be able to continue his world-wide ministry, if the Lord tarries, for many, piany years to come. Dr. Clyde Narramore, one of the nation’s leading Christian psycholo­ gists, next month graphically tells how to establish family devotions. Dr. Narramore’s approach is as freshly different as it is evangelically sound. We believe this article is of top importance to every pastor, church worker and parent. W h a t Christian Science Thinks of Jesus Christ Dr. Louis T. Talbot continues his new series on cults and false re­ ligions. This is a series of well-documented articles that all Christians will want to keep for reference. These articles on cults will continue for five months. NEXT MONTH How to Have Fam ily Devotions

Hundreds of excited, happy children will take part this month in their first Sunday school Christ­ mas program. These children, living in rural communities in many parts of America, attend the 148 new Sun­ day schools established this year by American Sunday-School Union mis­ sionaries.

w m m m « Ì B 8anib of * other ( hlidi i n in in r .ilj America who will not par* '\ ticip.ite in

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W im m these neglected children.

crful support.

Write for a copy '


Our field workers are available for speaking engagements. Address: Dept.K Department of Missions

American Sunday-School Union 1816 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. "THE PIONEER SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZATION OF THE U.S.A."



Minister Meets Chief ■■his candid shot taken recently deep in the jungles of New Guinea I shows a native Chief meeting what is probably his first American, "he Chief: head of the colorful and primitive Chimbu tribe. The min­ ster: Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Talbot read about the little-known Chimbus in the National Geo­ graphic magazine; immediately decided this was a people he wanted o learn more about. After much discouragement from the Australian government (officials were fearful for his safety) Talbot and an Aus- ralian commercial motion picture phototographer were allowed to fly ind then trek into Chimbu country. They arrived in time for the lative sing-sing featuring the bird of paradise dances that are as :olorful as the bird they are named after. Talbot sat in on a native feast, preached a sermon and went away oaded with gifts from the Chimbus. He also went away with one of he most unusual and colorful missions films yet produced. This 38- ninute, sound-color motion picture has been edited by the Film Dept. >f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and is now ready for showings on > free-will offering basis. Title is, “ The Land Time Forgot.” For nformation and available dates write Film Dept., Bible Institute of Los ingeles, Room 728, Los Angeles 17, Calif. — Adv.

Learn MoreoV»«' Bible Truth by listening to


Sirs: Your article ( “Modernism and the Los Angeles Presbytery,” Sept. K.B.) has left the impression that I resigned from the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles. I have not resigned from B i o l a , but continue on as head of the Eng­ lish Bible Department. This means, of course, that I will finally be barred from the Presbytery. Los Angeles, Calif. Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Pastor Church of the Open Door Although the statement was not made, nor was it implied, that Dr. McGee had left the Bible Institute, yet a number of people took that to be the result of the mandate issued by the Los Angeles Presbytery. We are happy to correct this false im­ pression. — ED. Sirs: Are you sure you know the Pres­ byterian Church, USA? There is some­ thing ambiguous about your state­ ment, “ The majority of the rank and file of Presbyterian church members is no doubt sound in the faith.” Do you mean they are sound by just parroting creeds? There is little dif­ ference in your viewpoint from that of the Catholic church which allows no variance of opinion. If you were not . . . blinded . . . by this new cult of “ Independent Biblicism” and “ inerrancy of the Scriptures,” (a term even John Calvin himself repudiated) you would appreciate the quality of Christian character and devotion of these Presbyterian ministers. Glendora, Calif. Henry W. Esbensen, Pastor Glendora Church of the Brethren Sirs: You are “ contending for the faith once delivered” in exposing the Pres­ byterian Church, USA, in its apostate condition. We need to be kept in­ formed for better spiritual discern­ ment in these perilous times. Paterson, N.J. Mrs. D. Lyons Sirs: My wife and I are serving here in* Japan under The Evangelical Alliance Mission working with both Japanese and American servicemen. Inciden­ tally, your magazine is a real bless­ ing to the fellows who read it in our lounge here. Yokosuka, Japan James Beasley, Director Christian Servicemen's Center FROM JAPAN

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PRAYER CALL for the LAND OF ISRAEL There is real crisis in the land of Israel today. Oppo­ sition to missionary work is increasing. Hebrew-Chris- tians are being persecuted. If a Jew openly confesses Christ as his Saviour, he is in danger of losing his means of livelihood. Many Jews in the land of Israel are secret believers. Multitudes of Jews are hungry for the Word of God, Old & New Testaments.


The Million Testaments Campaign has already distributed 12,500 complete Hebrew Bibles in the schools of Israel; and tens of thousands of our New Testaments in various languages have been given to hungry- hearted Jews in that land. But the surface has only been scratched! There are vast multitudes of Jews in Israel still to be reached. Our Campaign is now seeking to spread God’s Word more widely in the land of Israel than ever before and you can have a real part in it. Will you help to turn the tide in Israel by your prayers and your gifts? A special Prayer Card has been prepared with definite suggestions for prayer for Israel in this hour of crisis. Send for twenty-five or fifty or more of these cards and give them to praying Christians in your church or community. The Mil­ lion Testaments Campaign will also gladly send you the latest News Bulletin telling of conditions in Israel, for you to share with your friends. For a limited time an inspiring Scripture booklet of 32 pages will be sent to each donor to the Million Testaments Campaign. The cover of the booklet is a picture, in full color, of the partially-restored synagogue at Capernaum where our Lord likely taught. The booklet has a most helpful message on the Bible by Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison who was the chief United Nations negotiator with the Communists in the talks that ended the Korean War. The booklet also contains an inspiring Scripture verse for each day of the coming year. Large sums are needed by the

------------------------------- --------CUT ALONG THIS L IN E ______________________________ ___ ____ I DESIRE TO HELP KB ' | IN THIS HOUR OF CRISIS IN ISRAEL George T. B. Davis, I Million Testaments Campaigns, Inc. i 1505 Race St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. I Enclosed find $.............................. for providing God’s Word for i Jews in Israel and other lands, and Gentiles in Europe. Please send me the Scripture booklet as promised; a n d ........... Prayer Cards and News Bulletins to give to Christian people to enlist prayer for Israel in this hour of crisis.

Million Testaments Campaign for providing New Testaments for Jews in Israel, in North and South Amer­ ica, and other lands; and for Gen­ tiles in Europe. Your prayers and your help are urgently needed! May we count on your co-operation? What more appropriate Christ­ mas gift could you offer to the Lord than to provide His Word for His own brethren after the flesh! You will be blessing the Jews by giving them God’s Word, and the Lard will surely bless you according to Genesis 12:3.

N a m e ............................................................................................................................................................!..................................................................................

S t r e e t ......................................................................................................................j ........................................................................................................................

Z o n e

S t a t e

C i t y

ORDER A CHR ISTIAN SONG BOOK FOR EVERYONE — "G EM S OF CHR ISTMAS SONG " 20c per copy — $15.00 per hundred "Joy to the World" — "O Little Town of Bethlehem" — "Silent Night" — "O Come All Ye Faithful" — and 55 more of your favorites in this colorful paper-bound book. Wonderful for all the family, Sunday school, clubs, cnurch groups. Give them as "extra" gifts, or mail them to friends as your Christmas greeting. ORDER ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE!

A monthly column of names in the news

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The widely-read British author C. S. Lewis ( Dymer, Apostle to the Skeptics, Screwtape Letters') after many years has left Oxford University to take a professorship at Cambridge. In Toronto The Peoples Church pastored by missions-minded Dr. Os­ wald J. Smith is celebrating its 100th anniversary. A spokesman explained why the congregation is still meeting in the out-grown 100-year-old audi­ torium: “We are supporting 350 mis­ sionaries and when you are concen­ trating on the regions beyond you can’t afford to build at home.” The Film Council of America se­ lected “ Skid Row Stopgap” as one of the 110 films to be screened at the recent Edinburgh Film Festival. “ Skid Row Stopgap” was produced by West­ minister Films of Pasadena, Calif, for Jimmy Stroud's Memphis Union Mis­ sion. In recent months the secular press in America has gone all-out in pub­ licizing evangelist Billy Graham (the list includes Reader’s Digest, U.S. News & World Report, Coronet, Wom­ en’s Home Companion, American Magazine, Time, McCall’s). For the most part the reports have been thor­ oughly objective but once in a while a sentence cropped up that had all the ear-marks of the old-days of ad­ verse religious reporting in the secu­ lar press. The McCall’s report brought a sharp reply from evangelist Graham. The degree to which Graham was disturbed was evidenced by his writ­ ing personal letters to leading Chris­ tian magazines pointing out the mis­ quotes in the McCall’s story. With his letter to the religious press Gra­ ham enclosed a carbon copy of his reply to Lew Gillenson of McCall’s. Wrote Graham to Gillenson: “ In a few places you put words in my mouth, in Grady Wilson’s, his wife’s, my folks’, Cliff Barrows’, and others’ that we just never said. Some of the things we never even think, much less say them.” One of these quotes was a statement attributed to Graham to the effect that if a minister smokes, drinks and plays gin rummy it isn’t that he’s not devout but it’s just a matter of childhood training and how you come to look at it.

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HYMNS YOU LOVE------------- By Phil Kerr In M i/ H ea rt There Rings A M e lod y Words & Music by Elton M. Roth O ne summer Roth conducted a series of revivals in Texas. Taking a walk, one hot after­ noon, he grew weary, and slipped into the open door of a church he happened to be pass­ ing. It was very quiet, with a lingering sacred presence. As he walked up and down the aisles, contemplating the goodness of the Lord, a new song was born in his heart. Quickly he found his way into the pastor’s study, procured pencil and paper, and wrote the words and music of In M y Heart There Rings A Melody ,—=teaching it to his re­ vival audience that night. Roth was born near Fort Wayne, Ind. He spent several years in the evangelistic field, later becoming a music teacher in Minneapolis. Next, he served six years on the music faculty of the Missionary Training Insti­ tute in Nyack, N.Y., then moved in 1930 to his present home in Los Angeles, where his time is occupied in teaching, writing music and directing choirs. I W ill Sing Of M y R ed eem e r Words by Philip Bliss Music by James McGranahan W hen Bliss was killed in a tragic train accident (Dec. had been writing a new gospel song just before his death— I Will Sing Of M y Redeemer. The words were found in his trunk. It is not known whether or not he had formulated a melody in his mind for the song. James McGranahan, who suc­ ceeded Bliss as Major Whittle’s musical director, composed the musical setting which is now used. It was first sung in Moody’s original tabernacle in Chicago, early in 1877. These hymn stories are reprinted from the book “Music In Evange­ lism” by Phil Kerr. Price is one dollar, available from Gospel Music Publishers, P.O. Box 409-K, Glen­ dale, Calif. COPYRIGHTED

PH IL K ER R ’S MUSIC Helpful and Inspiring • "PH IL KERR'S GOSPEL SONGS" in eluding such favorites as “In Love With The Lover Of My Soul,” “Why Should I Care If The Sun Doesn’t Shine,” “Melody Divine,” etc. 112 pages . . . Price 50c. • "MUSIC IN EVANGELISM"— 216-page textbook, which includes stories of how many famous hymns were written . . . Price $1. • "PHIL KERR'S FAVORITE POEMS"— Price 50c. • "AS THE YEARS GO BY" — Kerr’s well-known wedding solo . . . Price 25c. • Write for information about phono­ graph records of Phil Kerr’s famed “Harmony Chorus.” Order from your Dealer or direct from G O S P E L M U S I C Box 409-K Glendale, Calif.

A UNIQUE GREEK MISSIONARY I n a certain section of Greece there is one figure that is familiar to all. An old man of 76, almost blind, whom they call the “Evangelist on the Donkey.” His real name is Pródromos Fotiades, an un­ tiring distributor of tracts, Bibles and Testaments. One day as he entered a vil­ lage with his saddle-bags full of Gospel literature, he was set upon by a crowd of young and old who demanded the Word of God. As they began to see that there would not be enough Bibles to go around, they fell upon the little donkey and helped themselves. The old man was helpless in the face of their attack—but seeing their spiritual hunger preached unto them Christ and Him crucified. He prom­ ised to be back with more literature, after he had made the need known to us in America and received a response. He is extremely poor, with a wife, a daughter and three grandchildren to sup­ port. Recently an enemy of the Gospel took advantage of his poverty by offering him poisoned fruit to eat. The old man and his wife nearly died. And now he is to be tried still further in the courts of Berea, that ancient city where the people daily searched the Scrip­ tures to know the truth of the Gospel. The Greek Orthodox Church likes to call evangelizing “proselytizing,” and persecute those who spread the Gospel. We must rally to his defense with legal help, that the work of the Lord through him may not be hindered but have free course. Would you not like to have this old war­ rior of the Cross as your personal mis­ sionary in the land of Greece? Even if you went yourself, you could not do what this wise old Greek can do to win his countrymen to Christ. (Full support would be $50 a month. Partial support accepted, or help toward providing Scriptures and legal aid.) You can write to Rev. Spiros Zedhiates, The American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Canada: 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.) — Adv.

29, 1876) it was found that he

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SOULS IN CONFLICT credits C ollaborating with Dick Ross on the "Souls In Conflict” screenplay was Leonard Reeve, who also co-directed the picture for the British producing agency, Anglo-Scottish Pictures, Ltd. Mr. Reeve is not only an outstanding producer-director in British motion picture circles, he is also an outstanding Christian layman and was a member o f Billy Graham’s Greater London Crusade film commit­ tee. He and his attractive Scotch wife and their two boys are members o f Westminster Chapel, the evangelical pulpit once occupied by Dr. G. Campbell Morgan and now pastored by Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones. Mr. Reeves’ continual consultation (together with that o f the Rev. A. W . Goodwin Hudson, see page 23) enabled "Souls In Conflict” to be authentic and acceptable from the British point o f view. Its tech­ nical excellence was assured by a crew headed by Guy Green, 1947 Academy Award Winner for cinematography on "Great Expectations.” Production manager Charles Orme was loaned by "The Archers,” the Powell-Pressburger unit responsible for such artistic triumphs as; "The Red Shoes” and "Tales o f Hoffman.” Accompanying Ross from Great Commission Films were Rodney Nelson, executive production coordinator and Ralph Woolsey, technical advisor. Editing was done in the Hollywood studios o f GCF by Eugene Pendleton with technical assistance from Richard Lederhaus; sound dubbing was under the direction o f Steve Craig and James Galbreath. The music score was composed and conducted by Ralph Carmichael (see pages 44, 45) . The picture was photographed on 35 mm. Eastman negative with both 35 mm. and 16 mm. prints manufactured by Consolidated Labs, Hollywood.


T he visitor to the world’s largest city is immediate­ ly enthralled by the differences in types o f faces and personalities, the widely varied social stratas, the colorful accents which distinguish the London area each represents. It is from such a cosmopolitan city that "Souls In Conflict” emerges, combining the human emotions o f three refreshing personalities: an actress from London’s WestvEnd, a factory worker and a jet pilot from Britain’s famed aircraft industry. Filmed against the backdrop o f the Billy Graham Crusade, the stories are intimate close-up reactions o f the principles and their families as they come into contact with the campaign. During the three months Crusade in London, religion became front page news for the first time in a generation. It was impossible to be neutral on the subject, and in typical British fashion London’s 10 million residents registered their reactions, over 30 thou­ sand o f them by accepting Christ as their personal Saviour during the nightly services at Harringay Arena (left). "Souls In Conflict” was filmed entirely in London, assuring an honesty and authenticity o f treatment which is rare for American productions dealing with English life. Woven into the story thread is the Billy Graham Crusade Team in action, augmented by the unusual per­ formances o f Colleen Townsend Evans and Donn Moo- maw who play their actual London Crusade roles. On the following pages K ing ’ s B usiness presents a full-length pictorial review of this powerful new film.


Tom Stock (Charles Leno), is the colorful Cock­ ney who works in a small machine shop. The newspaper story of the London Crusade sets off a tirade of bitter reaction which even sur­ prises his shop mates. His tirade continues at home, where his wife Ruth and attractive daughter Eileen round out a household which is jangled by dischord and lack of harmony. Ruth continually berates Tom for his weekly “ quid” which he spends on the football pools, England’s sports lottery which the British work­ ing man plays with a vengeance. Thinking he has at last won a “ first dividend” Amounting to thousands of dollars, Tom has a surprise in store for him—both as to his winnings as well as his wife’s ultimate reaction. 1 5

Ann Woodbridge, played by Joan Winmill, is the little rebel who is fed-up with the village of Shenston, her father’s Anglican vicarage, and everything the confining life of a vicar’s daugh­ ter represents. Stagestruck, she finally kicks over the traces and goes to London where it soon becomes apparent that despite success on the London stage, Ann has taken her boredom with her. A newspaper article telling of the Billy Graham Crusade awakens her memory of her Godly heritage, and in a scene with Colleen Evans, during which the American gives her own real-life testimony, Ann suddenly faces her spiritual need.

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The Rev. Alan Woodbridge, played by Fredrick Leister, is the vicar of an historic old Anglican church in the village of Shenston, and the father of Ann. He is a graying, kindly man with strong features revealing determination and strength of char­ acter. During the long years of Ann’s rebellion he never ceases to pray that his daughter will find in Christ the . answer to her heart’s thirst. Geof Bradley, portrayed by Eric Mic- klewood, is a jet test pilot for one of England’s aircraft manufacturing concerns. Having never been ex­ posed to the vitality of practical Christian faith, and intrigued by the concept that God can be related to his daily life and problems, Geof clashes with one of the aircraft designers, a materialist who has time for nothing which he cannot put on his drawing board. To the pilot, the Billy Graham Crusade is fascinating . In the aerodrome lounge, he hears All-American foot­ ball player Don Moomaw give a testimony which motivates Geof’s determination to go to Harringay Arena.

This is Billy Graham’ s message from "S ou ls in Conflict ”

Does God

A famous British statesman said some time ago that our prob­ lems have gotten quite beyond us. A London journalist wrote a book entitled, Does God M a t t e r ? The question I want to ask you this mo­ ment is, “ Does God matter in your life?” Does God matter in our inter­ national affairs which have gotten out of control? Does God matter in our social life? Does God matter in our economic problems? Does God matter in your personal life? The Bible teaches that there was a time when man knew God and fellowshipped with God, and walked with God and loved God—when God walked with him in the cool of the day in the garden of Eden. But the Bible teaches that man lost contact with God. Today the entire human race has lost contact with almighty God. How did we lose contact with almighty God? The Bible tells us that sin came between man and God. Well, you say, “What is sin?” Sin is when we break moral law. It is a moral and spiritual disease. All of us are infected with it. We have broken the Ten Commandments. We have sinned against God, and the Bible says, “ All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” You’re a sinner, I’m a sinner. We’ve broken God’s law. We are sinners by choice. We are sinners by practice. We are sinners by birth. And the Bible teaches that our sins and our iniquities have come between us and our God. But the Bible teaches that we can have contact with God again. The Bible teaches that you can know God. The Bible teaches that God will come into your life and will change your life so that you will be a new person. The Bible teaches that you can have eternal life. Well, you say, I would like that. I would like God in my life. I would like God to forgive my sins, I would like God to make me a new person. I would like God to solve my prob-

Bob Dell, created by Robert Long, is a childhood companion of Ann Woodbridge, during the girl’s stormy days in the village of Shenston. His professed love for Ann is rebuffed on the grounds that Ann has seen nothing of life so far and she desires a release from the confinement which her years in the vicarage have meant. Ruth Stock, Tom’s attractive young wife played by Hilda Fenemore, is aware of the need for a happy home. Constant differences and petty arguments, coupled with Tom’s total absorption in his football results, deplete her strength and enthusiasm. Her daughter Eileen’s visit to Harringay Arena during the Billy Graham Crusade, is a welcome if strange intrusion into the domestic scene. Eileen Stock, refreshingly played by Daphne Abbott, is one of London’s thousands of young secretarial workers. Colleen Evans plays her own role. With her husband, Louis Evans, Jr., currently doing gradu­ ate vyork in the School of Theology at the University of Edin­ burgh, “ Coke” joined the Billy Graham team as a counsellor during the London Crusade.

Colleen Evans

Bob Dell





ted; it may be deadened and hard­ ened by sin. The Bible says that you must re­ pent of sin and you must come by faith and commit and surrender your life to Jesus Christ. It’s an act of commitment. It’s a choice. It’s a sur­ render in which you surrender your­ self to Jesus Christ as Lord and Sav­ iour and right at this moment in the quietness of your heart you can know Christ. You can receive Him as your Saviour. You can leave here a changed person, a new person, a transformed person, with eternal life, knowing that if you died, your soul would go to heaven. A ll of you that will receive Christ here in this building tonight, I’m going to ask you to get up out of your seats and come quietly and rev­ erently^ and stand in front of this platform. If you mean that you’re ready to bend your will to the will of God, that you’re ready to renounce your sins, that you’re ready to receive Christ as your Saviour, I’m going to ask you to come. Whoever you are, rich or poor, whatever your back­ ground may be, whatever your needs are, I’m going to ask you to come and give your life and your heart to Jesus Christ. We want to give you a verse, of Scripture, say a word to you, have a moment of prayer, we want you to go to the counseling room, and there we want to have a moment of prayer before you go. There’s a conflict down inside of you, there’s a little voice that says, you’d better come. That’s the voice of the Spirit of God and no man can come to God unless the spirit of God draw him, and now the Spirit of God is drawing and wooing and pulling tonight. We’re going to wait on you, whoever you are. Even if you start from the top balconies, there’s plenty of time for you to come. You come and give your life to Christ tonight and leave this place a new person. END.

your place. He came to give us eternal life. He came to change our lives. You say, “Well, Mr. Graham, how can I know that? How can I apply God to my life? What do I have to do? The Bible says first of all that you have to acknowledge that you are a sinner. That’s hard to do. You have to humble yourself, you have to forget your pride and you have to acknowledge that you have sinned against God. And then you have to turn from your sins. You have to burn your bridges behind you, your sinful bridges, and you have to be willing to give up a life of sin, your lying, your cheating, your immoral­ ity, your hatred, whatever it may be. You have to turn your back on it, and then by faith you receive Christ. Well, you say, Mr. Graham, I be­ lieve on Christ. I believe in God. Isn’t that enough? No. Because the Bible says the devil believes. You say, well, I’m sincere. I know a great many people that are sincere, but they are sincerely wrong. You say, but I’m going according to my con­ science, isn’t that enough? No, be­ cause your conscience may lead you wrong. Your conscience may be blot­ Your Prayer Requests Each morning at nine the editor­ ial staff of King's Business maga­ zine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heart- cry of thousands. Should you have a request we would count it a privi­ lege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

lems and lift my burdens. How can I find God? I’ve searched for God, I’ve quested for God, I’ve longed for God, but I’ve, never been able to find God. Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible tells us that the only way that you can have God is to come to Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins 1900 years ago and in dying on the cross He took your sins, and your judgment and your punishment. Now God says, “ I’ll meet you at the cross. I won’t meet you anywhere else, but I will meet you at the cross if you will come in repentance of sin and by faith, I will meet you at the cross of my Son, Jesus Christ.” Jesus said, “ I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the Father but by me.” It is impossible for any man to know God, outside of Jesus Christ and if you want to know God, come to the cross. Receive Him as your Sav­ iour. You see, the Bible teaches that you are a body; you have eyes, and you have ears and you have a nose, you have a tongue, you have feet and you have hands. But the Bible teaches also that you have a living soul. Your body is going to go to the grave, but your soul is going to live for ever and ever. Your soul is eternal and Jesus said, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” Many of you have gained part of the world, you’ve never gained all the world, but Jesus said, if you gained all the pleasure, and all the wisdom and all the riches in the whole world, and lost your soul, you would have made a poor bargain. There are many of you here that have gained part of the world, and you’re selling your soul cheaply to the devil. The Bible says that your soul can be saved. It can be cleansed of its sin, it can be forgiven, and it can receive new life by coming to the cross of Jesus Christ because Jesus died in



night Dr. Graham seemed to be talk­ ing to me alone. He preached on suicide. He said you can kill the body but you can’t kill the soul. That made me realize I couldn’t run away from my problems . . . that I had to face them and I couldn’t do it alone. I knew I needed the Lord to help me. I started to pray in my heart that the Lord would come into my heart. Then Dr. Graham gave the invitation to make a decision for Christ. I was frightfully afraid of disturbing my friends so I didn’t walk forward. During these moments of conflict within my own soul Dr. Graham said very quietly, “ For the first time since I’ve been in London I feel there is someone out there who wants to come but just doesn’t have the cour­ age.” Already some 250 to 300 had gone up. Then I stood and walked forward. I knew I wanted Christ more than anything in the world. In the counselling room I stood at the back. I didn’t want to be noticed but I had on a bright red coat and I’m afraid it was rather difficult to be unnoticed. The woman who sought me out and counselled with me was Mrs. Billy Graham. Later she wrote me and we had lunch together. She taught me to pray and encouraged me to read my Bible. “ Souls in Conflict” was ready to be filmed at the same time I found Christ. Of course I knew nothing about the film. I believe all the parts had been filled except the part of Ann Woodbridge. The film was being pro­ duced by Great Commission Films of Hollywood in cooperation with Anglo- Scottish Pictures. Dick Ross of Great Commission called me and I read the part. I was amazed to find the part so nearly paralleled that of my own life story. I was given the part and working on the picture helped me so very much. Colleen Evans was such a dear friend. She gave me a verse that I shall never forget. It is Matthew 6:33: “ But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Since finding Christ I’ve been given many opportunities to speak for Him. The very first time I spoke was in an Anglican church and 30 came for­ ward. The Vicar had never given an invitation before. And the Lord has let me deal with three people who were on the verge of suicide. Perhaps this in some small way is the working out in my own life of Matthew 6:33.

E arly last winter I had reached the place where life for me was as drab as our soot-covered build­ ings and as empty as cold, shapeless masses of our London fog. I’d wake up in the morning and think, “ how can I get through this day?” I got to the pitch where I wanted to kill myself. And yet I was exactly where I had always dreamed of being. Since I was a little girl I had wanted to be an actress. Now I was an actresss. And I was infinitely unhappy. My mother—she was from Scot­ land—died when I was quite young. At school I recall one dear head­ mistress who taught us the Scriptures but my all-consuming interest was acting. When I finished school I be­ came a secretary. I’m afraid I wasn’t a very good one. I was always dream­ ing about the stage. In four years I had ten jobs. During this time I gradually stopped going to church. Then my big opportunity came— I was given a role in the stage play, “ But For the Grace of God.” It was a small part but it was a part. Later I got a bigger part in “ The Chiltern Hundreds.” I was with this play for two years. I was no longer an unknown. I made friends and there were parties and there was

laughter but I’d go home after the parties and I’d be so lonely. In my loneliness I’d pray but I didn’t look upon the Lord as someone who would be interested in my problems. I thought of Him as being the Creator of the universe . . . but never as a Father concerned with His child. After the end of the play I made some films and did some TV shows. Billy Graham was in London now but I never thought of attending the meetings at H a r rin g a y . I often thought of going to church but each week when Sunday came I would find an excuse and wouldn’t go. One night some friends whom I hadn’t seen for six years rang me up and asked if I’d like to go hear Billy Graham. I couldn’t imagine it being a very jolly evening but I agreed to go. We sat far in the back. Somehow I was conscious of the Spir­ it of God the moment I walked into the arena. Dale Evans was there that night and gave her testimony. It meant so much to me to hear another actress tell how Christ had trans­ formed her life. Then Dr. Graham started to preach. It was in such a simple way and I realized for the first time that Christ could be a personal Saviour. That



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