King's Business - 1954-12

ORDER A CHR ISTIAN SONG BOOK FOR EVERYONE — "G EM S OF CHR ISTMAS SONG " 20c per copy — $15.00 per hundred "Joy to the World" — "O Little Town of Bethlehem" — "Silent Night" — "O Come All Ye Faithful" — and 55 more of your favorites in this colorful paper-bound book. Wonderful for all the family, Sunday school, clubs, cnurch groups. Give them as "extra" gifts, or mail them to friends as your Christmas greeting. ORDER ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE!

A monthly column of names in the news

"TH ROUGH THE RIRUE, DAY R Y D A Y ” with Expositions by F. B. MEYER Vol. 1— Gen. to Joshua Vol. II — Jud. to 2 Chron. Vol. I l l — Job to Eccl. Vol. IV — Ezra to Mai. Vol. V — The Gospels Vol. VI — Acts to Eph. Vol. VII — Philip, to Rev.

The widely-read British author C. S. Lewis ( Dymer, Apostle to the Skeptics, Screwtape Letters') after many years has left Oxford University to take a professorship at Cambridge. In Toronto The Peoples Church pastored by missions-minded Dr. Os­ wald J. Smith is celebrating its 100th anniversary. A spokesman explained why the congregation is still meeting in the out-grown 100-year-old audi­ torium: “We are supporting 350 mis­ sionaries and when you are concen­ trating on the regions beyond you can’t afford to build at home.” The Film Council of America se­ lected “ Skid Row Stopgap” as one of the 110 films to be screened at the recent Edinburgh Film Festival. “ Skid Row Stopgap” was produced by West­ minister Films of Pasadena, Calif, for Jimmy Stroud's Memphis Union Mis­ sion. In recent months the secular press in America has gone all-out in pub­ licizing evangelist Billy Graham (the list includes Reader’s Digest, U.S. News & World Report, Coronet, Wom­ en’s Home Companion, American Magazine, Time, McCall’s). For the most part the reports have been thor­ oughly objective but once in a while a sentence cropped up that had all the ear-marks of the old-days of ad­ verse religious reporting in the secu­ lar press. The McCall’s report brought a sharp reply from evangelist Graham. The degree to which Graham was disturbed was evidenced by his writ­ ing personal letters to leading Chris­ tian magazines pointing out the mis­ quotes in the McCall’s story. With his letter to the religious press Gra­ ham enclosed a carbon copy of his reply to Lew Gillenson of McCall’s. Wrote Graham to Gillenson: “ In a few places you put words in my mouth, in Grady Wilson’s, his wife’s, my folks’, Cliff Barrows’, and others’ that we just never said. Some of the things we never even think, much less say them.” One of these quotes was a statement attributed to Graham to the effect that if a minister smokes, drinks and plays gin rummy it isn’t that he’s not devout but it’s just a matter of childhood training and how you come to look at it.

Seven beautifully bound volumes in box $6.00— each volume separately — 90 cents. An inspir­ ing devotional com ­ mentary on the whole Bible. Daily readings, an introduction and outline for each Book of the Bible, review questions to encourage study. Illustrated.

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