King's Business - 1954-12



ted; it may be deadened and hard­ ened by sin. The Bible says that you must re­ pent of sin and you must come by faith and commit and surrender your life to Jesus Christ. It’s an act of commitment. It’s a choice. It’s a sur­ render in which you surrender your­ self to Jesus Christ as Lord and Sav­ iour and right at this moment in the quietness of your heart you can know Christ. You can receive Him as your Saviour. You can leave here a changed person, a new person, a transformed person, with eternal life, knowing that if you died, your soul would go to heaven. A ll of you that will receive Christ here in this building tonight, I’m going to ask you to get up out of your seats and come quietly and rev­ erently^ and stand in front of this platform. If you mean that you’re ready to bend your will to the will of God, that you’re ready to renounce your sins, that you’re ready to receive Christ as your Saviour, I’m going to ask you to come. Whoever you are, rich or poor, whatever your back­ ground may be, whatever your needs are, I’m going to ask you to come and give your life and your heart to Jesus Christ. We want to give you a verse, of Scripture, say a word to you, have a moment of prayer, we want you to go to the counseling room, and there we want to have a moment of prayer before you go. There’s a conflict down inside of you, there’s a little voice that says, you’d better come. That’s the voice of the Spirit of God and no man can come to God unless the spirit of God draw him, and now the Spirit of God is drawing and wooing and pulling tonight. We’re going to wait on you, whoever you are. Even if you start from the top balconies, there’s plenty of time for you to come. You come and give your life to Christ tonight and leave this place a new person. END.

your place. He came to give us eternal life. He came to change our lives. You say, “Well, Mr. Graham, how can I know that? How can I apply God to my life? What do I have to do? The Bible says first of all that you have to acknowledge that you are a sinner. That’s hard to do. You have to humble yourself, you have to forget your pride and you have to acknowledge that you have sinned against God. And then you have to turn from your sins. You have to burn your bridges behind you, your sinful bridges, and you have to be willing to give up a life of sin, your lying, your cheating, your immoral­ ity, your hatred, whatever it may be. You have to turn your back on it, and then by faith you receive Christ. Well, you say, Mr. Graham, I be­ lieve on Christ. I believe in God. Isn’t that enough? No. Because the Bible says the devil believes. You say, well, I’m sincere. I know a great many people that are sincere, but they are sincerely wrong. You say, but I’m going according to my con­ science, isn’t that enough? No, be­ cause your conscience may lead you wrong. Your conscience may be blot­ Your Prayer Requests Each morning at nine the editor­ ial staff of King's Business maga­ zine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heart- cry of thousands. Should you have a request we would count it a privi­ lege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

lems and lift my burdens. How can I find God? I’ve searched for God, I’ve quested for God, I’ve longed for God, but I’ve, never been able to find God. Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible tells us that the only way that you can have God is to come to Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins 1900 years ago and in dying on the cross He took your sins, and your judgment and your punishment. Now God says, “ I’ll meet you at the cross. I won’t meet you anywhere else, but I will meet you at the cross if you will come in repentance of sin and by faith, I will meet you at the cross of my Son, Jesus Christ.” Jesus said, “ I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the Father but by me.” It is impossible for any man to know God, outside of Jesus Christ and if you want to know God, come to the cross. Receive Him as your Sav­ iour. You see, the Bible teaches that you are a body; you have eyes, and you have ears and you have a nose, you have a tongue, you have feet and you have hands. But the Bible teaches also that you have a living soul. Your body is going to go to the grave, but your soul is going to live for ever and ever. Your soul is eternal and Jesus said, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” Many of you have gained part of the world, you’ve never gained all the world, but Jesus said, if you gained all the pleasure, and all the wisdom and all the riches in the whole world, and lost your soul, you would have made a poor bargain. There are many of you here that have gained part of the world, and you’re selling your soul cheaply to the devil. The Bible says that your soul can be saved. It can be cleansed of its sin, it can be forgiven, and it can receive new life by coming to the cross of Jesus Christ because Jesus died in



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