King's Business - 1954-12

Lot liou J c TvtOTteii EARN Wh/Jls AfouudjwU LEARN fljfc WESTMONT COLLEGE Your money invested in a Westmont Annuity can do DOUBLE DUTY. 1. That money will bring you a con­ tinuous return every year of your life in generous dividends. 2 . At work for Westmont your annu­ ity money will build toward help­ ing students gain a Christian edu­ cation.

Remember: A Westmont annuity will bring greater dividends than the aver­ age stocks and securities, with tax exemptions. Income remains constant regardless of economic changes. Write for Free Folder, “you receive” Dept. KB-12

The Rev. Walter Smyth of Washington, D.C. Film organization. Pictured with Rev. Smyt Motion Pictu There9» a thrilling and little motion p ictures are being uset B y W a lt

if* WESTMONT COLLEGE R o g e r J Voskuyl, Pb.D., Pres. 955 LA PAZ ROAD • SANTA BARBARA, CALIF.

BIBLEINSTIUTE b ib lica l an d M ission ary

I n every age, God has used various types of devices and inventions in the hands of devout men, to win the world to Christ. At the same time, Satan . . . that formidably wise crea­ ture . . . has taken the same medium as a source of spreading evil and sin. Take the printing press, for in­ stance. It produced the Gutenberg Bible, made God’s Holy Word avail­ able to millions who were not schol­ ars, and has been of inestimable value in spreading the Gospel of Christ to the whole world. It also produced in mass quantities Mein Kampf in the same language. It now produces sex-ridden novels, vitriolic writings of near-insane athe­ ists and tons of newsprint detailing the current sinfulness of man. The interesting thing, though, is ‘ that no one has ever condemned a printing press as a tool of the devil!

Come to Grace... where knowledge of saving grace abounds Your training here will fit you for a life o f good testimony it rull time Christian work or otherwise. Here you will find wide fellowship and collegiate degree courses o f your choice. Also 3-year diploma courses. , , , T “ 't'on Student body represents 20 denomination! ot 26 states and 5 foreign countries. Catalog free. W rite today GRACE BIBLE INSTITUTE, 1515 So. 10»h St., Omaha 8 ,Nebraska


Christian Businessmen's Committee "W A N T E D : A M AN ” — "And I sought f or .a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." Ezek. 22:30. CBMC invites Christian businessmen and professional men to take an

active part in leading other businessmen to Christ. For complete information, write: CBMC, 512 Story Bldg., 610 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif.

L. A. Phone: CH 5-2464

Glendale: Cl 1-0861

C A L I F O R N I A . . . Specializing, for a quarter of a century, in Christian printing: books, tracts, and publications such as the King's Business.

M E X I C O . . . Books and periodicals in Spanish and many other foreign tongues. INTER-AMERICAN GOSPEL PRESS ALLAN FARSON Domingo Oiez 77 - Cuernavaca

3906 San Fernando Road, Glendale 4, California



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